Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao

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Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Article 丨 Cultural and History Explorer

Editor 丨 Literature and History Explorer

In 1953, outside a home in Baisha Town, Jiangjin County, Sichuan Province, Tan Bingyun hurriedly walked towards the door he remembered. He once watched the National Day on the Tiananmen Gate The grand ceremony was also praised by North Korean leader Kim Il Sung at the headquarters of the Volunteer Army. , , but all of this was not worth the joy of returning home. It was a long-lost sense of belonging.

"I'm really out of money, can I give a few more days of grace..."

"No, the rent has been in arrears for a few days, this time I have to pay it!" Before

entered the house, the voice from the courtyard came out , Tan Bingyun took a closer look, his elderly mother was explaining the overdue rent to the two ugly-looking cadres in a low voice. The good mood of returning home was broken at this moment, Tan Bingyun had to take out his transfer fee and hand it over to the two, and the yard finally became quiet.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun

At this time, Tan Bingyun had time to tell his old mother how he missed him. For the next three days, Tan Bingyun stayed at home and enjoyed peace and tranquility. In the afternoon, the county leaders suddenly came to the door. After the county leaders came to the door, they solemnly wanted to check Tan Bingyun's certificates and medals. After several confirmations, the whole Jiangjin County was boiling. The county government held a grand welcome meeting for Tan Bingyun in the square. Chang personally put a red flower on Tan Bingyun. At this time, the two cadres of the housing management office knew that Tan Bingyun was the first-class fighting hero of the Volunteer Army, which was spread wildly in the newspaper...

What did Tan Bingyun do in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and why? Can become a special hero? And what happened to Tan Bingyun, who made great achievements?

1. On the eve of the battle

On November 13, 1923, Tan Bingyun was born in a poor family in Baisha, Jiangjin County. Since he was a child, he made a living by herding sheep and working long-term. After years of exploitation and oppression, Tan Bingyun died in 1948. In December joined the People's Liberation Army . Subsequently, Tan Bingyun participated in the battle to liberate Shanghai, and won the third-class merit of .

After the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea started, Tan Bingyun firmly joined the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and became the squad leader of the 239th Regiment of the 80th Division of the 27th Army of the Volunteer Army.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Soldiers on the battlefield to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea Sub-campaign . In the fifth battle,

, who took the place of MacArthur , told reporters: He is creating a battle similar to that of his predecessor MacArthur's " Incheon landing ", but this time, it is not the North Koreans who suffer, but the is Chinese.

Li Qiwei who made these remarks is not without basis. At this time, he has discovered the shortcomings of the Volunteer Army. : Because the logistics and transportation of the Volunteer Army's are inconvenient, and a single soldier can only carry dry food for less than seven days on the battlefield. . For this reason, after the battle started, once the front line of was stretched and the logistics of the Volunteers were not in place, they had to retreat.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Li Qiwei

So in the late stage of the fifth campaign, the volunteer army was in full swing, and many troops successfully completed the task of destroying the enemy. But at the same time, it also led to many troops rushing too hard, the front line was very long, and the logistics was very difficult.

According to Li Qiwei's plan, although the United Nations army has been retreating, it is also recuperating, is waiting for the front line to lengthen, volunteer army rations appear.When asked, will launch a counterattack.

Fortunately, not long after, Marshal Peng Dehuai of discovered the danger of the front line being too long.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Peng Dehuai

This thrilling evacuation operation revolved around the Beihan River:

The large troop of our army in the south of the Beihan River is swiftly crossing the Hebei province to withdraw , behind the large troop, the is the second best rider The division's armored unit has also set off towards the Bukhan River . The situation is even more critical. On the north side of the Beihan River, a motorized combined unit of the enemy has broken through the defense line of our army in the Beihan River, and it seems to be forming a siege with the second division of the US cavalry.

In order to leave our army behind, Li Qiwei sent a lot of planes to bomb the only way for our army to retreat. Among them, Beihan River was the most severely bombed, and it was impossible to bridge and retreat . The soldiers had been ordered to die and had to retreat. In order to cross the river, many soldiers cut down trees on the spot and held a tree to cross the river.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Beihan River

But the battle situation is already critical, in order to give the soldiers enough time to cross the river, Tan Bingyun's 293 regiment sprinted more than 40 kilometers at night reached the 390 highland in the southeast from Jinhua, their task is simple and easy Difficult: The is desperate to buy time for the large army to cross the river. Tan Bingyun of the

293 regiment stood on the 390 high with a dignified expression. He understood the arduousness of this task, but he could not have imagined that in the near future, he would stand alone against the 2nd Division of the US Cavalry for a full eight hours!

2. The blocking battle

After reaching the 390 height, Tan Bingyun instructed the whole class of soldiers to build fortifications and trenches on the halfway of the 390 height, and he took one of the soldiers to the road below the height , they dug a foxhole (single bunker) here, Tan Bingyun specially prepared a number of grenades , ready to block the enemy by the road at any time.

Tan Bingyun chose a very tricky location. After observation, he found that the road in this place is very narrow, with a small river on the left and a rock on the right. If the enemy's vehicles are paralyzed, it will inevitably affect the passage of subsequent troops. Therefore, Tan Bingyun took the risk to dig a foxhole next to the road, and must not let the enemy's troops advance.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun (right)

From the morning to the evening of May 24th, Tan Bingyun stared at the end of the road. The soldier beside him was called Mao and . He was just coming to the battlefield, so he was a little nervous. When the wind blows and grass moves, he will raise the rifle in his hand. Under the anxious and long waiting, the warm sunset has passed, the sky is gradually darkening, and Mao He looks a little tired from being overly nervous.


Suddenly, there was a muffled rumbling sound not far away. Tan Bingyun concentrated on looking towards the end of the road, and he could already see the light beam of the tank shining into the darkness, penetrating far away.

"Tanks!" Mao and some nervous voices came out.

Tan Bingyun used the branches to hide himself, and continued to observe the end of the road with the branches and leaves. As the tanks drove, orange beams of light gradually appeared, some of which were already shining towards the mountainside of the 390 height. It seemed that the enemy was vigilant. The heart is high, but the camouflage on the mountainside is well done, and it is not detected. The

beam of light gradually moved downward, from the road to the river beside the road, and then to the bush where Tan Bingyun was. At this time, the sound of the tank's engine was deafening, and the distance was getting closer. The previous beam of light also moved away from the bush where Tan Bingyun was, and moved straight towards the road.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

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"Squad Leader, see clearly? How many tanks are there? Mao He's voice sounded again, with a slight anxiety.

"I still can't see clearly" Tan Bingyun solemnly took out a grenade, handed it to Mao Hehou and said: "I'll go first, you are here.

Mao He nodded. Tan Bingyun had already crawled towards the side of the road in the bushes. At this time, Tan Bingyun felt inexplicably excited. Although he was a veteran who participated in the liberation of Shanghai, it was the first time he saw a tank.

As the tank got closer, Tan Bingyun took out another grenade, the index finger of his left hand was already in the ring, and he was ready to go up.

15 meters!

10 meters!

5 meters! Seeing Tan Bingyun lying on the ground, he raised his right hand, the grenade drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then exploded on the tank at the enemy's lead.

Boom! Tan Bingyun, who was on the ground, felt the air rushing over his head, so he lowered his head quickly. When he raised his head again, he frowned. The tank in front of him did not stop, but the headlights were blown out. Where are the volunteer soldiers, they just blindly fired around.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

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This hesitation, the tank has left Tan Bingyun's side, Tan Bingyun is in a hurry, he understands that he must not let any enemy tank go Beijianghe, that will cause even more casualties! In order to protect the troops from crossing the river safely, Tan Bingyun stood up abruptly, ignoring the danger of being attacked by the enemy, he strode towards the tank driving in front, and at the same time another The ring of the grenade has been pulled out.


The grenade was thrown on the tank's butt in time by Tan Bingyun, and another violent heat wave hit, but at this time Tan Bingyun had no time to lie down, and the shrapnel of the grenade exploded. Hit him on the forehead.

"Squad leader! Squad leader! "

Mao He saw that Tan Bingyun was knocked down by a grenade. At this moment, he did not care about other dangers and ran to Tan Bingyun's side anxiously. Fortunately, the damage caused by the shrapnel was not great, and Tan Bingyun was still alive. In the faint starlight, Tan Bingyun's forehead There was thick blood on it, covering his eyes.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

"Squad leader!

Mao He shouted, Tan Bingyun woke up from a brief absence, he felt the warm blood on his forehead had smeared his eyes, so he quickly reached out and wiped the blood off with his sleeve.

"Where's the tank? What about that tank? " Tan Bingyun, who wiped away the blood, looked to the right, but Mao He had already taken out the first aid kit and wrapped a bandage around Tan Bingyun's head. Tan Bingyun had to turn to Mao He and asked.

"Squad leader, the tank has been reimbursed." no, it can't go!

Hearing Mao He's words, Tan Bingyun felt a burst of invigoration, and his body inexplicably gained a bit of strength.


A string of bombs suddenly sounded from the two of them, Tan Bingyun reflexively pushed Mao He away, and then anxiously The commander said: fast! Fast! Second tank! Hit!

Tan Bingyun stood up. Due to the loss of blood, his steps were a little light, but he still came to the foxhole next to the bushes. He took out another grenade and moved towards The second tank rushed away. During the running process, the unwrapped bandages had loosened, and thick blood flowed down again.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

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Tan Bingyun smeared randomly, looked at with his right eye towards the tank, Then the grenade in his hand slid through the air and landed on the engine of the tank. With a loud noise, the second tank made a harsh squeak, but it stopped, but the tank still did not stop firing.

Tan Bingyun took the initiative to stand up, Expose his position to cover for Mao and the distance close to the tank . The enemy's bullets really attacked Tan Bingyun, but Mao He had already come to the rear of the tank. He took out the grenade and threw it to the rear of the tank. The second tank was also blown up.

After the second tank was blown up, TanBingyun was pleasantly surprised to find that at the rear of the road, a long list of enemy tanks from were desperately backing up.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

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"Squad leader, man!"

Before Tan Bingyun was happy, Mao He pointed at the second tank in surprise, and saw an American soldier drilled out of the top of the second tank, but strangely, that The person's head and hands are not moving, only the body is wriggling. Tan Bingyun observed for a while and found that the American soldier inside the tank was pushing the body up. Tan Bingyun picked up the rifle and made a shuttle to the enemy in the tank, and the whole road finally returned to calm.

Tan Bingyun walked back to the foxhole and felt dizzy. He touched his forehead, and the bandage had disappeared at some point, leaving only thick and warm blood. Mao He picked up another first aid kit and bandaged Tan Bingyun's wound again...

3. Victory!

After the enemy tank left, , the sky gradually turned from dark to bright , the red sun quietly climbed into the sky, bringing a touch of warmth to Tan Bingyun. But at this time, the U.S. military plane came over, and it carried out continuous bombardment towards the 390 height. For a while, the dust flew and the mud splashed. Tan Bingyun hid in the foxhole, silently waiting for Mao Hedi to come back.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

The red cloud under the scorching sun

At this time, Maohe had already been sent to the mountainside to take charge of mine , and it was too late to arrive. But at this moment, a jeep came over from the north. He stopped on the road and kept honking his horn. Tan Bingyun hid in the bushes and looked at the jeep. It was not the clothes of the volunteers, it seemed that it was the previous breakthrough Another member of our army's North Han River defense line.

did not hesitate, Tan Bingyun aimed at the jeep with his right eye, and went down again in a shuttle, the horn of the jeep stopped abruptly, and the person in the car also slumped into the driver's seat.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

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reminded Tan Bingyun that the tank would not pass here again. Tan Bingyun stood up and walked towards the south of the road. At a distance of about 100 meters, he picked a spot The terrain is , and there is a cage of wild grapes next to the road here, which is just right to hide and block the enemy.

just picked the terrain, and Mao He returned with a grenade. Soon after , the platoon leader also got down from the position , he shouted to Tan Bingyun from a distance: Tan Bingyun, Mao He said you are winning? You go down, I'll ask someone else to replace you.

"It's okay, platoon leader, I have a knack for hitting the tank. The grenade hits the buttocks, and every hit is accurate"

"No way, Tan Bingyun, you're seriously injured, hurry up." After the platoon leader walked in, , Clearly seeing that the bandage on Tan Bingyun's forehead was infected with thick blood, it looked very dangerous, and the platoon leader discouraged Tan Bingyun worriedly.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun

saw that the platoon leader insisted on asking him to go down, Tan Bingyun complained about Fu Mao and : "You little guy, I called you to lead Lei, why did you sue me."

Mao He saw Tan Bingyun complaining, and also Don't care, he followed the platoon leader to persuade Tan Bingyun to go down, but Tan Bingyun shook his head, determined not to get off the line, and finally the platoon leader reluctantly compromised. After the platoon leader left, Tan Bingyun asked Mao He to stay in the bushes, and he came to the south alone to ambush under the wild grapes 100 meters away.

Tan Bingyun was already hungry and tired after waiting for a long time under the wild vines. He wanted to sleep on the spot, but couldn't do it. After continuing to wait, the US armored troops came.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun held his breath. When the first tank passed by, he suddenly threw a grenade at the rear, the grenade exploded, the tank fell in response, and a series of subsequent tanks from the ran back again in a panic.

saw this situation, Tan Bingyun showed a rare smile, the early morning sun shone on his face, and his white teeth flashed a victory light.

Tan Bingyun blocked the 8-hour feat of the 2nd division of the US jockey with one person, and was completed at this moment , is an unrepeatable miracle. The 8 hours that Tan Bingyun fought for brought about the successful evacuation of the large army, and at the same time arrogantly broke Li Qiwei's plan.

four. At the end, Tan Bingyun, who dragged the enemy for 8 hours, finally won the title of first-class fighting hero , and returned to China in September 1951.

was received by Chairman Mao, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and other party leaders on September 29, . On October 1st, I climbed up the Tiananmen Gate Tower and watched the National Day Ceremony. and on October 3, attended the reception held for the hero by military leaders such as Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, and Nie Rongzhen. In the summer of 1952, he met Kim Il-sung again at the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, and was highly praised by Kim Il-sung.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun (right)

In 1953, Tan Bingyun returned home, At this time, in Baisha Town , because of the dangerous terrain, the news is not circulating, so everyone does not know that Tan Bingyun has become a famous hero in the country. That's what happened at the beginning.

Tan Bingyun: The peak of individual combat, one person blocked the 2nd division of the US cavalry for 8 hours, and was personally received by Chairman Mao - Lujuba

After this, Tan Bingyun continued to contribute to the country's construction. Even after retirement, Tan Bingyun never stopped. He set the object of his help to the disabled. led the disabled to seek self-reliance...

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