How much love is there! The man kneels three times and nine times knocks to propose to his girlfriend, netizens: This man cannot marry

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In the face of love, men and women should be equal, no one is humble!

In a sincere relationship, the souls of two people must be equal. There is no one who is inferior to the other, and who is humbler than the other. If there is, it must not be love!

Because of a person who really loves you, I just want to walk with you, I hope you live with dignity and a better life, and I will never be willing to make you humble or inferior!

Recently, on the social platform, a video of "a man kneeling and knocking three times along the street holding flowers in order to propose to his girlfriend" caused numerous onlookers and heated discussions among netizens.

How much love is there! The man kneels three times and nine times knocks to propose to his girlfriend, netizens: This man cannot marry - Lujuba

Some netizens said that such a man must not marry, it is too extreme. If you really love each other, and the other party really loves you, a simple ritual proposal is enough! In the

video, the sky is cloudy and cold with light rain. Man in raincoat and gloves holding a bouquet of pink roses.

Every three steps he takes, he puts the flower aside, kowtows, and then lies on his stomach with his entire body and his head buried on the ground, his hands bowing. However, get up again and continue to repeat the action just now.

is beside him, and there is a small billboard with his girlfriend's photo on it. There are eight characters on both sides of the photo: "If there is love in the sky, please make it happen." The girlfriend in the photo of

How much love is there! The man kneels three times and nine times knocks to propose to his girlfriend, netizens: This man cannot marry - Lujuba

is young and beautiful. In terms of male talent and female appearance, it is impossible to tell how much wealth a man has in the way he dresses, but from the looks of it, the man seems to be much inferior to the woman. I don't know if it is because of this that it makes a man's marriage proposal so humble.

When the man kowtowed along the street, many passersby followed him. Someone recorded this extreme scene with a mobile phone, and many enthusiastic people advised men not to do it.

passers-by said that if the other party really loves you and you don't do it, she will agree. If she doesn't love you, and you kowtow so humbly, she won't agree to you. Why do you make yourself so embarrassed? A man has gold under his knees, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on the ground, kneeling on his parents, for a woman, you are not worth it!

If your parents knew you were so humble for a woman, how would they feel? Have you ever thought about their feelings?

How much love is there! The man kneels three times and nine times knocks to propose to his girlfriend, netizens: This man cannot marry - Lujuba

was talking, and a good-hearted passerby stepped forward to help the man, hoping to help him up with his fallen dignity!

But no matter how hard the man tried to persuade him, the man just wouldn't listen, he insisted on three steps and one kowtow, all the way forward. A pair of determination to never give up without chasing after his girlfriend!

At this moment, in his eyes, he doesn't care about anything except love, even if his dignity and personality are all trampled under his feet, it doesn't matter!

How much love is there! The man kneels three times and nine times knocks to propose to his girlfriend, netizens: This man cannot marry - Lujuba

because, in his heart, love is all he has, all he is! Only love can make him look like a man! After

netizens watched the video of the man kowtowing, there was a lot of discussion

Some netizens said, "What is love in the world!" How much love can make a man like this!

and some netizens said, I don't know whether to praise you for your persistence or to praise you for being extreme! In a true love, two people should be equal, you are already low in the dust, this is no longer love, this is stubborn, extreme. Such love is suffocating, who would dare to marry you!

How much love is there! The man kneels three times and nine times knocks to propose to his girlfriend, netizens: This man cannot marry - Lujuba

even some netizens said that this kind of love is really unbearable for ordinary people, this man is too scary and too possessive. Marrying such a man, if you are a little careless, I am afraid that your life will be lost!

The author's point of view

The person who really loves you will not be willing to make you humble. A long-lasting love must be based on mutual respect, equality and mutual tolerance.

The person who loves you will not be willing to make you embarrassed, make you sad, and will not make you humble and humble. For someone who truly loves you, a single tear from you can break his heart. Your smile will make him happy. Your every move is a source of joy and sorrow for her. The man in the

video, for the so-called love, kowtowed every three steps along the street in full view of the so-called love, and even kowtowed all over the ground. Such behavior is really low in the dust.

In front of this love, the man turned himself into a complete slave, without self-love, without any personality and dignity. In his eyes, love is all he has. For love, you can do anything!

In the author's opinion, a man is moved only by himself, not by anyone, including his girlfriend. A man's behavior not only won't get his girlfriend's love, but even scare his girlfriend away! Because a person who doesn't even love himself, how can he love others? The love you ask for is not love!

, what do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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