The difference between the two Oscar winners is 29 years because of the difficulty of her performance in this film.

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70-year-old Meryl Streep was praised for “acting enough to hold up a world”, but she is low-key like an amateur outside the set, and has never had a scandal in more than 40 years. Aunt Mei's light has always been only blooming on the big screen.

The difference between the two Oscar winners is 29 years because of the difficulty of her performance in this film. - Lujuba

Aunt Mei has won 21 Oscar nominations, of which 17 are nominated for female lead and 4 are nominated for female supporting roles, but she has only been crowned two Oscars and won one best female supporting role. The winning rate is really a bit low. .

The difference between the two Oscar winners is 29 years because of the difficulty of her performance in this film. - Lujuba

​​Aunt Mei's first Oscar title was won in 1983 with "Sophie's Choice" when she was 34 years old.

The difference between the two Oscar winners is 29 years because of the difficulty of her performance in this film. - Lujuba

Aunt Mei won the Oscar for the second time, in 2012, she successfully played Margaret Thatcher in "Iron Lady: Strong Tenderness" when she was 63 years old. Fans born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s like to call her "Aunt Mei", and those born after 00 can call her grandma. There is a 29-year difference between

's winning the championship. During this period, Aunt Mei won 11 Oscar nominations for classic films such as "Out of Africa" ​​and "The Bridge of Last Dream", but none of them won the award, which is really regrettable. But if you think about it carefully, you will understand that this is only because Aunt Mei played so well in "Sophie's Choice", and it will be difficult to surpass her role and performance in the next 30 years.

Aunt Mei's performance in "Sophie's Choice" was praised by Hollywood as "the second most difficult performance in film history". Today, Young Sister Ying will take you to review "Sophie's Choice" which Aunt Mei gave a magnificent performance.

Looking back at the movie released in 1982 from the current movie-watching habits, you will feel that its first half of the development is a bit slow, but following the plot and suspense settings, you will gradually substitute yourself into Stingo’s perspective. Step into Sophie's world.

Rookie novelist Stingo came to New York from the southern United States. On the first day he found a place to live in Brooklyn, he ran into Sophie and Nathan who were in fierce conflict. Aunt May’s first appearance in the movie was very embarrassing. Sophie was crying on the stairs in her silk pajamas. Nathan cursed her with the most vicious words. By the way, he also cursed Stingo, who was out to watch the excitement. Dog with bloody head.

​​Sophie, who showed up again, did not look like she had collapsed before, and she smiled and brought dinner to her new neighbor, Stingo.

Some people may think that Aunt Mei’s nose is too sharp and her facial contours are too hard. She is not a stunning beauty, but Ying Xiaomei got Aunt Mei’s peak beauty in "Sophie's Choice", and it was from this smile that she started. .

is remembered with Sophie’s brilliant smile, and the number left on her arm.

Nathan put away the scumbag from the previous night, and began to welcome Stingo as a close friend. We also followed Stingo to get to know Sophie and Nathan-Sophie was the daughter of a Polish professor. His father was murdered because of his opposition to the Nazis. Sophie had a reluctant experience in Auschwitz. Sen is a biologist and rescues Sophie who fainted in the library, and the two fell in love.

Aunt Mei, who plays Sophie, speaks English, Polish and German in the film. In order to play this role well, she has worked hard on the language. When I first met Nathan, Sophie was half-baked in English; after the two got along for a while, Sophie's English became much fluent, but she still had a strong Polish accent, especially the pronunciation of r. . After getting acquainted with

, Nathan read Emily Dickinson’s verses for Sophie, as if they were fate:

"Make this bed wide and open,

make this bed full of awe,

in bed, waiting The final referee was perfect and fair.

made the cushions on the bed flat,

made the pillows on the bed round,

, don’t let the yellow noise of the sunrise disturb the place." The

plot was laid for nearly an hour, and Sophie finally started. Stingo's first narration. In this narration, Sophie's eyes often look down and turn left and right. Friends who have some understanding of micro-expressions will know that this shows that the speaker is looking for excuses to escape reality, that is to say, Sophie is not telling the truth this time.

Sophie said that her father and husband were shot the day after they were sent to the labor camp; Sophie alsoSaid that she went to the black market to buy ham and hid it in a skirt to hold a pregnant woman in order to feed her mother who was suffering from tuberculosis. After being caught, she was sent to Auschwitz.

When you discover from the micro-emojis designed by Aunt Mei for Sophie that her story is half-truth, of course you will find something wrong with Nathan. He is an overly acting personality, capricious, and is still showing off during the day. After winning the Nobel Prize, she turned her face to suspect Sophie derailed at night.

Soon, Stingo learned from Sophie’s Polish fellow that Sophie’s father was a Nazi supporter, but he was still killed. Stingo, who couldn't help himself, asked Sophie, nervous Sophie rubbed the corner of her eye with her hand from time to time. After

was exposed, Sophie first laughed and then cried. She was afraid to tell her father's position because she was "fear of being abandoned."

In Sophie’s second narration of Stingo, there is a picture of the grayish-yellow tone belonging to the past, not just her monologue, which also shows that this narration is true.

One of the roots of Sophie's pain lies in her father's position. Sophie was her father’s secretary. When writing a speech for him, she discovered that her father’s attitude towards Polish Jews was "extinct." This word shocked her too much, so she came to the Jewish community and looked at the men, women and elders there. When the child came and went, hatred for his father grew in his heart.

Sophie fell in love with a man named Joseph. He and his sister were both rebels. Soon after Joseph was killed, Sophie and two children were arrested.

talked about the whereabouts of her children after Auschwitz. Sophie once again looked down and turned left and right. She said that her daughter was killed and her son was locked up in a children’s concentration camp, but a keen friend would notice that she concealed something. what.

​​Sophie, who regained love after the war, is just like a rose, but Sophie in the Auschwitz concentration camp is ashamed. The weight of the two Sophies may seem to be 20 kilograms different. Even if the credit for styling and makeup is excluded, Aunt Mei can work hard for the role to lose weight.

looks like a German and speaks German, so Sophie becomes the secretary of the commander. In her shoes, there was a newspaper containing her father’s anti-Semitic remarks, which she thought would be a lifesaver. She hated her father and his position, but wanted to rely on it to save her son's life.

Hearing that infectious diseases are raging and the children in the children’s camp have died in large numbers, Sophie begged the commander to save her son, betraying herself. Because of weakness and fear, her head was shaking gently, like a fragile leaf. She looked forward all night to see her son after dawn, but the commander did not fulfill her promise to let her son go, and Sophie never saw him again.

Sophie's second narration ends, and Stingo learns from Nathan's brother that Nathan is actually a lunatic.

Nathan asked Sophie to marry him, and Sophie's eyes flashed with surprise and anxiety.

The good times are still not long, Nathan goes crazy again, threatening to kill Sophie and Stingo. Stingo took Sophie away and proposed to her, hoping to start a family with her and have children. Sophie told her in the third story that she had never told anyone.

It turned out that when Sophie and a pair of children were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp, a German officer asked her to choose one of the two children to send to the gas chamber. If she did not choose, she would send the two children together. Lower Sophie shouted "Take my daughter"... From this forced decision, Sophie's life was completely lost.

When Sophie said this for the first time, she looked like she was 20 years old. And this "choice", which has been included in the classic film history, was only filmed once, because Aunt Mei did not have the courage to perform it a second time.

​​Is this choice a bit familiar? In the domestic film "Tangshan Earthquake" directed by Feng Xiaogang in 2010, the mother played by Xu Fan cried out "Save my brother" when faced with a son and a daughter who were buried in the rubble. Philippine’s Choice"" controversy. Even if it is not plagiarism, this is obviously a tribute to "Sophie's Choice."

Sophie, who survived Auschwitz concentration camp, lived in self-denial for the next few years, such as walking dead. The position of

's father made her feel ashamed and angry, and her relatives are like this. Sophie believes that she is not innocent.

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's lover and sister made her admire, and Sophie thought she was shameful to be cowardly.

was forced to make a life-and-death decision from his children. It was clearly the crime of the German officer, but Sophie believed that he was also guilty. Any mother in her position would think that the act of giving up a child is unforgivable.

When people asked about her experience in Auschwitz, Sophie always instinctively used lies to protect herself. She was afraid that she would be deserted if she tells the truth, because she deserted herself a long time ago and shouldered the things she shouldn’t The guilt carried by her.

For Sophie, who has nothing to love, she can accept Nathan, a madman who is currently drunk and drunk, but cannot accept a man who wants to live a solid life with her, because in her world, no more There may be something "secure in this world".

​​Aunt Mei showed Sophie's self-blame and self-anaesthesia just right. When you see her eyes, you can see her pain, her struggle, and her escape. This is a great actor. Her eyes can't lie. Not only can you see the depth of her life, but it can also make you feel inner contradictions that she may not even feel.

And Aunt Mei’s performance accurately grasps the balance between “performance” and “restraint”. Everyone can always understand her feelings and her hesitation at the first time, and they will be curious as to what the role will do next.

In the end, Sophie chose to embrace Nathan to commit suicide, completely ending this tragic life.

is like what Emily Dickinson wrote in a poem:

"make this bed wide open,

make this bed full of awe,

on the bed, waiting for the final referee, perfect and fair.

make the bed The cushions are flat,

makes the pillows on the bed round,

don't let the yellow noise of sunrise disturb this place."

For Sophie, every day is a day of judgment, and she finally got relief.

Aunt Mei portrayed Sophie with a beautiful appearance and a ruined heart. She also used the role of Sophie to tell us how war can cause a person to lose her dearest people and her faith. , Lose the power to live. If she always cherishes a conscience, she will live under the heavy spiritual shackles, and die.

Maybe "Sophie's Choice" is not the best anti-war movie, but Sophie is one of the most memorable war victims on the big screen, and this role brings about war, humanity, hope, and despair. His reflection has continued to this day.

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