Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as "Bilibili") saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P

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Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as "Bilibili") saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the Pujin Road Police Station of the Minhang Branch of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau immediately went to the rescue and contacted the user’s family members to attend the scene together. In the end, a life was successfully saved. This life and death rescue also made netizens excitedly call "Oli Ge".

The picture shows a screenshot of the conversation between station b’s customer service and netizens

“I am burning charcoal to commit suicide. It’s so difficult for me...”

Late at night on November 30, Daisy, the online customer service of the “Energy Gas Station” at station b, followed up. I usually conduct psychological consultation and communication with users, but I felt shocked and shocked when I saw this news of suicide by burning charcoal. In just a few seconds, she quickly calmed down. After asking the other party's behavior and personal information in detail, she quickly activated the platform's crisis intervention mechanism. Liu Xiaoqiang, a member of the offline telephone intervention team, further communicated with the user on the phone, stabilized the other party's emotions, tried to communicate with him, and synchronized the situation with the police.

After the police arrived at the scene, there was no answer when they knocked on the door. The situation was urgent. After obtaining the consent of the family members, the police kicked open the door. At this time, the client had fallen into a coma with weak vital signs. There was a burned charcoal pot next to the bed. The police opened the window for ventilation while dialing 120 for emergency help. It is understood that the man, 22 years old, chose to commit suicide due to family changes and he couldn't think about it. After understanding the whole process of being rescued, he said that he should not be so impulsive and that he would regain his confidence in life and no longer commit suicide.

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Source: Photo provided by the police

The last cry of life: longing to be heard

Afterwards, when Daisy recalled the situation that day, she still felt thrilling. "The situation is very critical. The user has started burning charcoal and there is no one at home, so the probability of life damage is very high." She said that on the one hand, the risk of suicide by burning charcoal is extremely high, which can lead to severe hypoxia and organ damage. Damage to the body is irreversible. On the other hand, if the suicide victim is alone, it is difficult for outsiders to detect that the suicide is in progress. Once the rescue time is delayed, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Wanting to self-mutilate or commit suicide may be a false proposition." Daisy told a reporter from the Rule of Law Network that when she was studying psychology, she learned that "wanting to end life" is a way for people to face unbearable pain. Momentary thoughts, in many cases are not real thoughts, but a kind of self-escape that has not yet found a suitable solution, or a kind of confusion due to a failure to feel support and encouragement. If there is a help channel and a hotline at this time, even if only one person can listen, understand, and provide psychological guidance and comfort, the probability of tragedy will be greatly reduced, and the suicidal person will be able to resume his life. courage.

The success of this suicide intervention has further strengthened Daisy’s inner thoughts. The user’s message when burning charcoal to commit suicide is the last attempt to save life and the last cry from life. This time, he longs to be heard. I arrived and was eager to be rescued. Fortunately, someone heard me.

Psychological support services: Please save yourself from fire and water

In recent years, the topic of mental health has attracted much attention, and "depression" and "anxiety" have become hot search terms on the Internet and are widely discussed.

In February 2023, the 2022 version of "China's National Mental Health Development Report (2021-2022)" was released. The "2022 National Mental Health Survey Report: Current Situation, Influencing Factors and Service Status" written by the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, analyzed The current status and trends of national mental health and the demand for mental health services were investigated and analyzed. The report shows that among the adult population, young people are a high-risk group for depression. The depression risk detection rate in the 18-24 age group is as high as 24.1%, which is significantly higher than other age groups. Factors such as work status, family and social support, exercise and sleep have a prominent impact on mental health. In the group with severe job burnout, the detection rate of depression risk exceeded 40%. The risk of depression among people who are unmarried and have no romantic partners reaches 23.6%.

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Detection rate of depression risk at different levels of work burnout Source: Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

It is worth mentioning that the survey found that compared with the results of the 2020 survey, survey respondents perceived a significant increase in the convenience of obtaining mental health services. Regarding the two types of mental health services, psychological counseling and psychological courses, generally the majority of people are satisfied. The number of people who are satisfied with psychological counseling (including "very satisfied" and "relatively satisfied") accounts for 78%, while the number of people who are satisfied with psychological courses (including "very satisfied" and "relatively satisfied") accounts for 89%. Therefore, the report mentioned that continuing to improve the accessibility and standardization of mental health services, promoting the universal implementation of psychological physical examinations, paying attention to work burnout and strengthening career guidance, providing psychological services, and helping to find the meaning of life will be beneficial to mental health.

In the Internet era, many users seek psychological support on the Internet. Internet platforms are also paying more and more attention to the mental health of users, constantly improving psychological support services, fulfilling platform responsibilities, and showing humanistic care. Take the "Energy Gas Station" of Station B that participated in the rescue as an example. According to its project team leader Duo Duoluo, the project was established in 2019 and aims to provide users in negative emotional states with a place to talk and vent their emotions. Outlets, by channeling users’ negative emotions, give them a safe place to express their feelings online. Users can seek communication with professionals from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. In addition, Station B has reached a cooperation with the Mental Health Center Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine to provide users with more professional psychological support by introducing a team of volunteers and professional doctors.

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Source: B station

He mentioned that in addition to building a customer service channel for users to enter directly, a complete crisis intervention mechanism has also been established to grade user problems accordingly, and then distribute and circulate them, and intervene according to procedures. The successful rescue this time was through the operation of this mechanism to lock the account, retrieve user information, and cooperate with the police. For the mental health and psychological support of users, the platform has also taken a series of proactive measures, such as timely monitoring of extreme negative dynamics of users, setting up psychological service page reminders, and setting up live broadcast rooms and public welfare hotlines for psychological consultation and popularization of psychological knowledge.

As of November 30, 2023, the team has provided online psychological counseling for a total of 370,000 people, cooperated with the police to rescue users who committed suicide and self-harm more than 2,000 times, and the content has served a total of 4.6 million people.

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Source: B station

A reporter from the Rule of Law Network noticed that more and more people regard B station as a psychological refuge to stay together for warmth. They are grateful to the platform for lighting up a lamp in time and spreading the light when they are heading towards despair and darkness. A beam of light.

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Recently, a man left a message on the Bilibili platform (hereinafter referred to as 'Bilibili') saying that he would burn charcoal to commit suicide. Customer service responded quickly and asked the police for help. According to the address provided by the customer service, the P - Lujuba

Source: Image provided by Bilibili Energy Gas Station

“The power of single-point communication is limited. In the future, we will continue to explore and improve energy gas stations, and strive to deliver methods to combat negative emotions to users to help heal more "Multiple people." Dudolo revealed that currently, Energy Gas Station is exploring the power of the combination of platform and users, using live broadcast rooms, publishing popular science videos and other channels to link with users, encourage more users to participate in mental health assistance, and provide Other users provide substantial help.

"Never give up on yourself. The concept of making one plus one greater than two is the direction that energy gas stations continue to move forward." He said.

Source: Rule of Law Network

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