Recently, the animated film "Three Thousand Miles of Light" released the feature film of "Pei Twelve". The super popular character Pei Twelve showed his skills in Yangzhou's falling flowers and moonlit night, and competed with Gao Shi. Even Li Bai was "cheerleading" on the sideli

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1905 Film News Recently, the animated film "Three Thousand Miles of Chang'an" released the feature film "Pei Twelve". In addition to the confrontation, Pei Twelve's moment of "showing his true face" was also extremely moving. Under the excellent skill, he was full of ambitions that had yet to be realized.

Recently, the animated film 'Three Thousand Miles of Light' released the feature film of 'Pei Twelve'. The super popular character Pei Twelve showed his skills in Yangzhou's falling flowers and moonlit night, and competed with Gao Shi. Even Li Bai was 'cheerleading' on the sideli - Lujuba

As of press time, the cumulative box office of the film has reached 768 million, winning the single-day box office champion for two consecutive days, surpassing "New God List: Nezha Rebirth" (456 million) and "New God List: Yang Jian" (555 million) to become the highest-grossing animation single film, and entered the top ten box office of Chinese animation movies.

Recently, the animated film 'Three Thousand Miles of Light' released the feature film of 'Pei Twelve'. The super popular character Pei Twelve showed his skills in Yangzhou's falling flowers and moonlit night, and competed with Gao Shi. Even Li Bai was 'cheerleading' on the sideli - Lujuba

The film not only reproduces the magnificent picture scroll of the Tang Dynasty, but also traces the ups and downs and wonderful life stories between the literati Gao Shi and Li Bai, which deeply touched many viewers.

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