It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022

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The clerks who work in bookstores will definitely know which books are selling better than anyone else. Every year in Japan, a "National Bookstore Clerk Recommends Comics" event is held, and the clerks of each bookstore vote for the most popular works.

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

's list this year has been announced. The works on the list are usually very popular comics, and many of them are works that don't lose money! Take a look at the full list together.

No. 10 "Nine Deadly Sins" Shohei Manabe , Sugiura Rishi script

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

6th place "Sakamoto Days" Suzuki Yuto

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

5th place "Earth. -About the movement of the earth-" Yufeng

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

No. 4 "Box of Youth" Miura Chi

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

No. 3 "WIND BREAKER" にいさとる

Introduction: They are the worst bad army, and the heroes of the town.

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

No. 2 "Monster No. 8" Naoya Matsumoto

Introduction: In Japan, where the appearance rate of monsters is second to none - monsters ruthlessly ravage the country and trample people's daily lives. The protagonist Hibino Kafka, who once aspired to become a defenseman and now specializes in cleaning monsters, became a monster due to the influence of a mysterious creature one day. The Japanese Defence Force, who is responsible for crusade against monsters, called him "Monster No. 8".

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba

No. 1 "Bold Party" Ryuyuki Nobu

Ayase Momo is a female high school student who likes Takakura Ken very much. One day she stopped other classmates from bullying a male classmate who really liked the news about mysticism Things, believing in the existence of aliens, but not in ghosts, is the exact opposite of Momo Ayase who does not believe in aliens but believes in ghosts. The two made a bet that Ayase Momo went to the hospital known as the "UFO Holy Land", while the male classmate went to a famous haunted attraction, and the winner would be the one who could prove what they believed existed.

But the male classmate really met the high-speed mother-in-law, and Ayase Momo really met the alien whose goal is to reproduce. The male classmate was also cursed by the high-speed mother-in-law, so she became the high-speed mother-in-law and rushed to the hospital where Momo Ayase was. The male classmates try their best to fight for the sake of their friends, but they are still no match for the aliens' psychic power. In the end, Momo Ayase, who came from a family of psychics, awakened her own psychic power and resolved the crisis.

Ayase Momo felt like she fell in love with the male classmate, and the male classmate also began to introduce himself: "My name is Ken Takakura."

It's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - LujubaIt's okay to enter the pit! Japanese bookstore clerks vote for the most popular manga in 2022 - Lujuba
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