Songguo Finance News, Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shanghai Xicongtianxiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes. The company’s business scope has added personal Internet live broadcast services, Internet sales, food sales, clothing and a

entertainment 4758℃

Songguo Finance News, Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shanghai Xicongtianxiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes. The company’s business scope has added personal Internet live broadcast services, Internet sales, food sales, clothing and apparel wholesale, shoe and hat wholesale, and knitted textile sales. etc. At the same time, the legal representative of the company was changed from Zhang Diandian to Luo Jinlong.

Shanghai Xicongtianxiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. was established in October 2021 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan. Currently, Xie Na and Luo Zhengying hold 99% and 1% of the shares respectively.

Songguo Finance News, Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shanghai Xicongtianxiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes. The company’s business scope has added personal Internet live broadcast services, Internet sales, food sales, clothing and apparel wholesale, shoe and hat wholesale, and knitted textile sales. etc. At the same time, the legal representative of the company was changed from Zhang Diandian to Luo Jinlong.

Shanghai Xicongtianxiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. was established in October 2021 with a registered capital of 1 million yuan. Currently, Xie Na and Luo Zhengying hold 99% and 1% of the shares respectively.

Songguo Finance News, Tianyancha App shows that recently, Shanghai Xicongtianxiang Culture Media Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes. The company’s business scope has added personal Internet live broadcast services, Internet sales, food sales, clothing and a - Lujuba
Tags: entertainment