A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly

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Tan Bingyun, Volunteer Army first-class combat hero and special hero, once blocked a US division for 8 hours, and made great contributions to covering the retreat of the large troops. However, Tan Bingyun, who changed his career, was willing to take up the work of carrying corpses in the funeral home in his hometown, so that people who were not familiar with him laughed at him behind his back, saying that he had either made a mistake or that the ingredients were not good, otherwise how could he How about doing a job that most people don't want to do? But Tan Bingyun laughed at this. The real hero has long passed the realm of relying on vulgar people to flaunt himself.

A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly - Lujuba

[Combat Hero Tan Bingyun (right)]

In the late stage of the fifth battle, the US military used the weakness of the Volunteer Army's logistical supply to keep up, and assembled more than 130,000 troops led by the 7th US Infantry Division to form the so-called "special force". Detachment", taking advantage of mechanization, advancing 60 kilometers in three days, trying to cut off part of the Volunteer Army south of the Zhaoyang River. In order to avoid being dumped by the enemy, the 239th Regiment of the 80th Division of the 27th Army of the 9th Corps of the Volunteer Army was ordered to stop the enemy and buy time for the retreat of the large troops. Below the

390 high ground is a road with a river on one side and a cliff on the other. The road just turned a corner here. No matter what vehicle arrives here, it has to slow down. Tan Bingyun felt that this was an excellent ambush position. Tan Bingyun took the warrior Mao He down to the road to build a defensive position. Not long after the position was built, several beams of light shot from a distance, which were particularly dazzling in the dark night.

A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly - Lujuba

【The marching US tank 】 The

beams of light are more and more, accompanied by rumbling shaking. It's a tank! Mao He suddenly became nervous. The tank got closer and closer, and the huge vibration made the stones on the ground jump up, and it was impossible to see how many there were in the darkness. Tan Bingyun took out an RPG43 and stuffed it in Mao He's hand, saying, "Wait here, I'll go first." After that, he climbed out of the fortification and climbed towards the tank.

Mao He watched Tan Bingyun's figure, saw him climb to a place only a few meters away from the tank, raised his hand and threw a grenade at the tank, with a bang, the headlights on the tank went out, but the tank But it didn't stop. While accelerating and rushing over, he used the machine gun to shoot randomly. The tank quickly rushed past Tan Bingyun. Tan Bingyun was in a hurry, and he didn't care about hiding. He jumped up and threw the second grenade at the tank. The grenade just landed on the engine cover. This time the tank stopped, but because it was too close, a shrapnel cut Tan Bingyun's forehead and knocked him to the ground.

A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly - Lujuba

Mao He in the distance couldn't see it clearly. Seeing that the squad leader fell to the ground, thinking that he had sacrificed, he immediately rushed over desperately. I saw blood on Tan Bingyun's forehead, and one eye had been smeared. When Tan Bingyun saw Mao He, he didn't care about the injury, and hurriedly asked, "Where's the tank?" "It's already been reimbursed." , help hair and attract firepower. The two worked together to blow up the second tank. When Tan Bingyun touched his body, there were no grenades.

He ordered Maohe to go back to get the grenade, and stayed on the road by himself. The two tanks were blown up, and the tanks at the back couldn't figure out the situation for a while, so they didn't move, they just turned their muzzles and hit the front. The gravel thrown up by the explosion flew around Tan Bingyun's head. In the confusion, he saw a jeep rushing towards him with the lights on. He raised his hand and a shuttle hit the driver. The jeep rolled over on the spot. , just to completely block the rest of the road.

A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly - Lujuba

At dawn, Mao He came back with a grenade. Tan Bingyun ordered him to set up an ambush on the road, while he climbed up the cliff with the grenade and looked down at the highway. Two tanks and one jeep had blocked the road. The tanks behind were unable to move forward. They were already reversing. The road was in chaos. Because they did not know how many troops were ambushing in front, the infantry did not dare to advance rashly.

Tan Bingyun approached quietly, and seeing the opportunity, he threw another grenade onto a tank. This time the explosion caused even more chaos. The enemy had completely lost the courage to move forward, and turned around and retreated. In this battle, Tan Bingyun destroyed 3 tanks, 1 jeep, and killed 13 enemies. The most important thing is that the enemy's way forward is blocked, and it will be 8 hours before they open the way again, and the main force of the Volunteer Army has already passed the Han River. Afterwards, the 27th ArmyWhen Chang Peng Deqing saw Tan Bingyun, he excitedly patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good you Tan Bingyun, you are really a life-saving Bodhisattva!" It was not until this time that Tan Bingyun knew that this blocking battle had such great significance.

A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly - Lujuba

Tan Bingyun won the title of first-class fighting hero. After the war, Tan Bingyun returned to his hometown in Baisha, Chongqing. He first served as the deputy chief of the Public Security Bureau, and then transferred to the Civil Affairs Bureau. During his work at the Civil Affairs Bureau, a funeral parlour was built in the county. However, due to the influence of traditional concepts, no one was willing to carry out the work of carrying the remains and performing cosmetic surgery on the remains. The fighting hero took the initiative to undertake the work that others were unwilling to do. .

A special hero of the Volunteer Army, after changing his career, he used to transport the remains for his business, and faced doubts and ridicule calmly - Lujuba

[Tan Bingyun is standing at position C, Commander Peng Deqing is on the right, and political commissar Zeng Ruqing is on the left]

So, on the way from Baisha County Hospital to the County Funeral Home, people can always see a person pulling a trolley to transport the body. Everyone is afraid to avoid it. People are talking about: willing to do this kind of work, either because the composition is not good, or because they are counter-revolutionaries! But who knew that this was a great hero who made the U.S. military sigh with admiration on the battlefield? Hearing these rumors, Tan Bingyun just laughed it off. Who would care about people who are really used to seeing life and death?

A person who transported the body in the funeral home was ridiculed for his bad qualities. Who knew he was a special hero of the Volunteer Army who made the U.S. Army look and sigh

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