In the recently popular TV series "Mortal Song", the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search. The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T

entertainment 6413℃

In the recently popular TV series "Mortal Song", the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

The audience praised his real acting skills. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table, chewing the chicken feet until not a trace of meat was left. This was in sharp contrast to the fake eating acting skills of many celebrities.

You must know that "Mortal Song" is the first time that 46-year-old middle-aged actor Wang Xiao has starred. Being able to star in the hit drama "Mortal Song", in addition to his own serious efforts, is actually indispensable for the help of the noble people he met along the way.

01 Actress Yang Mi leads the way

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Wang Xiao was born in an acting family. Her mother Wang Fuli is a well-known and capable actor in the entertainment industry, and her father is a stage director. However, when Wang Xiao came up with the idea of ​​becoming an actor, his mother's first reaction was to get angry.

In the end, the mother couldn't resist her son's love for acting and took him to play supporting roles in some movies and TV series.

This is how he started his sidekick career.

His acting career started to have more opportunities after he met the famous actress Yang Mi.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

In 2012, Yang Mi and Wang Xiao met while filming "A Sunny Day in the Midsummer Night". Yang Mi admired this talented actor very much, so she signed him to her own company, Jiaxing Media.

Since then, Yang Mi has continued to recommend Wang Xiao to the outside world, and he has participated in many film and television dramas starring Yang Mi.

In 2017, the fairy tale drama "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" starring Yang Mi became a hit, in which he played the role of "Si Ming". Although this character is a supporting role, he has a strong presence.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

He has attracted countless fans with his humorous, gossipy and cute personality in the play. Some fans gave him the title of "Golden Supporting Actor".

Wang Xiao was very grateful for Yang Mi's help. He once said of Yang Mi: "Sometimes I feel that Yang Mi is like my guide. Her success inspires me and makes me understand how to survive in this circle."

02 Zhongyi Friend Zhang Yi

In addition to Yang Mi, who leads the way, Wang Xiao also has a good friend in the entertainment industry named Zhang Yi. Yes, it is Zhang Yi who played An Xin in "Hurry".

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

At the end of 2023, when Wang Xiao participated in the promotion of the movie "The Three Brigades", he said that the role this time was not personally chosen by the film producer Chen Sicheng, but recommended by Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi recommended the role to him more than once.

Only then did we learn that actor Zhang Yi had been eager to help Wang Xiao and worked hard for this friend's career.

In this interview, he also indirectly spoke well of this good friend. After all, Zhang Yi had been a "drama tyrant" and had rumors of falling out with the crew of "Hurry Up".

Because of Zhang Yi’s recommendation, Wang Xiao had the opportunity to cooperate with top talents in the industry. Not only can he improve his professional capabilities, but he can also establish extensive personal relationships and lay a solid foundation for future career development.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Wang Xiao and Zhang Yi have also collaborated. As we all know, the drama's ratings and the attention of the entire network have made it a phenomenon-level work in recent years. It is also the TV series with the highest ratings in the past 9 years on the CCTV TV series channel.

In the behind-the-scenes interview of this drama, it was also mentioned that Wang Xiao's appearance was the result of the recommendation of "many friends". I don't know if this "many friends" does not include Zhang Yi, but we can also see that Wang Xiao's role is Your popularity is quite good.

Wang Xiao was nominated for the Golden Lotus Award for Best Supporting Actor at the 14th Macau International Television Festival and the Most Charming Actor at the 4th New Era International Television Festival for his role in the drama Crazy. This also shows that friends The importance of help.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

03 Great director Zhang Yimou

In 2024, director Zhang Yimou selected Wang Xiao to play an important role in the movie "Article 20".

In the Chinese film industry, almost everyone knows Zhang Yimou.International director Zhang Yimou once said publicly: "I saw Wang Xiao's potential at a glance. He will definitely become a great person."

In the movie, Wang Xiao portrays Deputy Inspector Tian who is sophisticated, cautious with his leaders, and extremely impatient with his subordinates. The performance is lifelike.

When Wang Xiao recalled his cooperation with Zhang Yimou, his eyes were filled with light.

He said: "The experience of working with Director Zhang is the highlight of my acting career. In every discussion and rehearsal, I can feel his professionalism and rigor, which also gave me a deeper understanding of the character. "

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Being able to cooperate with a great director like Zhang Yimou will undoubtedly make a great mark in his acting career.

The box office of "Article 20" soared to 2.454 billion, and it won three China Film Hundred Flowers Awards.

Wang Xiao, who participated in this film, also expanded his influence in the film industry.

04 Noon Sunshine Protagonist

Perhaps it is the accumulation of strength, or maybe it is in response to Zhang Yimou's saying "it will become a great thing", Wang Xiao played the leading role for the first time in the TV series "Mortal Song" produced by Yangzhengwu Sunshine Film and Television Co., Ltd.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Noon Sunshine Company has previously produced excellent TV series such as "Langya Bang", "Ode to Joy" and "Dajiang Dahe" which were popular. It can be said that once their dramas are broadcast, they will definitely become popular on the entire Internet.

There are countless actors who want to play their roles, and this is how Wang Xiao got the opportunity to play the leading role in the drama Noon Sunshine.

In the play, he used his superb acting skills to play the role of Na Wei, who has lost balance between career and life in middle age, which resonated with many viewers.

"Mortal Song" aired two episodes on the first day, and the ratings broke through the 1.5 mark in one fell swoop, taking the top spot in the national ratings list with an absolute advantage.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Wang Xiao finally succeeded! His journey has not been easy, he is either a supporting role or a supporting role, but fortunately, he has Yang Mi's discerning eye, Zhang Yi's continuous introduction, Zhang Yimou's recognition and praise, and the final word of Noon Sunshine.

In the recently popular TV series "Mortal Song", the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

The audience praised his real acting skills. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table, chewing the chicken feet until not a trace of meat was left. This was in sharp contrast to the fake eating acting skills of many celebrities.

You must know that "Mortal Song" is the first time that 46-year-old middle-aged actor Wang Xiao has starred. Being able to star in the hit drama "Mortal Song", in addition to his own serious efforts, is actually indispensable for the help of the noble people he met along the way.

01 Actress Yang Mi leads the way

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Wang Xiao was born in an acting family. Her mother Wang Fuli is a well-known and capable actor in the entertainment industry, and her father is a stage director. However, when Wang Xiao came up with the idea of ​​becoming an actor, his mother's first reaction was to get angry.

In the end, the mother couldn't resist her son's love for acting and took him to play supporting roles in some movies and TV series.

This is how he started his sidekick career.

His acting career started to have more opportunities after he met the famous actress Yang Mi.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

In 2012, Yang Mi and Wang Xiao met while filming "A Sunny Day in the Midsummer Night". Yang Mi admired this talented actor very much, so she signed him to her own company, Jiaxing Media.

Since then, Yang Mi has continued to recommend Wang Xiao to the outside world, and he has participated in many film and television dramas starring Yang Mi.

In 2017, the fairy tale drama "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" starring Yang Mi became a hit, in which he played the role of "Si Ming". Although this character is a supporting role, he has a strong presence.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

He has attracted countless fans with his humorous, gossipy and cute personality in the play. Some fans gave him the title of "Golden Supporting Actor".

Wang Xiao was very grateful for Yang Mi's help. He once said of Yang Mi: "Sometimes I feel that Yang Mi is like my guide. Her success inspires me and makes me understand how to survive in this circle."

02 Zhongyi Friend Zhang Yi

In addition to Yang Mi, who leads the way, Wang Xiao also has a good friend in the entertainment industry named Zhang Yi. Yes, it is Zhang Yi who played An Xin in "Hurry".

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

At the end of 2023, when Wang Xiao participated in the promotion of the movie "The Three Brigades", he said that the role this time was not personally chosen by the film producer Chen Sicheng, but recommended by Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi recommended the role to him more than once.

Only then did we learn that actor Zhang Yi had been eager to help Wang Xiao and worked hard for this friend's career.

In this interview, he also indirectly spoke well of this good friend. After all, Zhang Yi had been a "drama tyrant" and had rumors of falling out with the crew of "Hurry Up".

Because of Zhang Yi’s recommendation, Wang Xiao had the opportunity to cooperate with top talents in the industry. Not only can he improve his professional capabilities, but he can also establish extensive personal relationships and lay a solid foundation for future career development.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Wang Xiao and Zhang Yi have also collaborated. As we all know, the drama's ratings and the attention of the entire network have made it a phenomenon-level work in recent years. It is also the TV series with the highest ratings in the past 9 years on the CCTV TV series channel.

In the behind-the-scenes interview of this drama, it was also mentioned that Wang Xiao's appearance was the result of the recommendation of "many friends". I don't know if this "many friends" does not include Zhang Yi, but we can also see that Wang Xiao's role is Your popularity is quite good.

Wang Xiao was nominated for the Golden Lotus Award for Best Supporting Actor at the 14th Macau International Television Festival and the Most Charming Actor at the 4th New Era International Television Festival for his role in the drama Crazy. This also shows that friends The importance of help.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

03 Great director Zhang Yimou

In 2024, director Zhang Yimou selected Wang Xiao to play an important role in the movie "Article 20".

In the Chinese film industry, almost everyone knows Zhang Yimou.International director Zhang Yimou once said publicly: "I saw Wang Xiao's potential at a glance. He will definitely become a great person."

In the movie, Wang Xiao portrays Deputy Inspector Tian who is sophisticated, cautious with his leaders, and extremely impatient with his subordinates. The performance is lifelike.

When Wang Xiao recalled his cooperation with Zhang Yimou, his eyes were filled with light.

He said: "The experience of working with Director Zhang is the highlight of my acting career. In every discussion and rehearsal, I can feel his professionalism and rigor, which also gave me a deeper understanding of the character. "

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Being able to cooperate with a great director like Zhang Yimou will undoubtedly make a great mark in his acting career.

The box office of "Article 20" soared to 2.454 billion, and it won three China Film Hundred Flowers Awards.

Wang Xiao, who participated in this film, also expanded his influence in the film industry.

04 Noon Sunshine Protagonist

Perhaps it is the accumulation of strength, or maybe it is in response to Zhang Yimou's saying "it will become a great thing", Wang Xiao played the leading role for the first time in the TV series "Mortal Song" produced by Yangzhengwu Sunshine Film and Television Co., Ltd.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Noon Sunshine Company has previously produced excellent TV series such as "Langya Bang", "Ode to Joy" and "Dajiang Dahe" which were popular. It can be said that once their dramas are broadcast, they will definitely become popular on the entire Internet.

There are countless actors who want to play their roles, and this is how Wang Xiao got the opportunity to play the leading role in the drama Noon Sunshine.

In the play, he used his superb acting skills to play the role of Na Wei, who has lost balance between career and life in middle age, which resonated with many viewers.

"Mortal Song" aired two episodes on the first day, and the ratings broke through the 1.5 mark in one fell swoop, taking the top spot in the national ratings list with an absolute advantage.

In the recently popular TV series 'Mortal Song', the scene of actor Wang Xiao chewing chicken feet has become a hot search.      The audience praised his acting skills for being realistic. They saw him chewing chicken feet seriously at the table until no trace of meat was left. T - Lujuba

Wang Xiao finally succeeded! His journey has not been easy, he is either a supporting role or a supporting role, but fortunately, he has Yang Mi's discerning eye, Zhang Yi's continuous introduction, Zhang Yimou's recognition and praise, and the final word of Noon Sunshine.

He himself has always been a grateful person, always remembering the help these friends gave him, so his career finally achieved success at the age of 46!

Tags: entertainment