Recently, "Howl's Moving Castle", a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at the 78th Academy Awards, officially opened pre-sales, and released posters in two formats, IMAX and CINITY.

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Recently, 'Howl's Moving Castle', a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at the 78th Academy Awards, officially opened pre-sales, and released posters in two formats, IMAX and CINITY. - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the movie "Howl's Moving Castle" directed by Hayao Miyazaki and nominated for the 78th Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film has officially opened pre-sales, and released two major posters, IMAX and CINITY.

2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the film’s release, and it is also the first time that it will be seen in theaters in IMAX and CINITY versions. The film will present a 20th anniversary restored version, which will be restored based on the original digital restoration of the film and supervised by professional Ghibli technicians. The audio and video effects will be greatly improved.

Recently, 'Howl's Moving Castle', a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at the 78th Academy Awards, officially opened pre-sales, and released posters in two formats, IMAX and CINITY. - Lujuba

IMAX Heart Flame special poster uses Howl's heart fire Calcifer as the visual center, and uses its flames to outline the profile of the male and female protagonists Howl and Sophie, depicting the heartbeat moment of the two, and the hot and romantic atmosphere. Grow hair quietly.

"Howl's Moving Castle" was once regarded as Hayao Miyazaki's favorite work. The film not only carries forward Studio Ghibli's iconic animation tradition, but also has the soundtrack for the film by the famous musician Joe Hisaishi. Listening to both levels will provide a moving experience for the audience. The movie also invited a strong cast to perform Chinese dubbing. Young actor Yu Shi played the role of Hal and Tian Xiwei voiced the heroine Sophie, interpreting the unique charm and romantic love of the characters.

Recently, 'Howl's Moving Castle', a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and nominated for Best Animated Feature Film at the 78th Academy Awards, officially opened pre-sales, and released posters in two formats, IMAX and CINITY. - Lujuba

The movie tells the story of a young girl, Sophie, who was cursed by the Witch of the Wilderness and turned into a 90-year-old old lady. By chance, Sophie, who left the town alone, entered Howl's Moving Castle, and gradually got to know the magician Haha as they got along day and night. Your unknown inner world. The

movie will be released in mainland theaters on April 30.

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