Recently, a music program called "Original New Voices" has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S

entertainment 1246℃

Recently, a music program called "Original New Voices" has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens.

Red Star News reporter learned that "Original New Voice" is a program created by Chengdu Radio and Television Station. It is planned and produced by the director team of the former "Super Girl" and "Fast Man" Chengdu Division. Yan Lei, chief director of the program, said that 20 years after "Super Girl" in 2004, the team hopes to start again and discover more outstanding creators and works for Chengdu and even the Chinese music scene. "The music types brought by the contestants this time are very rich. Chengdu is also a very inclusive city, and everyone can find a home in Chengdu. On the stage of "Original New Voices", we hope that all types of music can take root in Chengdu." Different from "Super Girl" and "The Voice", the biggest feature of "Original New Voice" is that original music becomes the protagonist. program instructor Shan He said in an interview that it is difficult for a TV program to select original musicians and original works from this perspective. "This is actually an affirmation of original ability and an emphasis on the industry." Indeed, in recent years, , the only variety show that focuses on original music is "Chinese Good Songs" launched by Liu Huan . Liu Huan once said that he hopes to do something for China's original music by doing this show. Since variety shows can introduce some singers, they will also be able to introduce some good songs.

Yan Lei, the general director of "Original New Voices" , told reporters that Chengdu has always been envied by the outside world as the "city of talent shows". In the past, many outstanding singers emerged in Chengdu during the talent show era. Now, through another program, Chengdu hopes to Discover original musicians and original singers.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Yan Lei (second from left) and the judges

When preparing for the show, the director team had a slogan called "Every golden song of the era was once an original new voice" and "The classic songs that we are familiar with now were actually when they first came out. They are all original new songs that have gradually become classics and are sung to this day." Yan Lei said that through this program, we will give young musicians a stage and hope to accumulate more talents and more works for Chengdu.

In "Original New Voices", the audience can see songs of various styles coming together. The 34-year-old jazz singer Zeng Rui wrote his love for Chengdu in the song "Music Moves Tianfu", "Chengdu, fun, hot pot, panda, I came to a fun place"; the Yi band picked up the spotlight The author planned a song "Marriage Tune", which sings the "reluctance" and national charm that every Yi girl is surrounded by before getting married. The ethereal singing makes people feel the simplicity and beauty; Meishan music teacher Xiong Xinzhi sang a song The rap "Dongpo Madness" is not only about Su Dongpo, but also about the soul song of every era that is unwilling to remain silent.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Light Pickers Project Band

As flight instructor Wu Qixian said, Chengdu is “a city that you will never tire of even if you come a hundred times.” He feels that Chengdu’s music is diverse and there are many places for musicians to show their talents. It has the soil to nourish music. Instructor Xu Yuan also mentioned that he knows many excellent musicians in Chengdu and has always felt that there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons here. “I think Chengdu has the soil to nourish musicians.” In his opinion, the greatest value of this program lies in the integration of different music styles. Music style gives original music more room to breathe and develop.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Mo Qixian

Yan Lei also mentioned that the music styles brought by the contestants this time are very diverse, including jazz, rap, pop, folk, heavy metal, ethnic style, etc., presenting a diverse stage to everyone. “Chengdu is very tolerant and everyone can find a home in Chengdu. We want to put forward a concept that all kinds of music can take root in Chengdu."Yan Lei said that she hopes that outstanding musicians from all over the country and even abroad will find a music home in Chengdu. "We have also informed many foreign players about Chengdu's plans and policies in the music industry, so that they can stay in Chengdu and create with peace of mind. "

Chengdu's preference for music has existed since ancient times. As early as the Tang and Five Dynasties, Chengdu has become a gathering place for diverse music cultures. Du Fu once used the words "Jincheng silk pipes are crowded day by day, half in the river wind and half in" cloud. This music should only exist in heaven and can be heard several times in the world" to describe the music of Chengdu. The twenty-four musical statues unearthed from the Yongling Underground Palace also confirm the glory of Chengdu in the history of music.

This kind of musical inheritance, It continues to this day. Since the first "Super Girl" in 2004, Chengdu has become a recognized "talent city" from the early years of "Super Girl", "My Style, My Show" and "Come on! Good Man". In variety shows such as "Happy Boy" and "Happy Girl", the top contestants must be from Chengdu. For example, in "Super Girl" in 2004, Wang Ti and Zhang Hanyun were both from the Chengdu competition area a year later. On the stage of "Super Girl", Chengdu girls Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying and Ji Minjia shined even more.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Yan Lei recalled that as early as the preparation of "Original New Voice", it received more than a thousand applications from contestants from all over the country and even foreign countries. , “Why does our local station’s program get so much attention? One core lies in the reputation accumulated in the past talent show era. Everyone thinks that the music programs produced in Chengdu are of high quality. ”

In fact, Chengdu is not only rich in unique and charming singers, but also has given birth to many original musicians. For example, Tan Yizhe, who has served as music director for many music programs and large-scale concerts, and for "A Bite of China" Kun, who scored songs such as "The Wandering Earth"... not to mention bands such as Compass, Asura, Sound Toy, and Mosaic that have long been famous throughout the country.

"This program is actually watering and fertilizing original music. "Xi Jiachuan, a contestant of "Original New Voices" said. As one of the top ten in the Chengdu competition of "Fast Boy" in 2007, Xi Jiachuan once again returned to the stage as a contestant: "Chengdu can have so many singers and musicians emerge because there is a soil for music, such as The leisurely life allows you to maintain a playful attitude when making music. "In Xi Jiachuan's view, you must have a playful mentality when making art, and don't have such strong demands and utilitarianism, so that you can have a steady stream of creativity. At the same time, Chengdu is a city with a human touch, and this human touch will be subtle. When it comes to your creation, "Art must always have something of humanistic concern. If you don't feel the popularity and the human touch, your creation will be a kind of empty work." "

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Xi Jiachuan

As a universal "language", music can resonate with people from different countries and different customs, and can also continue to boost regional industry and economic development.

In January 2019, the 4th session of the 13th Chengdu Municipal Committee The plenary session reviewed and approved the "Decision of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Promoting Chinese Civilization, Developing Tianfu Culture and Accelerating the Construction of a World Cultural City", which clarified Chengdu's goal of accelerating the construction of an international music city during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period

Chengdu City Cultural Tourism. Bureau data show that in 2023, the output value of Chengdu's music industry will exceed 56 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12%. There will be more than 3,500 related registered music companies, more than 4,500 commercial music performances of various types, and the box office revenue of music performances will exceed 1.2 billion yuan. In addition, In the first half of this year, Chengdu held more than 2,400 commercial music performances of various types, attracting more than 2.58 million viewers, and the box office revenue was about 609 million yuan. Among them, 68 large-scale concerts and music festivals were held with a total of 100,000 spectators. reached 1.18 million, with box office revenue reaching 388 million yuan, driving peripheral consumption of approximately 2.52 billion yuan.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

In fact, music has been integrated into everyone’s life in Chengdu.Whether it's the low-pitched singing of street performers in the streets, or the playing and singing of singers in various bars, or the large-scale concerts and music festivals that are staged on weekends and holidays... music makes Chengdu more agile, and Chengdu also gives music new life. The stories, the new blood, and the music atmosphere that fills the city with joy are a true reflection of this music city.

Yan Lei said that "Original New Voice" hopes to become a space for young musicians to pursue their dreams. For example, after the first season, outstanding contestants will be given the opportunity to sign contracts and be recommended to a larger stage. At the same time, the program plans to run for three consecutive seasons. It is hoped that after the first season is broadcast, it will form an advertising effect and attract more and better contestants to participate in the future, just like the first "Super Girl" in 2004 and the second "Super Girl". "Super Girl" has emerged with Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying, etc., gaining more attention. In her opinion, "Original New Voices" may be a hub between Chengdu and musical talents. Chengdu will bring richer creative materials to creators, and continue to export talents and works through programs to empower urban culture.

Fireworks are rising, music is surrounding, fireworks and music nourish each other, the charming city of Chengdu is telling the story of "Chengdu" through music.

Recently, a music program called "Original New Voices" has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens.

Red Star News reporter learned that "Original New Voice" is a program created by Chengdu Radio and Television Station. It is planned and produced by the director team of the former "Super Girl" and "Fast Man" Chengdu Division. Yan Lei, chief director of the program, said that 20 years after "Super Girl" in 2004, the team hopes to start again and discover more outstanding creators and works for Chengdu and even the Chinese music scene. "The music types brought by the contestants this time are very rich. Chengdu is also a very inclusive city, and everyone can find a home in Chengdu. On the stage of "Original New Voices", we hope that all types of music can take root in Chengdu." Different from "Super Girl" and "The Voice", the biggest feature of "Original New Voice" is that original music becomes the protagonist. program instructor Shan He said in an interview that it is difficult for a TV program to select original musicians and original works from this perspective. "This is actually an affirmation of original ability and an emphasis on the industry." Indeed, in recent years, , the only variety show that focuses on original music is "Chinese Good Songs" launched by Liu Huan . Liu Huan once said that he hopes to do something for China's original music by doing this show. Since variety shows can introduce some singers, they will also be able to introduce some good songs.

Yan Lei, the general director of "Original New Voices" , told reporters that Chengdu has always been envied by the outside world as the "city of talent shows". In the past, many outstanding singers emerged in Chengdu during the talent show era. Now, through another program, Chengdu hopes to Discover original musicians and original singers.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Yan Lei (second from left) and the judges

When preparing for the show, the director team had a slogan called "Every golden song of the era was once an original new voice" and "The classic songs that we are familiar with now were actually when they first came out. They are all original new songs that have gradually become classics and are sung to this day." Yan Lei said that through this program, we will give young musicians a stage and hope to accumulate more talents and more works for Chengdu.

In "Original New Voices", the audience can see songs of various styles coming together. The 34-year-old jazz singer Zeng Rui wrote his love for Chengdu in the song "Music Moves Tianfu", "Chengdu, fun, hot pot, panda, I came to a fun place"; the Yi band picked up the spotlight The author planned a song "Marriage Tune", which sings the "reluctance" and national charm that every Yi girl is surrounded by before getting married. The ethereal singing makes people feel the simplicity and beauty; Meishan music teacher Xiong Xinzhi sang a song The rap "Dongpo Madness" is not only about Su Dongpo, but also about the soul song of every era that is unwilling to remain silent.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Light Pickers Project Band

As flight instructor Wu Qixian said, Chengdu is “a city that you will never tire of even if you come a hundred times.” He feels that Chengdu’s music is diverse and there are many places for musicians to show their talents. It has the soil to nourish music. Instructor Xu Yuan also mentioned that he knows many excellent musicians in Chengdu and has always felt that there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons here. “I think Chengdu has the soil to nourish musicians.” In his opinion, the greatest value of this program lies in the integration of different music styles. Music style gives original music more room to breathe and develop.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Mo Qixian

Yan Lei also mentioned that the music styles brought by the contestants this time are very diverse, including jazz, rap, pop, folk, heavy metal, ethnic style, etc., presenting a diverse stage to everyone. “Chengdu is very tolerant and everyone can find a home in Chengdu. We want to put forward a concept that all kinds of music can take root in Chengdu."Yan Lei said that she hopes that outstanding musicians from all over the country and even abroad will find a music home in Chengdu. "We have also informed many foreign players about Chengdu's plans and policies in the music industry, so that they can stay in Chengdu and create with peace of mind. "

Chengdu's preference for music has existed since ancient times. As early as the Tang and Five Dynasties, Chengdu has become a gathering place for diverse music cultures. Du Fu once used the words "Jincheng silk pipes are crowded day by day, half in the river wind and half in" cloud. This music should only exist in heaven and can be heard several times in the world" to describe the music of Chengdu. The twenty-four musical statues unearthed from the Yongling Underground Palace also confirm the glory of Chengdu in the history of music.

This kind of musical inheritance, It continues to this day. Since the first "Super Girl" in 2004, Chengdu has become a recognized "talent city" from the early years of "Super Girl", "My Style, My Show" and "Come on! Good Man". In variety shows such as "Happy Boy" and "Happy Girl", the top contestants must be from Chengdu. For example, in "Super Girl" in 2004, Wang Ti and Zhang Hanyun were both from the Chengdu competition area a year later. On the stage of "Super Girl", Chengdu girls Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying and Ji Minjia shined even more.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Yan Lei recalled that as early as the preparation of "Original New Voice", it received more than a thousand applications from contestants from all over the country and even foreign countries. , “Why does our local station’s program get so much attention? One core lies in the reputation accumulated in the past talent show era. Everyone thinks that the music programs produced in Chengdu are of high quality. ”

In fact, Chengdu is not only rich in unique and charming singers, but also has given birth to many original musicians. For example, Tan Yizhe, who has served as music director for many music programs and large-scale concerts, and for "A Bite of China" Kun, who scored songs such as "The Wandering Earth"... not to mention bands such as Compass, Asura, Sound Toy, and Mosaic that have long been famous throughout the country.

"This program is actually watering and fertilizing original music. "Xi Jiachuan, a contestant of "Original New Voices" said. As one of the top ten in the Chengdu competition of "Fast Boy" in 2007, Xi Jiachuan once again returned to the stage as a contestant: "Chengdu can have so many singers and musicians emerge because there is a soil for music, such as The leisurely life allows you to maintain a playful attitude when making music. "In Xi Jiachuan's view, you must have a playful mentality when making art, and don't have such strong demands and utilitarianism, so that you can have a steady stream of creativity. At the same time, Chengdu is a city with a human touch, and this human touch will be subtle. When it comes to your creation, "Art must always have something of humanistic concern. If you don't feel the popularity and the human touch, your creation will be a kind of empty work." "

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

Xi Jiachuan

As a universal "language", music can resonate with people from different countries and different customs, and can also continue to boost regional industry and economic development.

In January 2019, the 4th session of the 13th Chengdu Municipal Committee The plenary session reviewed and approved the "Decision of the Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Promoting Chinese Civilization, Developing Tianfu Culture and Accelerating the Construction of a World Cultural City", which clarified Chengdu's goal of accelerating the construction of an international music city during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period

Chengdu City Cultural Tourism. Bureau data show that in 2023, the output value of Chengdu's music industry will exceed 56 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12%. There will be more than 3,500 related registered music companies, more than 4,500 commercial music performances of various types, and the box office revenue of music performances will exceed 1.2 billion yuan. In addition, In the first half of this year, Chengdu held more than 2,400 commercial music performances of various types, attracting more than 2.58 million viewers, and the box office revenue was about 609 million yuan. Among them, 68 large-scale concerts and music festivals were held with a total of 100,000 spectators. reached 1.18 million, with box office revenue reaching 388 million yuan, driving peripheral consumption of approximately 2.52 billion yuan.

Recently, a music program called 'Original New Voices' has become popular. In the program, treasured musicians from Chengdu and all over the country brought original music in various styles such as Sichuan rap, folk songs, rock, and pop. Each unique song impressed netizens. Red S - Lujuba

In fact, music has been integrated into everyone’s life in Chengdu.Whether it's the low-pitched singing of street performers in the streets, or the playing and singing of singers in various bars, or the large-scale concerts and music festivals that are staged on weekends and holidays... music makes Chengdu more agile, and Chengdu also gives music new life. The stories, the new blood, and the music atmosphere that fills the city with joy are a true reflection of this music city.

Yan Lei said that "Original New Voice" hopes to become a space for young musicians to pursue their dreams. For example, after the first season, outstanding contestants will be given the opportunity to sign contracts and be recommended to a larger stage. At the same time, the program plans to run for three consecutive seasons. It is hoped that after the first season is broadcast, it will form an advertising effect and attract more and better contestants to participate in the future, just like the first "Super Girl" in 2004 and the second "Super Girl". "Super Girl" has emerged with Li Yuchun, Zhang Liangying, etc., gaining more attention. In her opinion, "Original New Voices" may be a hub between Chengdu and musical talents. Chengdu will bring richer creative materials to creators, and continue to export talents and works through programs to empower urban culture.

Fireworks are rising, music is surrounding, fireworks and music nourish each other, the charming city of Chengdu is telling the story of "Chengdu" through music.

Red Star News reporter Qiu Junfeng editor Zeng Qi

Tags: entertainment