On April 12, the animated film "Xiao Qian" released the "Red Line" version trailer and the "Hate the World" version trailer. In the poster, Xiaoqian is dressed in red and trying to break free from the constraints of layers of red satin. Under the red satin, there were black cloud

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The animated movie "Xiao Qian" released a new trailer. A super unique world view of the underworld! Duration: 01:57 Source: Movie Network

The animated movie "Xiao Qian" released a new trailer. A super unique world view of the underworld! Collapse

Duration: 01:57 It is recommended to open

1905 Movie Network News on April 12, the animated movie "Xiao Qian" released the red line version trailer and the "Hate the World" version trailer under WIFI. In the poster, Xiaoqian is dressed in red and trying to break free from the constraints of layers of red satin. Under the red satin, there were black clouds covering the red-dyed Naihe River. Ning Sheng walked hard along the Naihe River in the direction of Xiaoqian. Wherever

On April 12, the animated film 'Xiao Qian' released the 'Red Line' version trailer and the 'Hate the World' version trailer. In the poster, Xiaoqian is dressed in red and trying to break free from the constraints of layers of red satin. Under the red satin, there were black cloud - Lujuba

goes, it is my Nie Xiaoqian’s life! The mystery of Xiaoqian's life experience is revealed in the new trailer. Xiaoqian is hunted down by heavenly masters, judges from the underworld, black and white, and other parties because of her possession of a mysterious body. However, Ningsheng's firm protection and warm love along the way have become Xiaoqian's destiny. Reasons for loving the world.

The movie "Xiaoqian" is adapted from the Qing Dynasty writer Pu Songling's novel "Nie Xiaoqian" from "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" and is directed by Mao Qichao. The film will be screened on April 14th and will be released nationwide on April 30th.

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