When online audio-visual meets traditional culture, how to fulfill the responsibility of inheritance? Listen to what the big guys have to say

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On September 25, 2023, the first Beijing Online Audiovisual Art Conference, guided by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Writers Association and the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and hosted by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and the Beijing Tongzhou District Committee and District Government, opened grandly. As one of the "highlights" on the agenda of the conference, a seminar on the theme of "Cultural Inheritance" involving leaders, experts and practitioners in the online audio-visual industry was also successfully held in the afternoon of the same day. The

"Cultural Heritage" themed seminar aims to focus on cultural heritage and explore how online audio-visual art can "continue the cultural fuel and bloom the brilliance of literature and art" in the new era. Leaders from the Online Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, and Tongzhou District of Beijing came to deliver speeches. Experts from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the China Television Artists Association, and the Development Research Center of the State Administration of Radio and Television offered suggestions for online audiovisual. Practitioners from CCTV Creative Media, iQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, Bilibili, Douyin and other online audio-visual program production and broadcast platforms brought excellent program cases together to share creative experience and discuss future development .

When online audio-visual meets traditional culture, how to fulfill the responsibility of inheritance? Listen to what the big guys have to say - Lujuba

Traditional culture serves as a beacon

Internet audio-visual art should shoulder the mission of the times

Excellent traditional culture is the crystallization of wisdom and spiritual identity of the Chinese nation's civilization history of more than 5,000 years. It is not only the foundation of contemporary Chinese literature and art, but also a treasure of artistic innovation. Using traditional culture as a creative light can help online audiovisuals open up a broader artistic imagination and achieve continuous improvement in content quality and aesthetic dimensions.

"Zhang Chenxiao, deputy director of the Online Audiovisual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, said in his speech that online audiovisual art workers must focus on and focus on the expectations of the people, the importance of the party and the country, and the importance of governance, and strive to carry out artistic creation , carry out artistic innovation and realize artistic creation. Taking root in the fertile cultural soil, vigorously promoting the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the people are the unshirkable responsibilities and missions of online audio and video. Zhu Yannan, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Development Research Center of the State Administration of Radio and Television, proposed , the work that the network audio-visual front needs to do is to actively explore and discover millions of years of human history, 10,000 years of cultural history, and more than 5,000 years of civilization history."

To take root in the fertile cultural soil, we should learn from the vast cultural resources Find the essence in it. “Film and television are becoming a bridge between ancient and modern times and a bridge to inherit civilization.” Wang Wei, director of the Department of History and first-level researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, also hopes that “more film and television programs will join the ranks of inheriting civilization, so that more and better people can The program reaches thousands of households." How to do it specifically? Hu Zhifeng, vice chairman of the China Television Artists Association, professor at the School of Art and Media at Beijing Normal University, and Yangtze River scholar, concluded, “We must dig out the highest quality content in a large amount of traditional culture, proactively eliminate the dross, and promote the best spiritual values.”

To take root in the fertile cultural soil, efforts should be made to develop and highlight local cultural characteristics. Wang Zhi, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, said in his speech, “Beijing is the national cultural center. With more than 3,000 years of history as a city and more than 800 years as a capital, it has accumulated rich cultural heritage and rich cultural heritage. Historical resources provide a steady stream of living water for artistic creation." Hou Jianmei, member of the Standing Committee of the Tongzhou District Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department of Beijing's Tongzhou District, also said, "Tongzhou has many historical and cultural heritages. We must use the past for the present and deeply explore the Grand Canal as the core. Historical and cultural resources."

Taking root in the fertile cultural soil also requires creators to not be afraid of difficulties and hardships, and to "push open the narrowest door and walk toward the widest road." Zuo Xing, executive deputy general manager of CCTV Creative Media, producer, chief director and chief screenwriter of large-scale programs, introduced the production experience of "China in Classics" and said that the creation of the program was a long and arduous journey of exploration and innovation. In order to find story clues in the vast classics, the team went through almost all the relevant information in 22 classics in three years. “The most important criterion for selecting each book is whether the ideas in these ancient books, the essence of the ancient books, and the wisdom in the ancient books can be reflected in reality, and whether they can play a leading role in contemporary spirit and contemporary values.”

Deeply cultivate high-quality creations

Promote the classic charm of traditional culture with ingenuity

In order to create high-quality benchmarks in the industry, play a demonstration role of excellent works, and help cultural inheritance, online audio-visual platforms and front-line content creators are actively taking actions.

Recently, Youku It has successively planned and launched a number of masterpieces of cultural inheritance such as "Mei Yi's Reading of Chinese History" which is based on the ancient times, "Qiang Qiang Travels the World" which reads thousands of books and travels thousands of miles, and "The Great Color of China". Zhang Lina, Vice President and Editor-in-Chief of Youku, said, "Youku Humanities will trace the past, connect the present, and explore the future with the energy of humanities entrepreneurs, opening up a new world." The support of the

platform has received positive responses from front-line practitioners.

"Mei Yi said Mei Yi, the speaker of "Chinese History", believes that the most important role of creators is to select warm and interesting content from the vast history and culture; the production of "Wanjuanfengyaji" adopts "old methods and new methods" Wang Xiaonan, director of Youku Humanities Content Center, hopes to "let everyone understand the historical life style and current humanistic situation during the process of playing and experiencing"; Wang Xinxuan, the producer of Tencent Video's "Youth Journey", chose to combine folk dance and opera Martial arts, combined with music, dance and stage shows that young people like, win the love and acceptance of young people in innovative ways; Yan Xiaoke, the producer of Douyin's "I Study on the Island" believes that cultural programs should be combined with Not limited to a simple collision and grafting of traditional culture and youth elements; Linghu Lie, producer of Youku's "Qiang Qiang Xing Tian Xia" series, said, "If you do cultural programs without a sense of sincerity and awe, you won't be able to go far. "; Zhang Li, the chief planner of Bilibili's "Only Fragrance Remains", looked at the relationship between content and the market more dialectically, "The most important thing in making cultural programs is patience, and don't look at the market's feedback in a hurry for quick success." "

When online audio-visual meets traditional culture, how to fulfill the responsibility of inheritance? Listen to what the big guys have to say - Lujuba

Relying on the "Beijing Big Audiovisual" brand building, the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau has recently reserved online variety shows including "The Great Chinese Color", "Hundred Schools of New Theory", "Round Table School (Season 7)", and the online documentary "Great A number of excellent programs such as "The Great Ruins of the Tang Dynasty", "The Return of Our Generation - Cultural Belt and Examination of the Great Wall in Beijing", "The Wind Rises in the East", "Skillful Art and Craftsmanship", etc.

Beijing Radio and Television Wang Zhi, a member of the bureau’s party group and deputy director, said, “We must dig deep into the rich mineral resources of traditional culture, take the initiative to plan and propose topics, work intensively, and recreate classics. We will also continue to explore key topics, provide full-process tracking and guidance and support for potential works, and work together with everyone to launch more iconic works that highlight the country's height, regional characteristics, and the charm of Chinese culture. ”

In the new media ecological environment, the public’s acceptance habits and aesthetic trends are constantly changing. If online audio-visual works want to meet the aesthetic needs of the majority of users who are looking forward to cultural innovation and cultural depth, they must make full use of their flexibility and diversity gender and other advantages, shorten the distance between traditional culture and the audience, accelerate the two-way journey, and create common prosperity.

Zhu Yannan emphasized that radio and television must closely adhere to the theme of high-quality development and respond to the requirements of "accelerating the formation of new productive forces" to form Radio and television listen to the new content creativity, the new communication coverage, the new safety and the new international communication power. He Jibing, the chief producer of iQiyi's "Here Comes!" Central Axis series, proposed , future cultural variety shows should also conduct more exploration and thinking on two issues: First, how to gain more possibilities in IP management. Second, how to achieve a wider connection between cultural variety shows and ordinary people .

Inheriting the past generations and adapting to today's changes, online audio-visual art will create more outstanding works that contain the charm of traditional Chinese culture and highlight the aesthetic purpose of Chinese civilization in the future, writing cultural inheritance into the history of national rejuvenation and the people. On the journey of struggle.

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