"Let's Fall in Love 5" is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased "Finally started falling in love with variety shows"

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The fifth season of the observation-type emotional social reality show "Let's Fall in Love" produced by Youku and produced by Xiaomei Studio officially launched the fourth episode today (October 11). After all kinds of incredible two-way trips last week, this issue's eight amateur guests, four women, four men, started a new round of pair-wise dates. Many pairs of guests shared sweet details while getting along with each other, which made everyone in the observation room excited. "I finally started to fall in love with a variety show." The two new guests, the fifth male and the fifth female, also brought subtle changes to the original relationship. Observers also followed the front line of "eating melons" and started a lively discussion on the details of the guests' interactions.

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

New grouping of dating distance, "My Love 5" finally started to be sweet

Following the fancy grouping of "Sound of the Mountain", "Color of the Mountain" and "Story of the Mountain" in the previous program, the dating grouping of this program is once again unique, with male and female guests Group into pairs according to their respective dating distance choices, and complete different dating tasks while binding each other with ribbons. Sun Shenglun and Mo Mo, who chose a 0-meter dating distance, accepted the challenge of "Zero Distance Two Steps". When they were making fruit tea for each other wearing one-piece short-sleeved shirts, he was laughing at her and the interaction was so sweet that the two were skateboarding. People's natural hand-holding also makes the favorability soar; Xiong Ziquan and Yang Ling, who chose a 0.5-meter dating distance, made strawberry mousse cake in the baking classroom, and staged a "cream tease" that made the pupils of everyone in the observation room tremble. Yi Nengjing, Qin Xiaoxian, Chang Huasen and the other three even picked up big cattail fans to cool themselves down. Hu Yinan and Liang Xiao, who chose to date at a distance of 1 meter, maintained a clear sense of boundaries at the roller skating rink, but they boldly opened the mic when they were resting and chatting with each other. An in-depth exchange on topics such as "Do you want a child?" and "Like boys and girls" allowed both parties to get to know each other better; Li Minglun and Wang Anqi, who chose a dating distance of more than 1 meter, bravely tried a glider and flew in the vast mountains and nature. After releasing the suppressed unhappiness, they finally broke down the barriers and communicated candidly with each other. The loving date of the four pairs of guests finally made all the observers very happy, and they sighed repeatedly, "It's starting to be a love story."

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

The "proposition" broadcast in the observation room, Qin Xiaoxian and Chang Huasen broke into a cold sweat

Regarding the various comments of the male and female guests The observers were also rationally and calmly analyzing the details of the interaction, as well as the views on love and ways of doing things, and had intense point-of-view discussions on some situations they often face in love. Regarding the ineffective communication between Li Minglun and Hu Yinan, Wang Cong bluntly said that "the two people are not on the same dimension"; regarding the dispute between Sun Shenglun and Mo Mo about whether to go to the hospital first or meet the new male guest first, Zhou Yangqing said that the root of the problem is "(Sun Shenglun) ) is to live in your own world"; expert Jiang Zhenyu interpreted the "power struggle period" that will inevitably occur between men and women in the middle stage of love from a professional perspective. Their views also gave the audience new thinking about love relationships. Yi Nengjing, who transformed into a love instructor, frequently cue Lao Qin and Chang Huasen, and various "propositions" made the two sweat incessantly. She also boldly revealed the news about herself, "In this world, everything is going down, and there is always someone who is here to defeat you. You do it, right? There are always people who do it more than you, and it seems that Mr. Qin and I are the ones we are talking about."

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

'Let's Fall in Love 5' is finally on track, Yi Nengjing and Qin Xiaoxian teased 'Finally started falling in love with variety shows' - Lujuba

Two newcomers join the hut, and the bright situation makes waves again

After Mo Moxin joined the hut in the last episode, the hut also welcomes two newcomers again in this episode - Zeng Shuaixiang, a male guest who graduated from the University of Sheffield, is now engaged in the gaming industry , the gentle and gentle man gave handmade flower gifts to the four female guests for the first time, and his careful preparation instantly won everyone's favor; Chen Nuanyang, who came to the cabin alone on a motorcycle, was cool in appearance and gentle in heart. , from the first moment she stepped into the cabin, she firmly attracted the attention of all the male guests, and she seemed not to be able to escape the "Meilun" test, and she maintained a strong interest in Li Minglun from the beginning to the end. The joining of the two newcomers has caused another disturbance in the originally clear situation of the house. A new love test will be launched in the follow-up. Let us continue to look forward to the fifth issue of "Let's Fall in Love 5" which will be launched on Youku next Wednesday.

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