Wu Yinong didn't dare to argue with Wang Hongwei, knowing he was an idiot? You Shuhui: Winning or losing has been decided

original 1068℃

文|Chen Jingsheng

Original After the disastrous defeat in the "nine-in-one" election , the Democratic Progressive Party tried to regain its ground in the postelection of Chiayi mayor and the by-elections of two "legislative" seats and revive morale.

Unexpectedly, the disastrous defeat of the "Nine in One" was just the beginning. In the Chiayi mayor election, the DPP lost again. And the results of the by-election for the "legislators" in the third district of Taipei City are almost non-existent. KMTcandidate Wang Hongweiis in a crushing state, and DPP candidate Wu Yinong dare not even debate join!

Wu Yinong didn't dare to argue with Wang Hongwei, knowing he was an idiot? You Shuhui: Winning or losing has been decided - Lujuba

Wu Yinong dare not debate with Wang Hongwei

It stands to reason that in elections, the weaker candidates usually ask the more advanced candidates for a debate, so as to win the attention of voters, and at the same time use political competition to strengthen their momentum , win votes. But Wu Yinong always attacked Wang Hongwei as having "no political opinion" or "empty political opinion", so Wang Hongwei issued an invitation to debate, which could not only smash Wu Yinong's smear, but also compete with each other. However, Wu Yinong was unwilling to accept the move, and even used the excuse of "not wanting to give Wang Hongwei more stages to attack herself", which is really a very contradictory move.

In this regard, Wang Hongwei said bluntly, if Wu Yinong really thinks that political views are very important, then he should not refuse to debate. This is a good opportunity to explain his political views and ideas to voters.

Wu Yinong didn't dare to argue with Wang Hongwei, knowing he was an idiot? You Shuhui: Winning or losing has been decided - Lujuba

Taipei's "legislators" by-election, the winner or loser has been decided

In fact, Wu Yinong is not unwilling to accept the invitation to debate, but he dare not accept it at all. Everyone knows how powerful Wang Hongwei is. Known as the "female warrior" of the blue camp, she has not only worked at the grassroots level for many years, but also has a deep understanding of public opinion; she is also outstanding in eloquence and logical thinking. More importantly, in this "nine-in-one" election, Wang Hongwei pointed out Lin Zhijian's plagiarism. It can be said that the green camp was caught off guard. A lot of credit has been paid.

Wu Yinong, on the other hand, is a "reader" just like Tsai Ing-wen. He once forgot his words in a public event, and the scene was very embarrassing. In the end, he even brought up Tsai Ing-wen's socks to change the subject. machine second generation", "straw bag". And the Songshan Airport political opinion he put forward not long ago is something that his predecessors have mentioned many times and cannot be realized, and even if he is elected as a "legislator", he will not agree with it. The proposal of this political opinion undoubtedly confirmed his title of "idiot".

Wu Yinong didn't dare to argue with Wang Hongwei, knowing he was an idiot? You Shuhui: Winning or losing has been decided - Lujuba

KMT Taipei City Councilor You Shuhui claimed that everyone has already seen through whether Wu Yinong was expected or not. If he doesn't even dare to take up a debate, can the public still expect him to be the mouthpiece of the people after he becomes a "legislator"? You Shuhui asserted that in fact, Wu Yinong no longer needs to participate in the debate, because the answer to this election has basically been released.

The empty-headed Wu Yinong may also be looking forward to the early end of the election, so that he won't have to suffer anymore and be complained about as a "stupid bag"!

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