Recently, the May Day movie "Peacekeeping Squad" released the "Peacekeeping Squad" version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe

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The high-intensity action blockbuster "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" releases the first official trailer of the "Come for Peace" version Duration: 01:26 Source: Movie Network

The high-inflammation action blockbuster "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" releases " The first official trailer for "Come for Peace" version Hide

Duration: 01:26 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the May 1st movie "Peacekeeping Riot Squad" released the trailer and poster of the Peacekeeping Squad version. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad members while on duty overseas.

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

At the request of the United Nations and dispatched by the country, peacekeeping police officers such as Yu Weidong, Yang Zhen, Ding Hui (played by Zhong Chuxi), Zhou Jiaxuan (played by Ou Hao) traveled to foreign countries and went deep into the war-torn mission areas to perform peacekeeping tasks. In the trailer, the mission of escorting key witnesses is full of dangers, and the peacekeeping team engages in a fierce battle with violent armed groups ambushing along the way. When reaching a stalemate, Yu Weidong was not afraid of danger and decisively formulated a battle plan.

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

In critical moments, he went into danger alone and fought hand-to-hand with the enemy. When it was time to keep someone behind, Yang Zhen resolutely stopped the rest of the team because he understood that the peacekeeping team needed the captain's command more. The brief moment when the two looked at each other showed the tacit understanding of comrades-in-arms that needs no words, and the true expression of the soul of the peacekeeping team. It was Yang Zhen's confrontation with the enemy on the lighthouse that bought the team valuable evacuation time. The various actions of the team members all confirm that peacekeeping operations are never about the heroism of one person, but the unity of a group of people.

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

The trailer presents us with a group portrait of a young and passionate peacekeeping team. In addition to the domineering and taciturn captain Yu Weidong and the young and energetic sniper Yang Zhen, the liaison officer Ding Hui who builds a communication bridge and the squad leader Zhou Jiaxuan who stabilizes the team's morale are also The characterization is also impressive. In addition to the grand scenes of gunfire filling the sky, scenes such as Ding Hui kindly teaching local children how to read and Zhou Jiaxuan distributing supplies in the trailer also make people feel warm. As shown in the picture, in addition to performing combat missions, peacekeeping police will also actively participate in refugee resettlement, relief food distribution, emergency rescue and disaster relief, sowing the seeds of love and hope in the local area. They are worthy of being messengers of peace. In the trailer of

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

, the scene of Yu Weidong single-handedly knocking down gangsters on a rainy night is very exciting. The behind-the-scenes of this hard-fisted fight scene actually comes from Huang Jingyu's performance. In the play, he has to face a strong man weighing more than 200 kilograms. As a brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Huang Jingyu participated in the action design of this part after communicating with director Li Dachao, integrating his good Jiu-Jitsu skills into it. Judging from the final effect, the hug, throw and roll were completed in one go, showing the heroic appearance of the peacekeeping police.

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

The shot of Wang Yibo handsomely shooting a gun is unforgettable, especially the subjective shot of the first-person chase. Some of the long shots were shot part-time by Wang Yibo. Under the guidance of the photographer, Wang Yibo wore a self-service photography device integrated with a firearm and completed first-person shooting from chasing to shooting. Behind the handsome lens, the peacekeeping equipment and shooting equipment weigh nearly 40 pounds. Wang Yibo not only needs to bear the weight to complete the move, but also needs to perfectly coordinate with the timing of moving the camera. After resting, he became familiar with the position over and over again, constantly running in with the machine, and finally the silky smoothness showed this critical tightness.

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

As the role of Ding Hui, the liaison officer of the peacekeeping team, Zhong Chuxi protected the local children from beginning to end in the play, and she also brought this tenderness outside the play. When filming action scenes such as gun explosions and rolling vehicles, Zhong Chuxi always subconsciously protects the foreign actors with her body. There is a natural conditioned reflex, and you will protect the children first. This also helped young actors overcome their fear of explosions and better engage in performances.

Recently, the May Day movie 'Peacekeeping Squad' released the 'Peacekeeping Squad' version trailer and poster. The film is based on real events of the Chinese peacekeeping police and tells the little-known life and death moments of the Chinese peacekeeping police riot squad membe - Lujuba

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