Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice. This eating habit has be

news 3079℃

Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice.

This eating habit has been adhered to for many years. Aunt Liu thinks that it will not have a great impact on the body, so she still enjoys the delicious food without wavering.

However, half a month ago, Aunt Liu had symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal urination. In order to find out the cause, the child took her to the hospital for an examination. Finally, Aunt Liu was diagnosed with advanced uremia.

This news was a bolt from the blue for Aunt Liu. He slumped on the ground, never thinking that he would become a victim of uremia if he never smoked or drank alcohol.

Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice. This eating habit has be - Lujuba


Why are there more and more uremias? Doctor: It has nothing to do with tobacco and alcohol. Most of these 3 things are done too much.

Uremia is caused by kidney failure, which leads to the inability of the metabolites in the body to be excreted in time, and a series of poisoning symptoms appear in the human body.

There are many patients with chronic kidney disease in my country, and some of them are likely to develop uremia. The interaction of many diseases with genetic factors, urinary tract infection, overuse of antibiotics, etc. may induce uremia.

Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice. This eating habit has be - Lujuba

More and more patients with uremia are related to people's unhealthy living habits. If you don't take good care of your kidneys and often do something that damages your kidneys, it may lead to kidney failure and cause uremia. If you do the following three things often, you hope to change them as soon as possible.

Bad living habits

First of all, we need to pay attention to eating habits. Excessive intake of high-protein, high-salt, high-sugar, high-fat and other foods will increase the burden on the kidneys, aggravate the burden on the kidneys, and cause kidney damage.

Therefore, we should consume protein in moderation, reduce the intake of salt, sugar and fat, and maintain a balanced and diversified diet. Second, we need to pay attention to our living habits.

Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice. This eating habit has be - Lujuba

Long-term overwork, lack of exercise, staying up late and other bad living habits can also damage the kidneys. Therefore, we should maintain good living habits, exercise properly, ensure adequate sleep, and reduce bad living habits.

Drug abuse

We also need to pay attention to the use of drugs, some drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, etc. can cause damage to the kidneys, so when using drugs, you should follow the doctor's advice and do not abuse drugs.

Diseases not treated in time

Nephritis, diabetes or high blood pressure and other diseases are closely related to uremia. If the blood sugar is not well controlled for a long time, it will lead to kidney microvascular disease and glomerulosclerosis. If measures are not taken in time, renal failure will occur later, and even uremia will occur.

Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice. This eating habit has be - Lujuba

In addition, increased blood pressure will lead to arteriosclerosis, and the kidneys supply blood through blood vessels. If the renal arteries become hardened, plaque, or narrowed, the blood supply to the kidneys will deteriorate, damage the glomeruli, and lead to a decline in renal function. Over time, uremia will occur.

Therefore, for patients suffering from these diseases, timely treatment and control of the disease is very important. During the course of treatment, active measures should be taken to control blood sugar and blood pressure and keep the kidneys healthy.

In addition, regular physical examinations and examinations are also very necessary to detect kidney problems in time and take measures to treat them. We cannot take it lightly, only timely treatment and prevention can ensure the health and normal function of the kidneys.


has uremia, do you need dialysis?

Uremia is a serious disease that causes kidney failure and prevents the body from excreting waste and toxins normally. When the patient's kidney function drops to a certain level, dialysis becomes an important treatment.

Aunt Liu is 60 years old this year and has always liked to eat all kinds of pickled food. Although the children once advised her to eat less and reminded her that eating pickled food often is not good for her health, Aunt Liu did not listen to the advice. This eating habit has be - Lujuba

Dialysis is a treatment in which a machine replaces the kidneys for blood filtration. Dialysis can effectively remove waste and toxins from the body, maintain the electrolyte balance in the body, relieve the symptoms of uremia patients, and improve the quality of life.

However, dialysis also has some unavoidable side effects and risks. Complications such as hypotension, infection, and bleeding may occur during dialysis, which may cause further damage to the patient's body.

In addition, dialysis needs to be carried out for a long time, which will also have a certain impact on the economic and psychological pressure of patients and families. Therefore, whether to perform dialysis needs to be decided according to the specific situation of the patient.

Dialysis is necessary if the patient's renal function has been severely impaired and uremia is evident. However, if the patient's renal function has not yet completely failed, or the patient has a greater psychological and economic burden on dialysis, other treatment methods, such as traditional Chinese medicine treatment and nutritional support, can be considered.

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