Live Broadcast, December 18th. Icardi’s wife Wanda Nora was a guest on the Domenica In program. In addition to talking about her relationship with her husband

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Live Broadcast, December 18th. Icardi’s wife Wanda Nora was a guest on the Domenica In program. In addition to talking about her relationship with her husband - Lujuba

Live Broadcast News, December 18th, Icardi’s wife Wanda Nora was a guest on the Domenica In program. In addition to talking about her relationship with her husband, she also talked about other topics.

"Icardi has always been the best, as the years have gone by, but he has always been the best. He is 7 years younger than me, he is an athlete, he has a perfect body, I am not athletic in the family Member. He looked at me with love? My mom said the same thing to me: 'I've never seen a man look at you like that, and no one has ever looked at me like that.' I don't know how I just danced Now, I’m so excited to be with them. All the kids are back in Istanbul, and Mauro is in charge of the kids all by himself, and he’s awesome. I didn’t expect Dancing with the Stars to be so challenging, it’s really It's very difficult. When you get into the game, you want to perform well."

"How did my story with Icardi come about? He was very young at that time, 17-18 years old, and he told me about his All my thoughts and desires, and I already had a family by that time. Later, when we started dating, after my divorce, I returned to Argentina and he gave me a ticket to Milan. I couldn’t go because I had three children. . He understood that if he wanted to have a story with me, he had to be serious. In fact, he later told me that he wanted to have a family with me. 10 years later, I can say that when he was seventeen or eighteen years old, Already possessed of incredible maturity."

"We got married after dating for 5 months because he said: 'We already have 3 children and we have to get married.' Because to him, my 3 children were also his. In the beginning, I get jealous very easily, but I won’t be like this 10 years later. On the contrary, I often take some sexy photos to share with him. He is even more jealous now, but he likes to make movies..."

Wanda also talked about her illness Experience: "Mauro immediately took me to the hospital because the samples taken needed further analysis. I didn't stay longer in the hospital, I turned on the TV and it was already saying that I had leukemia, which I had not yet been told. Anything. I prefer to keep it secret first before talking to my family about how to deal with it. They also suggested that I sue these newspapers and TV shows, but the pain has already happened, and whether I sue or not will not change my life."

(My name is Da Finch)

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