Ning Hao’s directorial debut, which only cost 40,000 yuan, has produced a domestically produced movie with a huge reputation

movie 1428℃

mentions Ning Hao, many people will think of "Crazy Stone". After all, most people know him only after watching this work.

Ning Hao’s directorial debut, which only cost 40,000 yuan, has produced a domestically produced movie with a huge reputation - Lujuba

is one of the directors who can make commercial films. Ning Hao completed his debut at the age of 26. He took out his savings of 40,000 yuan and went to Zhongguancun to buy a DV machine, which earned a lot of zero pay. It took more than half a month for the buddies to complete the filming. The movie


Ning Hao’s directorial debut, which only cost 40,000 yuan, has produced a domestically produced movie with a huge reputation - Lujuba

The story starts with a heavy snowfall. The protagonist of

is a monk, his name is unknown, everyone calls him a monk. Monk

lived in a small temple all the year round. The small temple fell into disrepair all the year round and has long been turned into a dangerous building. However, the local residents never thought of tearing down the small temple because the people in this village depend on sheep slaughter for their livelihoods. With a lot of blood on his hands, he can also deal with sins by relying on the small temple.

Ning Hao’s directorial debut, which only cost 40,000 yuan, has produced a domestically produced movie with a huge reputation - Lujuba

However, after the heavy snowfall, the monk found that the only Buddha statue in the small temple had collapsed.

If there is no Buddha statue in a temple, the temple has no meaning. So the monk ran around looking for sculptors, hoping to recreate a Buddha statue.

turned out to be 3,000 yuan for the sculpture worker to open his mouth. Since

has been shut down in recent years, the monk can’t afford 3,000 yuan at all, so he went to the religious department in the township, hoping that people from the public family could help, but the public family only left a few words: “It’s really impossible to help. After that, you should still do some small business.” The monk

is helpless. The temple requires so much money, and the government is not willing to help. If it is delayed until the Chinese New Year, he will lose a large amount of incense money. I have nowhere to live in my own life.

So he found the Cultural Relics Bureau, and the people at the Cultural Relics Bureau didn't care, but they proposed a way to make money, which is to let the monk go home to look for cultural relics and antiques, and exchange the cultural relics for money. The monk

really took down the windows in his home. The leader looked like that, so he asked the secretary to give the monk an order and asked him to take 2,000 yuan after the Chinese New Year. Monk

​​thought, this is not enough, the incense money is important, so he found the old master again. Brother

has been in the temple in the scenic spot. He has mixed up well for the past two years. He bought a motorcycle and built a new Buddha statue in the temple. He has no money left.

But the elder brother worked hard to persuade the monk: I will go to the temple on Mount Wutai next year. My temple is reserved for you, which is much better than your ruined temple. Monk

has no choice but to think of the last way: alms. The monk

bought a writing book in a decent way, and wrote the words "Gongde Book" on it upright.

He went from house to house for alms. A man expressed his willingness to donate a little money for the sculpture, but his purpose was to go to the temple's merit stele. After learning that he could not go to the stele, the man's face suddenly left 50 cents and left.

There is another old lady willing to donate. She gave 20 yuan, but she asked the Buddha to bless the daughter-in-law of the family to give birth to a fat grandson. Monk

learned well this time, and immediately packed his votes: Yes, surely! Buddhism is boundless, and your merits are boundless! The monk

found the cousin of the development gallery. The cousin always asked the monk to wash his hair. The monk knew that the cousin had no good intentions. When he went to visit next time, he knew that the cousin’s hair salon and the ladies had been The anti-prostitution police ordered them all.

dangled and he almost got 1,000 yuan for alms, but the police took him into the police station as a liar.

entered the black room of the police station, and the monk met a group of women who stumbled.

The women who stumbled were not surprised by the monk's arrival. After learning the truth about the monk's alms, they even generously helped each other: Our business is afraid of going to the pot after death, or we sisters should collect 3,000 yuan.

But the monk refused. He couldn't ask for this kind of money. After

paid the fine, the monk walked out of the police station, but he was forbidden for alms.

Another road was blocked. The monk really had no choice. He bought a small Buddha statue at a roadside stall for more than a dozen yuan, and then pretended to be opened, looking for family members of patients and selling them to them.

He went from being a monk who didn’t know the world and devoted himself to kindness, to a liar who made a living by deception. What is even more ironic is that at the end of the movie, the monk finally collected 3,000 yuan, and the Buddha statue in the temple was also molded. His pious appearance in front of the Buddha statue makes people wonder whether he is confessing or asking for merit like a Buddha.

Amidst the laughter, the Highway Bureau sent people to discuss with the monk. Because the road was to be built, the monk’s small temple could only be demolished. The word "demolition" on the wall of the small ruined temple was particularly prominent.

This "Incense" was released in 2003, with a Douban score of 8.2, won the Tokyo Ginza Film Festival Grand Prix, the Hong Kong International Film Festival Asia DV Competition Unit Gold Award, was named the best film by the Hong Kong Arts Center, and was selected in many international film festivals. ...

This is a complete literary and artistic film. It is hard to imagine that as a "ghost director", Ning Hao, who is the director, screenwriter, and photographer, who is best at making commercial films, would make such a magical work. The brilliance of

is that it uses the monk's difficult road to seek help to reflect the true attitude from top to bottom in the real society. In the

movie, even the monk is full of worldliness. He keeps saying that he wants to help the villagers kill a lot of beasts, in fact, so that the incense of the small temple can continue.

He went around for alms, and even became a liar, first for his own New Year's incense, and then for the gods in the temple, the temple is not important to him, what is important is the money in the merit box.

No wonder "Incense" is Ning Hao's favorite work. Compared with the current commercial movies, Ning Hao's "Incense" is so magical that there are no impurities, only shouts and talks.

Tags: movie