In "Fist Wishing Asura", what do you think about Haru's strength?

cartoon 1966℃

is not referring to the appearance when he suddenly returned after a half-fight with the police, but the situation when he was not brought to Japan by Kono Akio (the president of Nintendo). At that time, Haru should not lose too much strength to Tiger and Yuri. , In terms of agility, he can carry 480 kg to climb the cliff quickly. If he insists, he has no skills at all. After all, he usually fights with animals, and no one in the village can fight him. I feel that Haru at this time should only be able to make the top 4 in the knockout round by relying on his physical ability? Jiefang Lei'an can't compare to him without using moves.

In 'Fist Wishing Asura', what do you think about Haru's strength? - Lujuba

In addition, the story on this page happened when he was 15 years old, and it was actually several years later when he was brought to Japan, and it was estimated that he was almost 20 years old and should be stronger than this time. But in the case of real fights, weight is everything, and the person with the higher kilogram wins. But in this way, the strength will become Chuno>Yuri>Samurai>Fisherman>Guiwangshan>Bandong>Guanlin, obviously not in line with the situation of the Quanyuan world, so the weight class in the Quanyuan world is only a reference, in fact, you have to fight You know, Chunnan is a particularly overrated existence.

In 'Fist Wishing Asura', what do you think about Haru's strength? - Lujuba

The descriptions of talent in this work are:
Haruno: 15-year-old rock climbing with six rams (about 480kg?) 3 national judo players and 1 coach (about 80kg?) fell to his death in one move Can tear a coin with bare hands
Moment: 15-year-old cracked "Shin"
of Fox Shadow Stream Guan Lin: At 15, he was beaten up by the president of the racecourse Doyama (?) Guo Erzhen was the strongest man, and he was the strongest even among the valiant and adept alpine nation.

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