Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was detained and banned from attending the Beijing Capital City scandal. The latest poll shows that the party's support is only 9%. Huang Yangming, a senior media person, believes that for Ke, if the first-instance verdict only leaves the

entertainment 5672℃

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party, was detained and banned for being involved in the Jinghua City scandal. The latest poll shows that the party’s support is only 9%. Huang Yangming, a senior media person, believes that for Ke, if the first-instance verdict only leaves the crime of profiteering, the People’s Party can still take a breath. On the contrary, if there is evidence of death with a knife, Ke and the People’s Party will be in greater crisis.

Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was detained and banned from attending the Beijing Capital City scandal. The latest poll shows that the party's support is only 9%. Huang Yangming, a senior media person, believes that for Ke, if the first-instance verdict only leaves the  - Lujuba

Huang Yangming pointed out on the 22nd that if the chairman of a political party is detained, the support level is still 9%, which shows that the party is very strong. Therefore, for the People's Party, if the support level falls below 5%, it is called a bubble. Whether Ke Wenzhe will be prosecuted and sentenced in the Jinghua City case, whether there is any cash flow, and whether he accepted bribes, etc., are the key to the case. For Ke Wenzhe, Huang said that if the first instance verdict only leaves the crime of profiteering, the People’s Party will By then, we can still take a breath. If there is evidence of a fatal blow, Ko and the People's Party will be in greater crisis.

In addition, in response to the recent controversy over Chen Zhihan, director of the People's Party's public opinion organization, Huang Yangming believes that Chen Zhihan does not need to be on the front line as an attacker. This will only make himself a target and put the People's Party into trouble; Huang Yangming emphasized, The People's Party's current attitude is to tie the party to Ke Wenzhe. If something big happens to Ke Wenzhe in the future, the People's Party will be unable to separate.

It is reported that Chen Zhihan shared on Facebook on the 21st a photo of Ke Wenzhe visiting the hospital during the epidemic, and she said with emotion, "During the epidemic, you worked so hard to protect this place, but now the world only treats you with slander. ".

Ke Wenzhe, chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party, was detained and banned for being involved in the Jinghua City scandal. The latest poll shows that the party’s support is only 9%. Huang Yangming, a senior media person, believes that for Ke, if the first-instance verdict only leaves the crime of profiteering, the People’s Party can still take a breath. On the contrary, if there is evidence of death with a knife, Ke and the People’s Party will be in greater crisis.

Taiwan People's Party Chairman Ke Wenzhe was detained and banned from attending the Beijing Capital City scandal. The latest poll shows that the party's support is only 9%. Huang Yangming, a senior media person, believes that for Ke, if the first-instance verdict only leaves the  - Lujuba

Huang Yangming pointed out on the 22nd that if the chairman of a political party is detained, the support level is still 9%, which shows that the party is very strong. Therefore, for the People's Party, if the support level falls below 5%, it is called a bubble. Whether Ke Wenzhe will be prosecuted and sentenced in the Jinghua City case, whether there is any cash flow, and whether he accepted bribes, etc., are the key to the case. For Ke Wenzhe, Huang said that if the first instance verdict only leaves the crime of profiteering, the People’s Party will By then, we can still take a breath. If there is evidence of a fatal blow, Ko and the People's Party will be in greater crisis.

In addition, in response to the recent controversy over Chen Zhihan, director of the People's Party's public opinion organization, Huang Yangming believes that Chen Zhihan does not need to be on the front line as an attacker. This will only make himself a target and put the People's Party into trouble; Huang Yangming emphasized, The People's Party's current attitude is to tie the party to Ke Wenzhe. If something big happens to Ke Wenzhe in the future, the People's Party will be unable to separate.

It is reported that Chen Zhihan shared on Facebook on the 21st a photo of Ke Wenzhe visiting the hospital during the epidemic, and she said with emotion, "During the epidemic, you worked so hard to protect this place, but now the world only treats you with slander. ".She also invited everyone in the message box. If you still remember what Ke did during the epidemic, can you post it in the message? "I remember that we had meetings with him from early in the morning every day, looking for wards everywhere, and thinking about epidemic prevention measures. But now we only think about profiting from Jinghua City and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Department all day long..." -news-tabel-th-night-color: #444444;--news-font-day-color: #333;--news-font-night-color: #d9d9d9;--news-bottom-distance: 22px} .rich_media_content p:not([data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]){letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:30px;margin-bottom:var(--news-bottom-distance);word -wrap:break-word}.rich_media_content{color:var(--news-font-day-color);font-size:18px}@media(prefers-color-scheme:dark){body:not([data- weui-theme=light]) .rich_media_content p:not([data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]){letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:30px;margin-bottom:var(--news -bottom-distance);word-wrap:break-word}body:not([data-weui-theme=light]) .rich_media_content{color:var(--news-font-night-color)}}.data_color_scheme_dark . rich_media_content p:not([data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image-box]){letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:30px;margin-bottom:var(--news-bottom-distance);word- wrap:break-word}.data_color_scheme_dark .rich_media_content{color:var(--news-font-night-color)}.data_color_scheme_dark .rich_media_content{font-size:18px}.rich_media_content p[data-exeditor-arbitrary-box=image -box]{margin-bottom:11px}.rich_media_content>div:not(.qnt-video),.rich_media_content>section{margin-bottom:var(--news-bottom-distance)}.rich_media_content hr{margin-bottom :var(--news-bottom-distance)}.rich_media_content .link_list{margin:0;margin-top:20px;min-height:0!important}.rich_media_content blockquote{background:#f9f9f9;border-left:6px solid #ccc;margin:1.5em 10px;padding:.5em 10px}.rich_media_content blockquote p{margin-bottom:0!important}.data_color_scheme_dark .rich_media_content blockquote{background:#323232}@media(prefers-color-scheme:dark) {body:not([data-weui-theme=light]) .rich_media_content blockquote{background:#323232}}.rich_media_content ol[data-ex-list]{--ol-start: 1;--ol-list- style-type: decimal;list-style-type:none;counter-reset:olcounter calc(var(--ol-start,1) - 1);position:relative}.rich_media_content ol[data-ex-list]> li>:first-child::before{content:counter(olcounter,var(--ol-list-style-type)) '. 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Tags: entertainment