The sky is no longer the limit! America's Cancer Fighter Joins Private Space Journey

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China News Service, February 23 (Xinhua) According to the "Central News Agency" report on the 22nd, the first private space flight of the US Space Exploration Technology Corporation (SpaceX) was ordered by billionaire businessman Isaacman, and the young female cancer fighter Aki Hayley Arceneaux was selected to join. Yahino, who has successfully battled bone cancer, thinks spaceflight should be a "cosmic little thing".

The sky is no longer the limit! America's Cancer Fighter Joins Private Space Journey - Lujuba

Data map: News on November 17, 2020, at 11:00 pm Eastern Time on the 16th, after 27 hours of flight, the SpaceX "Dragon" spacecraft carrying 4 astronauts completed docking with the International Space Station. The picture shows the "Dragon spacecraft" docked at the International Space Station.

Isaacman booked SpaceX's first private space trip. Previously, Isaacman gave one of the four seats in the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft to St. Jude Hospital. In January, Ahino received a call from her home in Memphis, Tennessee, asking if she wanted to represent St. Jude Hospital in space. Her immediate reaction was: "Okay, okay, please (let me go)!" But she still asked her mother first. Next, she asked her brother and sister-in-law for their views. They were both aerospace engineers and assured her that space travel was safe.

On February 22, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital announced that Yahino, a 29-year-old physician assistant hired in the spring of 2020, will be one of the members of Isaacman's private space travel.

Ahino will become the youngest American in space when he takes off on a rocket in the fall of 2021, younger than the record holder, NASA astronaut Sally Ride. Yahino will join Isaacman and two other winners who have not yet been selected.

Ahinoor will also be the first American in space with a prosthetic arm. She had surgery at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital when she was 10 to replace her knee with a titanium bone in her left femur. Yashino still walks with a limp and still suffers from occasional leg pains, but she has secured approval from SpaceX to serve as the medical officer for the trip.

Yahino said in an interview: "The experience of fighting cancer really prepared me for space travel. Fighting cancer made me strong, and then I think it did teach me to expect the unexpected and adapt to the situation."

She Hope, to show her little patients or other cancer patients that "the sky is no longer the limit". She said: "Seeing a cancer fighter go to space means a lot to these children."

Source: China News Network

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