He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death.

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He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death. - Lujuba


“吐了一盆子血”李姐(化名)儿子说, In the middle of the night, I heard abnormal noises in my mother's room. When I got up and opened the door of my mother's room, I saw that my mother was spitting up blood, vomited a basin full of blood, and there were a lot of blood clots. At 4:30 in the morning, the emergency room of Shenzhen Hezheng Hospital received the patient who vomited blood profusely. He was immediately examined and sent to the emergency room.

He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death. - Lujuba

On the verge of life and death, we worked together to rescue

Sister Li (pseudonym) had liver cancer , liver cirrhosis , but this was the first time she vomited blood like this, and the whole Li family was very worried about it. The person who received Sister Li was Dr. Jiang Xun from the emergency department . Sister Li was admitted to the hospital for a preliminary assessment. Sister Li vomited blood and volume exceeded 1000ml. Based on the medical history, the diagnosis was considered to be acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Dr. Jiang Xun immediately arranged for Sister Li to enter the hospital. In the emergency room, ECG monitoring, oxygen inhalation, two venous accesses, rapid rehydration, emergency treatment, stabilization of vital signs, acid and enzyme suppression to stop bleeding, etc. were given, and emergency checks, blood routine , blood type, and the first four items of blood transfusion were given. , liver and kidney function electrolytes, myocardial enzymes, coagulation function.

Consultation with the emergency department, gastroenterology department, critical medicine department and other related specialties, and told Sister Li's (pseudonym) family that in this situation, hematemesis may occur again to shock , and tracheal intubation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation are required if necessary The family members expressed their awareness and actively cooperated with the treatment. After the joint efforts of Dr. Hezheng's team, the patient's bleeding was temporarily controlled, no further hematemesis occurred, and his vital signs stabilized.

He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death. - Lujuba

Multidisciplinary consultation, turning the corner to safety

A few hours later, the examination results came out quickly, comprehensive examination results, combined with the patient’s medical history, after multidisciplinary consultation, it was considered that the patient might be caused by rupture of gastroesophageal varices due to liver cirrhosis. If there is a possibility of bleeding again in the short term, the Department of Gastroenterology immediately performed bedside emergency endoscopic hemostatic treatment. After

, ​​Dr. from Department of Gastroenterology gave careful treatment, through acid suppression, stomach protection, lower portal vein pressure, blood transfusion, fluid replacement, support, etc. Sister Li's bleeding was stable and she did not complain of any special discomfort. After 10 days of treatment, Ms. Li’s mind was clear, her breathing was stable, her heart and lung examination showed no abnormalities, her abdominal pressure was painless, and there was no lump. Ms. Li’s liver cirrhosis has improved significantly. After discussing with the hospital, her family members decided to leave the hospital for medication control. , and regularly come to the hospital for physical examination.

Why does liver cirrhosis lead to hematemesis

Liver cirrhosis is digestive system common diseases, common causes of liver cirrhosis are viral hepatitis , steatohepatitis and alcoholic hepatitis and so on. After suffering from the above diseases, long-term and repeated liver damage gradually evolves into liver cirrhosis (commonly known as liver cirrhosis). Cause varicose veins, easy to cause gastrointestinal bleeding performance. Treatment requires the treatment of the basic disease of liver cirrhosis, and additional treatments such as reducing portal pressure and hemostasis.

He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death. - Lujuba

What causes liver cirrhosis

The main cause of liver cirrhosis is fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, viral hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis , and cholestasis,Drugs, nutrition and other factors cause long-term damage.

He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death. - Lujuba

How to prevent cirrhosis of the liver

Prevention of cirrhosis of the liver should pay attention not to drink alcohol, because alcohol will accelerate liver cirrhosis. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the prevention of viral hepatitis. If you find hepatitis , you should go to the hospital in time and treat accordingly according to the test results. Weight should also be controlled to prevent fatty liver. Usually maintain good living habits, do not overeat, and do not eat spicy and greasy food that will cause liver burden. Supplement vitamins and potassium to improve the body immunity , you can also eat more bananas to keep the stool smooth.

He vomited 1,000 ml of blood, and his life was hanging by a thread. He went to the emergency room and was rescued on the verge of life and death. - Lujuba

reminds everyone to take good care of the liver, drink less alcohol and stay up late. Once liver cirrhosis is found, it is necessary to seek medical treatment in time to avoid shock caused by vomiting blood. For first aid questions, please click to consult the emergency department!

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