It turns out that I was driving a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I can’t run long distances only a few times a year, so it’s more appropriate to choose an electric car. Before

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It turns out that I drive a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I won't be able to run long distances a few times in a year, so it would be more appropriate to choose an electric car.

It turns out that I was driving a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I can’t run long distances only a few times a year, so it’s more appropriate to choose an electric car. Before - Lujuba
It turns out that I was driving a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I can’t run long distances only a few times a year, so it’s more appropriate to choose an electric car. Before - Lujuba
It turns out that I was driving a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I can’t run long distances only a few times a year, so it’s more appropriate to choose an electric car. Before - Lujuba
It turns out that I was driving a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I can’t run long distances only a few times a year, so it’s more appropriate to choose an electric car. Before - Lujuba

Before changing the car, I never thought about buying a Ford Electric Horse. I went to see the Xpeng P7 and Jikrypton 001. The test drive felt okay. But I never made the decision to pay. Later, when I passed by Changan Ford 4S and saw the electric horse, I decided to try it. At that time, I didn't expect that I would actually place an order for it. But after the test drive, I really like it, especially its acceleration feels great. After the test drive, I no longer wanted to drive the Reiz, so I sold the Reiz.

It turns out that I was driving a Reiz, which I bought in 2014 and used for nine years. Considering the fuel consumption problem, I decided to switch to an electric car. I can’t run long distances only a few times a year, so it’s more appropriate to choose an electric car. Before - Lujuba
html I placed an order for the Ford Electric Horse on September 1st, and received a notification on September 5th that the car could be picked up on the 7th. I paid the full payment and insurance in advance. The insurance was safe for more than 6,700, and no other configurations were added. Using the indicator of the previous oil truck

, I also applied to install an electric meter and install a charging pile in the community, and chose the 380V one. The official 7200 charging pile required a few days to be installed, so I returned it and bought a Bull 11KW charging pile, which was installed in two days.

is still slowly learning to use electric horses. The riders in Guangzhou also pulled me into a group. I am very grateful for their help. After driving the electric horse, traveling becomes more convenient and worry-free.

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