The Fuyang Municipal Public Security Bureau has just issued a reminder with the following specific contents. From September 21 to September 22, 2024, our city will hold the "2024 Second Zebra Music Festival" event. In order to ensure the safety and smooth progress of the event, a

entertainment 5623℃

The Fuyang Municipal Public Security Bureau has just issued a reminder with the following specific contents. From September 21 to September 22, 2024, our city will hold the '2024 Second Zebra Music Festival' event. In order to ensure the safety and smooth progress of the event, a - Lujuba


Fuyang Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a reminder

The specific content is as follows

From September 21 to September 22, 2024, our city will hold the "2024 Second Zebra Music Festival" event. In order to ensure the safety and smooth progress of the event, according to According to the provisions of laws and regulations such as the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China and the Interim Regulations on the Management of Unmanned Aircraft Flights, it was decided to strengthen low-altitude safety management during the event. Warm reminders are as follows:

1. Security management period

from 0:00 on September 21, 2024 to 24:00 on September 22, 2024.

2. The safety management area

is centered at the intersection of Nanping Road and Yu'an Road, within a circular area with a radius of 1,000 meters.

3. Aircraft types

include light aircraft (including light and ultra-light helicopters), gliders , delta wings, powered delta wings, manned balloons (hot air balloons), airships , paragliders, powered paragliders, unmanned aerial vehicles Thirteen categories include airplanes, aviation models, unmanned free balloons, tethered balloons, and large kites.

For the thirteen categories of aircraft (see above for specific types) that violate the regulations and fly in the above management periods and management areas, the public security organs will take emergency measures such as eviction and forced landing in accordance with the law; for those that disrupt public order and endanger public safety, the public security organs will The authorities will impose penalties according to law.

Fuyang Public Security Bureau

September 19, 2024

Source: Fuyang Public Security Bureau

Tags: entertainment