The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable

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hello, hello everyone, I’m Xiaobai

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

The twelve ghost moons are divided into upper string ghosts and lower string ghosts. Although both belong to the twelve ghost moons, their strengths are very different. Against the most powerful pillar of the ghost killing team, you can still easily win

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

As we all know, all ghosts were once human beings. What was it like, and what caused them to become ghosts? Let's take a look at the experiences of a few of them in the human period,

brothers and sisters of the prostitute Taro

The reason why the brothers and sisters of the prostitute Taro chose Huajie as the place to hibernate is not without reason, which has something to do with their experiences in the human period. Born in Huajie, because they were both children and had no parents to rely on, their life was very difficult at the beginning, but even so they still worked hard to live

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

It is a pity that fate did not favor the poor siblings, Xiaomei because of offending a samurai Burned by the fire, the beauty they once had was gone. If they hadn't met Tong Mo, the brother and sister would have died on the cold street of Huajie. Helpless by fate, then Huang Yue is more out of voluntary

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

In the human period, Huang Yue can be said to have brought selfishness to the extreme, and was adopted by Xing Ming at the beginning, because he was expelled for investing money, he felt unhappy He deliberately introduced ghosts into the hut they lived in, and eventually killed most of the people in the hut, leaving only the little girl and Xing Ming, and Xing Ming also joined the ghost killing team because of this incident

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

and then Yue Yue He also learned from Mingzhu and became Shanyi's senior brother, but he still did not change his selfish character, and his attitude towards Shanyi was very bad. Later, he met Black Death Mou in a mission. In order to protect himself, he took the initiative to Become a ghost


The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

Yuhu liked this kind of cruel "work of art" very much in the human period, and was rejected by the villagers because of this, but his behavior attracted Wu Mi's attention, and eventually became a ghost, practicing more and more The so-called art

half-day dog ​​

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

is similar to a jade pot, half-day dog ​​ has a distorted personality in the human period, obviously often doing bad things, but because his ability

is relatively weak, he always makes excuses for himself, thinking that he She's just a kind and weak person, and other people's actions towards him are bullying her, completely disregarding the impact of her actions on others. Miserable and reckless, there are not many shots of Naruto, and it can be said that she has the weakest sense of presence. Many viewers are also very unfamiliar with her. For this reason, Mr. Crocodile specially explained the role of Naruto in the formula book

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

Naruto The girl was originally a pipa girl with a husband who was addicted to gambling. In order to get rid of a life without a future, Mingnu killed her husband before performing together. The fear of killing made her tremble during the performance, but the response was very good. Well, for this Naruto started the road to murder, every time Before each performance, she will kill a person in order to achieve the best performance state, and her goal includes Wu Mi

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

Of course Wu Mi is not the object that Naruto can covet, not only did she not kill Wu Mi, but she even paid for it My own life has become a ghost


If you want to say who in the first string has the worst human experience, I personally choose Yiwozuo

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

was born in a poor family, his father is weak and sick, for the sake of the family, the young Yiwozuo had to Taking on family responsibilities, but even so, he still did not keep his father

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

Later, Yiwozuo met his master and the love of his life, and his personality gradually changed with the help of the two. This is also the happiest moment in Yiwozuo's lifeJust when he thought his life would get better and better, he found that his master and his beloved girl were poisoned to death, and he was alone. The participants who solved the poisoning incident were so ruthless that they even attracted Wu Mi's attention

Tong Mo

Because of his parents and the surrounding environment, Tong Mo has a completely different world view from others, and his feelings are so indifferent that he is not like a human being

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

Most people in Shangxian become ghosts for one reason or another, but Tong Mo is different, he became a ghost more because of fun

Hei Si Mou

If it wasn’t for jealousy, maybe there would be no Hei Si Mou

The Blade of Ghost Slayer, Shangxian’s experience in the human period, the Qin girl is too cruel, and Yiwozuo is the most miserable - Lujuba

Hei Shi Mou's original name is Ji Guoyansheng, and he and Ji Guoyuan are twin brothers. Although Ji Guoyan's talent is good enough, there is still a big gap compared with Ji Guoyuan. In order to narrow the gap, we must catch up with Ji Guoyuan First, Ji Guoyan Sheng Qiongji has been working hard all his life, even accepting Wu Mi's proposal, betraying the ghost killing team, and becoming a ghost

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