Da Zhangwei's "Great Time" Concert in Shanghai Ends with Tens of Thousands of People Dancing and Carnival, "Internal Entertainment Is Unparalleled"

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On August 26, Da Zhangwei's "Great Time" concert kicked off in Shanghai! Wearing colorful exaggerated looks, rubbing his iconic sea urchin head, and speaking in an authentic Beijing accent with a unique speed... When Da Zhangwei, the "punk white moonlight" in the hearts of a generation, stood on the stage, he instantly lit up everyone's youth. Memory, even though generations of fans can hardly resist the traces of time, Da Zhangwei is still that "18-year-old boy"! The music is playing, full of memories. This representative singer of the 1980s has never "abandoned" the fans of that era!

Da Zhangwei's 'Great Time' Concert in Shanghai Ends with Tens of Thousands of People Dancing and Carnival, 'Internal Entertainment Is Unparalleled' - Lujuba

It is reported that the pre-sale for this long-awaited carnival of thousands of people was sold out in 5 seconds, which proved the irreplaceable "Punk Prince" in people's hearts, and also aroused the long-awaited restless nerves of fans. When "Hee Swish Swish" ", "Better Cool", "Flying Butterflies" and other melodies sounded, the scene of tens of thousands of people dancing in the "Great Time" was particularly shocking. Many netizens said excitedly: The organizer did not need to set up seats at all. Who can listen to Zhang Wei? I can still sit still! At the same time, thousands of people were present to celebrate Zhang Wei’s birthday, which was lively and touching! Amid the hustle and bustle, the concert also unexpectedly released Da Zhangwei’s VCR since his debut. From being lost and wandering when no one appreciated him to adhering to his beliefs and full of memories, Da Zhangwei also boldly mentioned the gap between being popular and not being popular in the video. , no matter how the times change, he will always be the rebellious and perverse young punk who dares to express himself. His dreams will never die, and his innocence will never die!

Da Zhangwei's 'Great Time' Concert in Shanghai Ends with Tens of Thousands of People Dancing and Carnival, 'Internal Entertainment Is Unparalleled' - Lujuba

"The Great Time" plays the top big dopamine, everyone dances and bursts to release the big happiness

Exaggerated, bright, relaxing, healing, dry... When Da Zhangwei stood on the stage, all the above signals were eliminated. The seams fuse and explode to release "big dopamine", which makes people say: Da Zhangwei's concert has never been equaled! The entire "Great Time" concert adheres to the principle of not wasting a minute or a second of fans' time, delivering surprises and joy everywhere. It opens with a mysterious play on "substitute literature", and the most deadly official complaint is: There is a big Zhang Wei in the world, and a small talker in Nancheng. The music immediately puts people into a happy atmosphere, and I feel sorry for the great teacher's good intentions if I don't get bored! Happy parties, love song parties, and rock parties, where joy and memories overlap, Teacher Da sells all his passion without reservation. The stage design of the performance is full of fantasy, including a large amusement park scene, a bathtub, a beautiful girl smashing a tank, a slide, a trampoline, etc. This stage boldly incorporates technological elements, and fans are immersed in the world of music. They are instantly drawn closer to the fairy tale dream woven by the great teacher, and enjoy an ultimate audio-visual feast. The fans cooperated fully, as if they were collectively "flying into the madhouse", leaving all their worries behind, having fun and having fun, following the great teacher to the top of the music, and their infectious energy was sprayed across the screen!

Da Zhangwei's 'Great Time' Concert in Shanghai Ends with Tens of Thousands of People Dancing and Carnival, 'Internal Entertainment Is Unparalleled' - Lujuba

The playlist has exposed 25 tracks, and there are also many surprise easter egg tracks that can be unlocked on the spot. All concert versions have new arrangements. This time Da Zhangwei also showed a more mature and personalized music style, which refreshed fans. In addition, all the fans present also collectively celebrated Da Zhangwei's birthday and took exclusive photos. Many fans even posted pictures of them chasing the star teacher with their post-00s and post-10s fans. Da Zhangwei's Explosive Happy Poison has successfully won Next "N generation"! Many fans even joked: If making people happy was a meritorious deed, then the great teacher would already have immeasurable merit!

The whole "big-style" stand-up "comedy" kept the music fans entertained while singing and laughing from ear to ear

At the concert, Teacher Da had an interesting interaction with himself as a "guest" The great teacher recorded his VCR in advance and smashed his own scene, saying: I can't hear the cheers on the scene at all! Later, the "best bad friends" Gong Jun and Wang Sulong also made a surprise attack from the air. Gong Jun said that he would definitely go to Wang Sulong's concert if he had the opportunity. He was so anxious that he jumped on the stage. Then the picture of Wang Sulong appeared and shouted to netizens. , if you want to listen to Teacher Da’s songs, come to my concert!

Even the VCR at the show was full of jokes, and interesting scenes were frequently staged. The opening VCR thought that it had mistakenly entered the "News Network" special performance; the encore creativity at the encore was unmatched. No sensational farewells, just a warm atmosphere , "formatted" the sensational video, and returned again amidst everyone's enthusiastic cheers.There are also stand-up "comedies" such as helping fans clean stools, giving fans "big red envelopes", asking for "fake" on the spot, etc., making fans sing and laugh from ear to ear. There is no place other than Mr. Da's concert where you can see such stand-up comedy. What a life! I heard that there will be another surprise in the Beijing venue, which has once again raised everyone’s expectations!

Da Zhangwei's music journey VCR has made countless people cry. Thousands of people have cried and danced to disco to unlock new experiences.

In addition to the explosive release of happiness, Da Zhangwei also accidentally contributed a tear gas bomb at the "Great Time" concert. This VCR "To the 18-year-old you and me now, we who have not been changed by the world" recalled the gains and ups and downs from the beginning of his debut to the present. After more than 20 years of debut, he still retains the "edges" he deserves. ", Frankly speaking: When your song is not popular enough, they will have 10,000 reasons not to let you act. As long as your song is popular enough, they will kneel down to find you to act. At the peak of his popularity, cheered by thousands of people, he still dared to monologue his truest heart: I have appeared on many programs and recorded many songs, but I still feel that I am useless and I don’t know who I am... After going through many ups and downs, this representative singer of the 80s generation still has eyes shining, teaching everyone to dream and be strong - there are too many people and things in this world that will disappoint you, but we must never let ourselves down. Adhering to this freedom and sincerity, he is not only alive in his own era, but also able to seamlessly connect with the new era, making countless fans cry frequently, thereby unlocking the novel experience of crying while dancing to the disco.

Da Zhangwei's 'Great Time' Concert in Shanghai Ends with Tens of Thousands of People Dancing and Carnival, 'Internal Entertainment Is Unparalleled' - Lujuba

In addition, many fans have uncovered extra Easter eggs from the "Good Times" concert, which are full of details and thoughtfulness - pepper-shaped light sticks, which are homophones for "scream"; the track arrangement is divided into happy party, love song party and rock party. , the three songs of the love song party were sung in turn to friendship, family, and love; the live versions of "Stillness", "Destruction" and other early punk songs of the Huaer Band were carefully prepared by Da Zhangwei for old fans. Many people are interested in this Lying down and crying, he said: Punk is a teenager until death! Da Zhangwei, who is about to turn 40, is still so rock and pure!

Da Zhangwei's 'Great Time' Concert in Shanghai Ends with Tens of Thousands of People Dancing and Carnival, 'Internal Entertainment Is Unparalleled' - Lujuba

There is no substitute for the internal entertainment of Da Zhangwei’s concert! Looking forward to the official announcement of Da Zhangwei’s Beijing station and continued release” Big dopamine!

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