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DataEye Research Institute launches the "Most" series to review mobile game cases in 2023. This is the fifth issue. In this issue, we analyze the peak "party war" in 2023 - "Yuanmeng Star" VS "Egg Boy Party". PK between major

manufacturers is not uncommon. But the last time such a large-scale showdown was a battle of chicken.

purchase volume, channels, endorsements, linkages, live broadcasts, UGC, media reports, the battle between the two parties can be said to cover all areas of game marketing.

Capital investment is also fierce: Tencent claims to have invested 1.4 billion;

NetEase then consumed an estimated 100 million yuan in purchasing volume for one consecutive week.

"Yuanmeng Star" and "Egg Boy Party" can be described as "the most peak showdown this year." What is the specific battle situation of

? How does Tencent and NetEase accept and dismantle moves? How to attack in "Yuan Meng"? How to defend and counterattack in "Eggboy"?

With almost all game media charging money to publish articles, it is not easy for DataEye to insist on objectivity and impartiality. The full text is long and not biased in any way. I hope you can read it to the end. eliminates soft articles, advertising, and moisture. How to objectively interpret the duel between the two from a data perspective?

is objective. This article will strictly distinguish between [facts & data] and [DataEye Research Institute’s opinion].

If you have any objection to the point of view, you can only refer to the [Facts & Data] section and base your opinions on the comment area

01 Market performance

[Facts & Data]

According to the official website of "Yuanmeng Star", as of December On the 14th, the number of game reservations exceeded 50 million.

"Yuanmeng Star" topped the iOS free list on the day it was launched, and ranked third on the iOS best-selling list. It ranked second on the best-selling list from the next day to the 17th.

The estimated revenue of iOS on December 15 (excluding platform share), "Yuanmeng Star" was about 6.5 million yuan on the 15th and about 9.2 million yuan on the 16th; slightly better than the 615 of "Egg Boy Party" in the same period Ten thousand yuan, 6.77 million yuan.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

In terms of estimated downloads on iOS, "Yuanmeng Star" was estimated to be downloaded approximately 220,000 times on the 15th, and "Eggboy Party" was estimated to be downloaded approximately 238,000 times. (Since both are on many Android channels, especially Tencent’s WeChat QQ, App Store, etc., the above data is for simple reference only)

user attributes, huge arithmetic statistics, in the past 30 days, "Yuanmeng Star" 》Among the users associated with Douyin, users aged 18-23 account for the majority, close to 30%. Followed by users aged 31-40, accounting for about 25%.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

Among the Douyin-related users of "Danzi Party", users aged 18-23 also account for the majority, close to 30%. There is not much difference in the user portraits between the two, but "Eggboy" has a higher proportion of female players.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

[DataEye Research Institute’s opinion]

The battle situation is tense, and "Yuan Meng" may have a small victory temporarily. "Yuanmeng" iOS downloads on the first day were basically the same as "Danzi"; the iOS revenue on the first day was only 6.5 million yuan. You must know that "Yuanmeng Star" even made a first deposit of 6 yuan to get 6 yuan in order to grab traffic. and a series of currency scattering and preferential activities. However, "Yuan Meng" did not widen the gap with "Egg Boy". iOS was tied at first, but "Yuan Meng" slowly climbed up and widened the gap with "Egg Boy". On the Android side, since Tencent has more advantages, it is expected to be higher than "Egg Boy" with a high probability.

"Yuanmeng" saw an increase in revenue on the second and third day after it was launched. This is determined by the attributes of the new product - players will slowly recharge after they recognize it. In addition, party games are not games that rush to high levels. They require the product to be operated and retained for a long time, and to be slowly explored and paid for. Moreover, "Yuanmeng" also gives away many props and skins, so players do not need to pay at the beginning.

Tencent products have always been known for their strong social interaction. The party gameplay of "Yuanmeng" itself is closely related to social interaction. In addition, Tencent supports it through QQ, WeChat and other channels. When its social content becomes more powerful, the product performance may be It will explode on New Year’s Day and Spring Festival.

"Yuanmeng" is not aimed at younger players. What is noteworthy about is that among the audience groups associated with "Yuanmeng", users aged 31-40 account for a higher proportion (much higher than when "Danzi" was first launched).This shows that "Yuanmeng" is not focused on younger users, but has a certain appeal to all age groups. This may be due to its actions on the communication side, focusing on brands, relying on linkages and live broadcasts, to attract the attention of users of all ages, especially "Honor of Kings" players. But there is another understanding: the data is actually parents' mobile phones.

Unlike "Dan Zi", which always links with younger IPs such as Pleasant Goat Changcao Yan Tuanzi, "Yuan Meng" is very good. First, the success of "Egg Boy" has made parents of younger players very wary of party games. If they focus on younger players, they will be "physically intercepted" by their parents (not allowed to play with mobile phones), which is unwise; secondly, younger players The retention is higher, but the payment is not good (low ARPU), and it is easy to fall into the quagmire of public opinion about recharges and refunds for minors, which is not in line with Tencent's principle of always abiding by laws and regulations.

is a protracted battle that burns money. Judging from the resource investment of both parties and the current anxious situation, is likely to be a protracted battle. It is estimated that "Yuanmeng" will not be able to recover its losses within at least a year. The next important node for

is during the Spring Festival, when the two will determine the preliminary outcome. The first reason is that by then the UGC content of "Yuanmeng" will have some initial accumulation, and we can also examine Tencent's ability to operate UGC. Second, during the Spring Festival, the traffic of young users often peaks, and short videos come with various red envelopes and exciting activities.

02 Purchase volume and release ‍‍‍‍‍‍

[Facts & Figures]

(1) Material delivery volume

DataEye-ADX shows that before the launch of "Yuanmeng Star", the overall material delivery volume was not outstanding, and the single-day material delivery volume was maintained at around 500 groups. On the day of launch, the amount of materials released began to increase significantly, reaching 27,000 sets of materials in a single day.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

In contrast, the amount of material released in "Egg Boy Party" has begun to soar in the past three months:

The amount of material released in October remained below a thousand sets; in November, the material released increased exponentially, with only a thousand sets released at the beginning of the month, and at the end of the month The number of materials released has exceeded 10,000;

In December, starting from the 10th, "Egg Boy" released more than 100,000 sets of materials in a single day for one consecutive week. On the day "Yuanmeng" was launched, it even reached a terrifying number. 240,000 sets of materials are released every day!

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

ADX data shows that when comparing the amounts of the two materials together, the difference is very obvious ↓

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

(2) Material content

In terms of material display content, among the TOP50 efficient materials of "Yuanmeng Star", they mainly display gameplay and character images. Mainly, it will also be supplemented by some IP linkage, celebrity real shots and other content.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

is specifically about content presentation. The creative materials of "Yuanmeng" focus more on gameplay introduction, character image display, etc.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

(3) Material delivery channel

DataEye-ADX shows that in the past 30 days, among the delivery channels of "Yuanmeng Star", the Pangolin Alliance accounts for the most, about 38%, followed by high-quality advertising, which accounts for nearly 12%. "Danzi Party" mainly invests in pangolin, Kuaishou, and Youliang ads, of which the Pangolin Alliance accounts for nearly 60%.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

[View from DataEye Research Institute]

The following characteristics can be seen from the actions of the two products on the material delivery side:

1. Delivery: "Yuan Meng" has a high volume of purchases in a wave, and "Egg Boy" sniped

in "Yuan Meng" During the warm-up period before the release of "Dream", "Egg Boy" used a large-scale material release to grab people. On the day "Yuanmeng" was launched, "Eggboy" released more than 240,000 sets of materials in a single day. You should know that for casual games such as "King of Salted Fish" and "Xundao Daqian", which are famous for their purchasing power, the peak amount of material released in a single day does not exceed 100,000. It can be seen that in order to deal with "Yuanmeng", NetEase has "risked everything". The amount of purchase consumption this week is estimated to be close to 100 million yuan.

On the contrary, "Yuan Meng" seems "not so generous" in terms of purchase and investment. In the few days before the launch, there was not much pre-heating for material release. On the day of the public beta, there was a surge. The intensity was actually not low, and it was expected to consume tens of millions of yuan.

2. Channel/Platform: "Yuanmeng" is average, while "Danzi" "grabs" Tencent-based traffic

From the differences in distribution channels, we can analyze the differences in the acquisition methods of the two products.

"Yuanmeng" has a relatively even distribution of distribution channels across all channels, and its purpose may be to increase its appeal to users of all ages. For example, on the Bilibili platform, QuestMobile shows that users under the age of 24 account for nearly 40% of the Bilibili platform.

"Danzi" attaches great importance to the placement of high-quality advertising. This may be an attempt to capture Tencent's traffic before "Yuanmeng" is launched.

In addition, "Egg Boy" also attaches great importance to the influence of channels such as Hardcore Alliance, TapTap, and Haoyou Kuaibao. Players can receive channel-exclusive skins after downloading from the above channels on December 16. NetEase's "All-Star Streetball Party" has just "hardened" its relationship with the channel, while "Danzi" has firmly grasped the channel traffic... "Aberdeen" focuses on UGC

. Before the launch of "Yuanmeng", it mainly used conventional "game play introduction", "character image display" and other materials. This may be in the hope of opening up the audience and letting players clearly understand that this is a game. What kind of game can enhance the attractiveness of game characters to players.

At the same time, "Yuanmeng" will also release some of the authentic authorized and IP linkage materials of "Jelly Bean Man", aiming to capture the IP audience of "Jelly Bean Man" while emphasizing that "Yuanmeng" is genuine.

"Egg Boy" has benefited from the development of UGC content. Currently, most of the main investment materials are UGC content, with multiple angles and more specific aspects, so as to guide players to experience the UGC atmosphere and unique gameplay ideas in the game.

Overall, "Egg Boy" has the upper hand in material distribution due to its first-mover advantage. In comparison, the purchase volume of "Yuanmeng" is slightly "weak".

"Yuanmeng" does not rely on purchase volume, and more resources are allocated to the brand side. The DataEye Research Institute believes that Tencent’s “killer move” is in addition to purchase volume. There are three specific points:

First, use spokespersons, IP linkages, live broadcasts and other brand content to build momentum. (The specific content will be explained in detail below)

The second one is private venue and "strong promotion", which is specifically presented on the QQ platform. As long as users see the promotion content of "Yuanmeng" and swipe it, it will be automatically downloaded. The key point of this move is that the current users of QQ are mainly millennials and are mainly concentrated among students. Moreover, these users themselves are strongly associated with QQ, and their main social activities are also conducted through QQ. Even if these users are "Danzi" players, there is a high probability that they will convert into "Yuanmeng" users after semi-compulsory downloading, playing, comparing, social communication and other behaviors.

The third one is "throwing money". On the day the game is launched, users can get cash and Q-coin rewards as long as they experience "Yuanmeng". This "throwing money" method is crude, but it is effective for young players.

03 Brand Communication

[Facts & Figures]

(1) Social Platform Data Overview

In terms of social media communication, we invited Shushuo Story to provide relevant data (Shushuo Story Official Introduction: China's leading one-stop big data and AI intelligence The application provider has built a full value chain solution from data collection, processing, analysis, modeling to commercial applications. It has 50+ applications such as Shushuo Radar, Shushuo Insight, Shushuo Aggregation, etc.), the following is from Shushuo Story's Internet big data acquisition and analysis platform - Shushuo Aggregation.

1. In terms of content count:

html From September to December 17, "Yuanmeng Star" had approximately 11.28 million pieces of content on the entire domestic network, of which Weibo had the most content, followed by short videos.

From a time perspective, the game has had four peak content explosions on the Weibo platform, namely September 19 (reservations opened), late November (trial guests announced), and early December (era youth group invited as spokesperson) ) and the day it went online on December 15 (a single-day content volume exceeded 4.26 million).

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

During the same period, the number of "Danzi Party" domestic content on the entire domestic network was approximately 14.49 million items, of which Weibo had the most content, followed by Xiaohongshu.

From a time perspective, the game has three peak content explosions on the Weibo platform, namely November 8 (preheating for Wu Lei as the spokesperson), December 8 (announcement of Wu Lei as the spokesperson) and December 15th. On the same day (the opening of the Wu Lei + Dan Festival), it is worth noting that on December 15, the game ushered in an explosion on the Xiaohongshu platform.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

2. In terms of interaction volume (likes, reposts, comments, coins, collections, etc.):

Since September, the entire domestic network of "Yuanmeng Star" has reached 94.15 million . Short videos and Weibo are the main interactive platforms for players. . The interaction peaks are mainly concentrated on September 19 (reservation starts), mid-November (content from Douyin creators with high fans), early December (skin linked with "Honor of Kings") and the day of launch.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

During the same period, the interaction volume of "Egg Boy Party" reached 1.4 billion . Short videos and Xiaohongshu were the main interactive platforms for players.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

Specifically in terms of short videos (including Douyin, Kuai, etc., excluding Bilibili), the data from Data Storytelling is that since September, the total number of interactions of "Danzi" has been 1.2 billion times, from 6.33 million short videos; "Yuan Meng" had 64.65 million interactions, coming from 419,000 short videos. Looking at the non-PGC data for the week before and after

went online, the difference between the two is not that big (more on this below).

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Looking at Douyin alone, the huge amount of data is: the comprehensive index of "Danzi" has always surpassed "Yuanmeng". On the day of the latter's public beta, the two were relatively close.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

(2) Other social marketing actions

"Yuanmeng Star" has linked up with IPs such as "Honor of Kings", "Humanity Failed", "Jelly Beans", "Crayon Shin-chan", "Kung Fu Panda", etc., and also Cooperate with The Paper.

In addition, before and after its launch, "Yuanmeng Star" also invited more than 600 celebrities, anchors, and experts to promote the game. Its fields include "Honor of Kings", "LOL", "CSGO", appearance, B station UP master, outstanding creators and experts, etc.

[DataEye Research Institute’s point of view]

From the marketing actions of the two, we can analyze their respective strategies on the brand marketing side: ‍

1, "Yuan Meng": resources are concentrated and saturated marketing

html September and October are "Yuan Meng" During the warm-up period of "Dream Star", the main focus was on releasing game-related content on Weibo and official accounts. Since November, Tencent has begun to concentrate resources, explosive + saturated marketing promotion, endorsement → linkage → live broadcast → UGC → game welfare content. Tencent has allocated more resources to the brand side. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

2, "Egg Boy": Rhythmic sniping, interception in advance

NetEase's strategy is obvious, rhythmic sniping and interception on the brand side.

brand linkage side: We have been doing brand linkage since September and continued for three months;

spokesperson: we officially announced the spokesperson earlier than "Yuanmeng Star" to build momentum;

UGC: In three months, We will continue to implement UGC content support policies and hope to expand the greatest advantage of the game.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

And the key point is that with 500 million user bases, coupled with the welfare content of the "Egg Festival", the UGC ecosystem built can increase the probability of users staying in "Egg Party".

The above are the overall data. It can be seen that the accumulation of "Danzi" is far better than that of "Yuanmeng", but the latter caused a huge impact before and after the public beta. After going online, the gap between the two is not very big. "Yuanmeng" has a chance to overtake .

Let’s look at two key battlefields below: live broadcast and UGC.

04 The key battlefield of social media: live broadcast

[Facts & Figures]

"Egg Boy":

html In July, "Egg Boy Party" teamed up with Douyu to create a competitive live broadcast program - "Egg Boy Rushing Forward" is coming! The program adopts a combination of "audition-online-offline" mode and recruits 16 "practice eggs" from the entire network. The celebrity host Tuo Mi Liangchen forms a team to face BLUE Li Zhien. The host Luo Xin explains the whole process. Guests such as Zhou Shuyi, Wuhu Da Sima, Dai Meier, Xian Moumou, Ye Zhiqiu, Super Xiaojie and others also participated.

"Yuan Meng":

html On September 18, when the game released the trailer online, it invited "Sauvignon Blanc" actor Zhang Wanyi, Bilibili UP host, and many KPL professional players of "Honor of Kings" to come together. Experience "Yuanmeng Star" live.

On December 2, Zhang Daxian launched his first live broadcast on Douyin, with more than 60 million viewers, more than 2 million online users, and more than 1.2 billion likes. It is worth noting that Zhang Daxian is not broadcasting "Honor of Kings" this time, but "Yuanmeng Star".

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

On December 14, "Yuanmeng Star" launched the Douyin mini handle, attracting Douyin anchors with an incentive prize pool worth tens of millions.

On December 15th, Zhang Daxian led more than 100 guests to start an offline live broadcast interaction; players can log in to the live broadcast room to participate in the [Star Water Friends Competition], and can obtain Huawei Mate60, Yuanmeng Pass and other rewards; the live broadcast room will distribute them every 10 minutes Welfare;

[DataEye Research Institute’s opinion]

Tencent “violated the decision of our ancestors.” Taken together, NetEase does not seem to have invested more resources in this battle on the live broadcast side. On the contrary, Tencent attaches great importance to the acquisition of live broadcasts this time, and even "changed from the norm" and took the initiative to make Douyin small handle components. For Tencent, this can be said to be a "decision that goes against their ancestors."

Why does Tencent value live streaming this time? DataEye Research Institute believes that there are three reasons:

First, young users have been captured by "Egg Party". Tencent competes head-on with NetEase here, and the price/performance ratio is not high. On the contrary, there is still room for exploration among groups such as college students and white-collar workers. At the same time, these users are also the core audience of live broadcasts. Using live broadcasts to leverage them is a good strategy.

Secondly, looking back at the rise of party games such as "Jelly Bean Man", "Animal Party", and "Humanity Fails", they are all inextricably linked to live broadcasts. Therefore, in Tencent’s view, starting from live broadcasting, it may be possible to replicate the success of such games.

Third, on Bilibili, Douyin and other platforms, UP hosts often edit interesting videos of hosts playing party games, and there are many users who watch them. Therefore, "Yuanmeng Star" can also be played by the anchor, and then edited by the creator spontaneously to form a secondary dissemination, further opening up the product's influence and broadening the user base.

Looking at it on the other hand, this may be the reason why "Egg Boy Party" does not have too many resources in its live broadcast.

The core users of "Danzi Party" are young players, and they do not necessarily have time to watch the live broadcast. Therefore, a lot of resources are invested in the live broadcast side, which has no obvious gain effect on stabilizing the user base;

Huya, Douyu, B Tencent holds certain shares in leading live streaming platforms such as It usually doesn't matter if they live stream other party games, but at this critical juncture, Tencent may put pressure on these platforms.

05 Key social media battlefield: UGC‍‍‍

[Facts & Figures]

Looking only at the week from December 11th to 17th (so it is more comparable), the UGC content of the two short video platforms (excluding official PGC content, but not excluding official cooperation content) People) The total number of interactions: "Egg Boy" 22.2157 million, "Yuanmeng" 11.2832 million, about double the gap, but not insurmountable. The specific composition is as follows.

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

"Egg Boy"

Earlier, "Egg Boy Party" launched the "Egg Code" function. Players can generate UGC maps by superimposing descriptions of events, actions, and conditions. Also launched along with Danma is the "video generated action" function, which can automatically identify real-life dance movements in videos uploaded by players and reproduce them by Danzi.

In August this year, "Eggboy Party" announced that there were more than 100 million UGC maps in the game.

In December, "Danzi Party" launched content creation incentives on the Zhihu platform for the first time.

In the spring of 2024, "Egg Party" will invest 15 million yuan in cash and tens of millions of game coins to launch the "Create the Egg Era" event. Individual creators can receive up to 1.5 million in one-time bonuses. In addition, there are corresponding official signings and traffic support.


"Yuanmeng Star" launched the first phase of the "1 billion dream creation plan" to provide incentives for the game's map creators through a 1 billion yuan dream creation fund; ‍

also announced that it will cooperate with Bilibili and Douji The "Xingmeng Partners" content ecological incentive plan, cooperating with nine major content platforms including Yin, Douyu, Huya, Kuaishou, QQ, Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu, will provide a cumulative incentive fund of 300 million;

and create e-sports events "Yuanmeng Star Champions Cup" is expected to invest 100 million yuan in 2024.

[DataEye Research Institute’s opinion]

For "Yuanmeng", if you want to steal the cake of "Egg Boy", UGC content ecology is the most critical but also the most difficult battlefield for . So far it has been somewhat effective.

The difficulty lies in:

1 and "Egg Party" have built a complete and rich UGC ecosystem, and are still using the support of egg code, AIGC and other technologies to further promote the convenience, fun and convenience of UGC content creation. Diversity;

2, the construction of UGC content requires money (incentive tasks) and time. Tencent is not short of money, but it is short of time and experience, especially experience in making Douyin UGC;

"Yuanmeng" has a unique angle, Not just a game, but a media integration platform? Tencent is not without countermeasures, such as "Star Home". Players can call friends here to "come to their homes as guests" and watch TV, listen to music, interact, etc. together. Players can watch the latest popular TV series through Tencent Video and listen to their favorite music through QQ Music.

can no longer be said to be a game, it should be said to be a "content/media convergence platform".

The most detailed on the entire web. - Lujuba

The core of this gameplay is social interaction. Through social sharing and dissemination, another UGC content system can be constructed to create a happy scene. Don’t forget, Tencent has a QQ and WeChat relationship chain, which is highly suitable for this small group social scene.

Give "Yuan Meng" some time, and maybe it will be possible to overtake it. Strictly speaking, , when we observe and measure the party track based on the UGC ecology, we are already leaning towards the perspective of "Egg Boy".

After all, "Yuanmeng" has just been released, and there is not much accumulation of UGC content at all, so it is impossible to compare it for the time being. But judging from the data in the week before and after its launch, the peak of "Egg Boy" is not insurmountable. Therefore, it is fair to say: give "Yuanmeng" some time, and give the UGC content ecosystem some time. Later, there will be the Spring Festival node suitable for "family fun" scenes, and then there will be e-sports events that Tencent is good at.

Let the bullets fly for a while.

06 Analysis and Summary

In the past battlefields where NetEase and Tencent faced each other head-on, NetEase was the first to seize the market many times, but Tencent was the last to catch up, with successes and failures: Tencent won the "Chicken Fight", but SLG and Doomsday Survival failed. Poor performance.

But this time, "Egg Boy" has a huge advantage. As the game with the highest DAU peak in NetEase's history, and Ding Lei's personal supervision, the marketing war and price war have already begun without waiting for "Yuanmeng" to be officially launched.

Purchase volume:

"Yuanmeng Star" invested 27,000 sets on the first day; "Egg Boy Party" released more than 240,000 sets of materials in a single day;


"Yuanmeng Star" linked to five IPs in one go; "Egg Party" has more linkage data;


"Yuanmeng Star" has set up over 47 million creator support funds since its launch; "Egg Party" also launched the "Co-create Egg Era" on December 15, investing 15 million in cash and corresponding game rewards;

Star/talent side:

"Yuanmeng Star" invited more than 600 celebrities for promotion, and identified Times Youth League as the product spokesperson; "Egg Boy Party" in December On the 8th, Wu Lei was confirmed as the brand spokesperson;

, from purchase volume to brand, from in-game to out-of-game, the two products competed intensely on multiple battlefields. And judging from the battlefields where the two fight, both sides have "heavily invested" battlefields. At the same time, we can see the differences in the strategies of the two sides -

"Egg Boy Party": multi-party sniping, large purchases, and the brand revolves around the number of users, UGC content basic disk makes a fuss

In this war, NetEase hopes to retain existing users as much as possible and snipe its opponents.

Obviously, 500 million registered users and the UGC content ecosystem are the "big and small kings" held by "Egg Boy Party". The former can use the players' herd mentality and the appeal of 500 million users to retain players; the latter can Increase the retention rate through the diversity and fun of gameplay.

"Yuanmeng Star": Strong promotion through channels, "throwing coins" to open the way, emphasizing brand-oriented content such as linkage and live broadcast, integrating the game into a large number of gameplays, and even "non-game content"

Tencent pays more attention to brand exposure this time, so We can see that "Yuanmeng Star" invests more resources in areas such as linkage and live broadcast. In terms of attracting new users, it is more about "gold dollars opening the way". When you log in to the game online, you will receive cash and Q coins. It is simple and crude, but very effective.

More importantly, the days before and after the launch of "Yuanmeng Star" are not the most intense competition between the two. Please note that after December 15th, Christmas, New Year’s Day holidays, winter holidays, Spring Festival and other festivals will follow. Especially during the winter vacation and Spring Festival, players have enough time to experience the product, which is very suitable for family fun scenes. It is conceivable that the two will engage in more brutal competition during this period.

What is the ending of "Yuanmeng Star" VS "Egg Boy Party"?

We judge: "Yuanmeng" will definitely not fail. Tencent's capital capabilities, channel capabilities, and product "reference + stitching" capabilities are here. At the same time, although Tencent's games this year did not have a "big bang", they did not make a "big splash" either. Relying on Tencent's acquaintance relationship chain, "Yuanmeng" will definitely be able to survive. The key is how much DAU "Yuanmeng" can eat up "Egg Boy", and how the ceiling of the party track will be affected by this round of duel. How high. We think we’ll see the first signs of it during the Spring Festival.

Judging from the current saturation, game-booking, and "direct payment" style of play in "Yuanmeng", this kind of investment is unsustainable. This means that the next protracted battle with UGC content is the decisive point. As for the operation of UGC content, Tencent is relatively new to it and has no particularly successful cases. In addition, it is also relatively new to Douyin at the beginning. Therefore, it is difficult to judge. We can only say that the longer the delay, the more beneficial it will be for NetEase - UGC is, after all, a battlefield that NetEase is familiar with. The

party game is a typical track with obvious "network effect" - the more people play, the more valuable the nodes of the entire network are (the more fun it is, the more attractive it can be). So this is a DAU battle. "Egg Boy" objectively already holds the powerful tool of network effect. It’s already good that “Yuanmeng” can achieve this result. What’s left is to retain it and leave it to time. It is very likely that there is a stalemate.

What is the impact of "Yuanmeng Star" VS "Egg Boy Party"?

‍‍We believe there are three points:

1. Enterprise perspective: Tencent needs to once again prove its "ability to learn from and optimize other products" and "channel distribution advantages", and needs to prove its ability in the UGC content ecosystem for the first time. In addition, hard-line tactics such as forced channel promotion and automatic installation have somewhat caused Tencent to "lose its reputation"-excessive force and poor appearance. Although the "coin throwing" method of play is direct and effective, it is a test for player retention. Great efforts to create miracles failed to succeed in "Dawn Awakening" and "Return to the Empire". Microvision is even more useless. This time "Yuanmeng" Again?

NetEase needs to prove the "moat" and impact resistance of the UGC ecosystem it has built - you said there are 500 million players, and you always emphasize how powerful UGC content is. It's time to show its ability to withstand pressure and impact. How much can you hold on to in the face of a strategy of allocating resources and pushing channels? Moreover, the problem of more young players has also made NetEase's operations very difficult. It happens that young players are easier to migrate (a few Q coins can be poached) - is "Egg Boy" played by 500 million players "puffy"? NetEase needs to self-certify.

This war will definitely have an impact on the profits of the game business of both manufacturers, but it will be a major benefit for advertising platforms (such as Judao and Tencent Advertising).

2, track perspective: ① Promote the quality of casual game products, "breaking the ceiling" in the party game market ② Party games continue to go out of the circle, no longer focusing on younger players, but towards more mass or even universal players, and the regulatory trend of the entire industry is also changing more advantageous.

3. Industry perspective: Injecting vitality into the upstream and downstream of the entire industry chain, including live broadcast, short video, MCN, Internet advertising, game media, game cloud, etc., is a shot in the arm. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is beneficial to the entire Internet economy at a macro level.

This is bound to be a protracted battle. ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

is destined to be a battle recorded in the history of games and even the history of the Internet!

Tags: shows