Comprehensive art of all things, creating fine works - the online variety show theme seminar provides new solutions to variety show creation

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combines the arts of all things to create exquisite works. For a long time, online variety shows have become a typical representative of the online audio-visual cultural ecology due to their multiple characteristics such as creative novelty, personal expression, diverse content, interactive look and feel, and flexible models. In the context of high-quality development of the online audio-visual art industry, it is crucial to create online variety shows that combine people's consciousness, youth expression and quality connotations.

On the afternoon of September 26, 2023, the first Beijing Internet Audiovisual Art Conference supporting event, the online variety show themed seminar, was successfully held. The national first-line online variety show creators gathered together to discuss new possibilities for promoting the high-quality development of online variety shows.

Comprehensive art of all things, creating fine works - the online variety show theme seminar provides new solutions to variety show creation - Lujuba

Maintain a "blunt" sense

Use sincerity and true feelings to leverage content

Blunt sense is a true expression, sincere emotion and sincere attitude. Today's high-quality online variety shows are no longer limited by the "success model" dilemma, but instead With a down-to-earth and truth-seeking attitude, he conveys his basic understanding of life and society. While touching people's hearts, he has gained widespread influence. Yang Peili, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, said in her speech that only human fireworks can soothe the soul, and only innovation can keep pace with the times. As an important form of online audio-visual literature and art, online variety shows adhere to the creative attitude of seeking innovation and change, and gradually It has realized the iterative update from "entertainment side dishes" to "cultural feast", gradually transformed from a "follower" to a "leader" of cultural expression, and written a new chapter of the online audio-visual industry in the new era.

Comprehensive art of all things, creating fine works - the online variety show theme seminar provides new solutions to variety show creation - Lujuba

"As long as the program is made with sincerity and true feelings, the audience will definitely be able to see it."

Zhang Bizhen, president of Lantianxia Media Group and chief producer of iQiyi's "Farming", shared a topic titled "Learning to Use "Stupid" Kung Fu to Make Programs". In her opinion, no method is the greatest method, no technique is the greatest technique, and using emotions to create content is the fundamental essence of content creation. The variety show "Farming" has gone through spring, summer, autumn and winter, allowing the entire program team and ten teenagers to devote themselves to the soil, bringing the joy of harvesting food and witnessing the solid growth of the teenagers.

Zhou Chunan, the chief director of Tianji Studio, Tencent’s online video program content production department and the chief screenwriter of the three seasons of "Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom", regards variety show creation as a social experiment. At the beginning of her sharing, she raised a question: What kind of social story? Can it truly impact the lives of contemporary youth? In Zhou Chunan’s view, observing the true collision of reality is the only way for users to resonate strongly. It is necessary to use the sincere “nirvana” to create good content that deeply explores social value.

For online variety show creators, depicting sincerity and bravery is a vivid background, and writing about loving freedom is the need of the times. Only by focusing on the "pain points" and "tear points" of young users can we reach users with warm and healing emotional value. In the spiritual world, we constantly explore the meaning of life and humanistic connotation behind the program, and find new possibilities for emotional communication.

With "warmth" in mind

Use sound and color to activate humanistic values ​​

Temperature and depth coexist, and texture and connection coexist. In recent years, more and more variety shows have begun to pay attention to people's spiritual needs and psychological state.

Online variety shows highlight the word "love". Emotional logic often plays an important role in creation. The audience's intuitive feelings are also an indispensable element of online variety shows.

Zhao Wenhai, producer, chief director and head of Wenhai Studio of Mango TV's "Forensic Season" believes that truly valuable workplace variety shows must have warmth. The audience can see the beauty of life from the warmth of the industry, and can also get answers to real-life dilemmas. Allowing audiences to gain emotional resonance and self-exploration is the meaning of workplace variety shows. These variety shows uphold the concern for the audience's emotions and strengthen the audience's aesthetic experience and self-identity.

At the same time, online variety shows continue to explore the youthful discourse of young people.

Youku "This!" Lu Wei, the chief director of the "It's Street Dance" series, said that the reality show should focus on the power of Chinese youth, refine the spirit of Chinese youth, truly use love as the carrier, write the humanistic implications of truth, goodness and beauty, and use program content that is rooted in life and derived from reality to achieve mass media.Zhou Kui, associate professor at Communication University of China and researcher at the National Communication Innovation Research Center, believes that social emotions will find the shortest outlet with the help of online variety shows, and that entertainment content texts and social value appeals must be effectively combined to truly think about what young people think and touch young people. Feeling. Ren Yang, producer of Hunan Satellite TV, said that high-quality online audio-visual content is full of respect for time and a look back at history. Good content must integrate emotions in the times and write about youthful ambition and youthful power. You must not forget why you set out.

Currently, the viewing and consumption scenarios have undergone unprecedented changes. Song Binghua, head of Douyin Variety Show, started from the perspective of the platform and talked about the business model of the variety show industry being transformed from the past attention wholesale business to the attention retail business. Wang Zhengyu, chief producer of Lantianxia Media, and Jiang Fan, general manager and producer of Hunan Caviar Media, said that online variety shows must strike a balance between catering to the audience and leading the audience. In today's fragmented world, the creation of online variety shows requires more: something to do and something not to do.

Focus on "broadness"

Use innovation and change to develop variety show paradigms

With the development of the Internet, audiences have higher expectations for content innovation and interactive participation in variety shows. Therefore, online variety shows need to keep up with the times and constantly explore new technologies, new concepts and new forms.

Leng Song, secretary-general and researcher of the World Media Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that online variety shows cover the audience's thirst for knowledge, emotional demands, pursuit of happiness and reconciliation with themselves. Every audience is relaxing. Artists who create and think in joy. In his view, happiness does not mean simple pleasure, and variety shows do not mean pure entertainment. Online variety show creators should be "stars" rather than "shooting stars", and jointly create a new prosperous scene of online variety shows in which each has its own beauty and shares the same beauty. After

’s keynote speech, many guests conducted in-depth discussions on the theme of “mining user interests and feeding back content iteration” from multiple dimensions such as content creation, audience feedback, and platform responsibility. Faced with the diverse needs of users, it is worth thinking about how to increase the high-quality supply of online variety shows. Jiang Bin, vice president of iQiyi, said that the creation of online variety shows must respond to the ever-changing media environment with the same original intention and protect good content. Qiu Ying, the person in charge of Youku Variety Central Station, said that we must truly start from the needs of users and adhere to a more open and diversified production and cooperation concept to make good content more vital. Based on good content, online variety shows must not forget their original intentions and maintain the bottom line of creation.

Comprehensive art of all things, creating fine works - the online variety show theme seminar provides new solutions to variety show creation - Lujuba

At the end of the seminar, the host Yang Chenghu, deputy dean and doctoral supervisor of the School of Art and Media of Beijing Normal University, concluded: "High-quality online variety shows are based on the forefront of the times and have embarked on an innovative path with Chinese characteristics. In the struggle for speed, Slow down when you want to, and calm down when you are chasing traffic. These high-quality online variety shows with shining screens always believe in the power of young people, and lead the audience back to life itself with a rare return to nature."

The vigorous growth of online variety shows cannot be separated from form innovation, let alone content innovation and mechanism innovation. In the future, online variety shows have infinite prospects. This online variety show themed seminar will continue to lead new trends in online audiovisuals by encouraging high-quality creations. Deeply cultivate the local area, keep integrity and innovate. Excellent online variety shows carry a deep sense of friendship, open up a new realm of literature and art with high-quality masterpieces that keep up with the times, and inject new vitality and power into the construction of a large audiovisual development pattern.

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