After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu

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After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

2021 is a year when the whole people yearn for rewinding, but the rapid life everywhere proves that no one wants to lie down easily - those who roll their heads sharpen their heads and squeeze the single-plank bridge, and those who do not roll have not yet found their ideals. Yangguan Road. Is the

effort really " inflation "? Which introversions have you and I watched indifferently, and which crazy whirlpools of internal frictions have unknowingly fallen into?

We intercepted ten famous scenes of involution in 2021, summed up a "2021 Fancy Involution Report" , and see how we fluttered and rolled out flowers in our lives during this year.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

's most unattainable volume,

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

's volume of quality education , is essentially a volume between parents. This is nothing new, but a Weibo in March this year made people critized by "the unevenness of the world" again:

When a blogger named @LyingBenBenBoom heard on a podcast that someone was conducting an Arctic scientific expedition, I met elementary school students in Chaoyang District, Beijing, on a graduation trip.

originally thought it was just an anecdote, but after a closer look at the comment area, I found that this phenomenon is not uncommon:

children with Haidian are only in the second grade, so they go to Poland to exchange with ; Beijing Xicheng school organizes children during holidays Go to Africa to watch the great migration of animals; some junior high school children's practice classes are to plant trees in Africa, go to South America to play football, and go to the "Ivy League" to check in...

It's just an extracurricular practice, as for such a volume? For many post-80s and 90s childhood graduation trips, it is not bad to be able to hang out in a zoo in a big city or "see" a certain college. Compared with these children today, it is a universe away.

This is a "quality education" like a shredder, but the gold content and effectiveness are rarely explained. What can be seen intuitively is only the parents' educational anxiety and unintentionally involved comparisons. It's no wonder that some netizens say that will "roll on the space station " in the future.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The most outrageous volume of

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

This year's news can be said to be the champion of the Sand Sculpture News Contest: On December 8, the annual Abdulaziz King Camel held in Saudi Arabia In the beauty pageant, more than 40 camels from were kicked out of the competition for accepting "medical beauty". The

judges found that some camel owners were injecting botox into the heads and lips of camels to make them look bigger and fuller, and that some camels were given hormone preparations to make their camels look bigger in order to win $66 million. Muscles are more developed.

We know that and have penetrated every circle, but we never thought that other species would be rolled up this year.

Take a closer look at this outrageous farce, camels are the most pitiful, because they are essentially transformed according to human aesthetics. This year, the marketing of appearance anxiety has spawned a variety of medical beauty needs, such as pixie ears, artificial dimples, child face acupuncture... People are less and less likely to appreciate the original beauty, and only have "one-click beauty" in their eyes. template.

In front of every camel that suffers, no one is innocent.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The most offensive volume of social animals

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

In May this year, a topic of Tsinghua graduated from housekeeping is the strongest internal volume, which refreshed everyone's cognition of housekeeping. The reason is that a company called "Youjie Housekeeping" released A post titled "Tsinghua - Nanny Aunt 35K Housekeeper" shows people the ceiling of a "live-in tutor".

, a 29-year-old girl from Tsinghua University, is not an exception. The company also displayed highly educated domestic workers such as Peking University , Zhejiang University , British Royal Family, and even foreigners.

In the past, our perception of "housekeeping" was limited to sanitation and raising children, but domestic workers have long been more than traditional aunties or nannies.

This year, Shanghai Open University opened the first undergraduate major of Home Economics, and even attracted a doctoral student to join. The students will study Introduction to Home Economics, Social Psychology, Family Education, Family Nutrition, etc. After one year of study, you will get a bachelor's degree in law.

The importance of home economics proves that this industry has a broad market and is about to become refined and professional. In fact, home economics has been rolled up for a long time, and more and more young people with high education and practical experience have entered this industry, and there are not a few men among them.

It can be said that the last retreat for social animals will soon be blocked.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The last volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

In May this year, a video of "Pour milk for idols" was exposed. This is a brand new "industry" induced by fans buying milk, casting idols, pouring milk, and then buying milk and casting milk. Many people were stunned, and the chaos in the rice circle was once again strongly condemned. It can be seen from

that the idol industry has been developing abnormally, and the "quick book support and gift-giving storm" exposed at the end of last year is just the tip of the iceberg. In an interview with "GQ" magazine, scholar Lin Xi (pseudonym), called the idol industry a "disguised involution". She believes that rolling up is huge traffic, and fans are living traffic money printing machines. The psychology of

fans supporting idols is understandable, but if such emotions are used by malicious platforms, fans can easily be trapped in them without knowing it, become harvested "leeks" or lead to malicious competition.

Therefore, the "Qinglang" series of special actions in 2021 is very necessary. On June 15th, , the Central Internet Information Office, , announced that it would launch a nationwide special campaign of "clean and clean 'fan circle' chaos rectification", focusing on key links such as star lists, hot topics, fan communities, and interactive comments. Clean up harmful information such as fans tearing at each other, trolling, provoking confrontation, slander, rumor attack, malicious marketing, etc.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The most pleasing volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

Two years after the outbreak, tourism around the world has been hit hard. In order to snatch the rare tourist resources, scenic spots all over the country have their own unique tricks, and the most popular of them is the ice cream in the scenic spots.

From terracotta warriors in Shaanxi to bronze masks in Sanxingdui, from the ninth floor of Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang to Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang, these cultural relics have been vividly reproduced into ice cream. Bloggers are flocking, and in a short period of time, these ice creams have become the most liked "props" on major social platforms.

As for whether these ice creams are delicious, no one seems to pay attention to this issue. After all, their most important function is to "produce slices".

Moreover, these ice creams are expensive, and they can compete with Zhong Xuegao in minutes, so those who can sign up in ice cream shops in major scenic spots are all high-end Versailles people in this year's circle of friends.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The most unexpected volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

A well-known "cold knowledge": there are no 178cm or 179cm boys in the world, because they will claim to be 1.8 meters tall at any time.

I don't know when it started. 180cm is generally considered to be the "pass line" for boys' height. It seems that below this value, they have no meaning to walk upright.

But these days, that anxiety permeates not only adult men, but also parents with children.

is on the Baidu post bar "Grow Taller", whether or not to get "height-enhancing needles" is a hot topic at the moment; many parents think that "early get started, get older", and take their children to get it at the age of five or six, because They believe that height is closely related to "appearance, work, and marriage" in the future, so they must work hard to "physiological chicken baby".

The height of a minor, just rolled up like this. But these "higher needles" are essentially a growth hormone , which should be used to treat children with short stature caused by growth hormone deficiency. Abuse of growth hormone may lead to many side effects, and its risk should not be underestimated.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The most inexplicable volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The real fancy inner volume not only knows no borders, but can even cross the realm of yin and yang - the art of paper tying is one of them. Before

Qingming Festival , the "car", "villa", "helicopter" and "US dollar pound" made of paper are the most popular, because they can show the "big family".

But in the second year of the national anti-epidemic, these things are not very popular, because sacrifice shops have launched paper-bound " new crown vaccine ", "masks" and "disinfectants""Goggles"... 's full set of armament is so delicate that it can be almost fake, and the paper craftsman can even create a "ventilator" at the request of customers.

It can be seen that the paper tying industry is also rolling in, and you can't get along without opening your mind and keeping up with current events.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The most important volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

The number of people who admire the moon is getting smaller every year, but the number of people who join the moon cake PK war is increasing year by year. This year, it has reached the level of involution. More than 20,000 moon cake companies have jointly created A market of more than 20 billion yuan. At the beginning of

, ​​the only difference between mooncakes was whether they were sweet or salty, stuffed with fresh meat or egg yolk and lotus seed paste; but this year, the taste of mooncakes has become as complex and diverse as the snack market, has launched snail powder mooncakes, small Lobster mooncakes, stinky mandarin fish mooncakes, pearl milk tea mooncakes, leek and egg mooncakes... I feel like there are only wonderful flowers left at the end of the roll. In addition to the complex taste of

, ​​the shape of moon cakes has also become unique. For example, the most popular one this year is a moon cake with "Shanghai Mental Health Center" printed on it, which unexpectedly became popular because of its "special" design. It can be seen from

that the mooncake industry not only has a high gross profit margin, but is also gradually competing for the brand marketing track. Even if it is only once a year, we must do our best to compete.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

's most down-to-earth volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

Under the impact of the epidemic, high-end luxury brands around the world are also involved, racking their brains to save the offline market, and the most out of the circle is the "vegetable market" of the well-known luxury brand Prada ".

In October of this year, Prada opened a vegetable market in Shanghai Cross-border and Wuzhong Market. Even the vegetables were packaged with Prada's classic elements, giving them a new look. For a time, Douyin , Weibo, Xiaohongshu Bloggers flocked to it.

Indeed, since the outbreak of the epidemic, the turnover of many international luxury brands has dropped sharply, so Prada, who has always been arrogant, had to step down from the altar and set the venue for the pop-up event in the vegetable market.

Many high-end luxury brands have also opened Taobao stores in China. Well-known luxury brands such as Prada and Armani have successively announced their entry into and Tmall .

However, Prada's pop-up event this time has also received a lot of criticism, because many people flocked to get a Prada bag, threw the vegetables as soon as they came out of the market, and staged a real-life version of "buy a casket for a pearl".

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

's happiest volume

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

"In your heart, what is the top 1 happy water?"

- This question was in the past, and the answer from the migrant workers may only be "Coke"; but in this year, the same office Everyone may give different answers.

This year is a year of blowout in the tea industry. Milk tea shops and fruit tea shops have sprung up. Ten different tea shops may be squeezed into a ten-meter-long alley, but I can't tell when they will quietly change. batch.

At the same time, various tea and beverages with the slogan of "sugar-free" have also entered the convenience stores in the streets and alleys. Young people are hypnotizing themselves while buying "cheap happiness". If

wants to survive in this war of involution, what methods have the merchants come up with to break through? The R&D staff of

first started with fruits, such as Hey Tea, let the niche fruit yellow skin go to the north and south, and also fried oil orange into a net red fruit; crazy stacking of ingredients is also one of the ways to play, but eat too much It makes many people feel like they are eating eight-treasure porridge.

In the end, the reason why this year's tea industry broke out into involution in a short period of time is closely related to the fatigue of contemporary young people at work. "It's three o'clock, it's time to drink tea!" This golden sentence became the mantra of the social animals as soon as it was launched. It can be seen that at this trend, everyone wants to try to take off.

After watching the 2021 top ten introductory scenes, I live in Bengbu - Lujuba

's involution this year is forming a vicious circle, which may lead to stagnant beasts in the system, and may also make some industries prosperous for a while, bringing a little black humor to life.

But what is certain is that it is not only involving adults, because it has involved children, but also other innocent species.

A lot of involution itself does not have meaning, but knowing what is in the coil canKnow how to rewind.

If you want to ask, what can get rid of these thousands of involutions? In fact, is not too difficult, that is, reading 10,000 "volumes".

If you can't do anything, just go home and read more, after all - if you can't beat it, can't I escape? Produced by


丨 Lifestyle Research Institute

author 丨 Hua Lai Bai

illustrator 丨 Ouyang Bobby

Reference materials:

[1] Graduated from Tsinghua University as housekeeping, is it the strongest "inner volume" or just needed in the market? |Interface News

[2] The first anniversary of "227": report, collapsed house, involution, 996 of idols and fans |GQ report

[3] After eating a belly of cultural and creative ice cream, I finally found the ugliest one|Interesting report

[4] In order to grow taller, this group of parents decided to give their children injections | NetEase Numerals

[5] In the underworld, nothing can be rolled up in paper | Difficult|China News Weekly

[7] The troubled luxury goods rely on "involution" China|Gelonghui APP

Today's topic In 2021, which is the strongest involution you have ever seen?

Tags: cartoon