Only after issuing the statement of no suicide! He Ruyun cried until all makeup was spent...the agent revealed the latest situation

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The divorce of

actress He Ruyun and her husband caused a lot of trouble. Last year, the man was repeatedly witnessed picking up and picking up Molly from the ponytail girl, so there were suspicions about an affair. He Ruyun later confirmed that he was coordinating the divorce. The book published a "no suicide declaration." The sudden declaration frightened everyone. It was too deep to stay overnight and still didn't know what was going on. Netizens also hurriedly left a message suggesting that he should go to the police. He Ruyun said early in the morning that He Ruyun was on location filming and he was safe.

Only after issuing the statement of no suicide! He Ruyun cried until all makeup was spent...the agent revealed the latest situation - Lujuba

He Ruyun suddenly made a "no suicide declaration" in the middle of the night. She wrote, "This is my declaration of no suicide: I have my parents, my younger sister, and 2 minor children. Starting today, if my body Being attacked or even dangerous is not my voluntariness.” The endless declaration made people confused and frightened a large number of netizens. Netizens left an urgent message suggesting He Ruyun to go to the police, and some netizens encouraged him to cheer; And early in the morning, the agent Tina reported that she was safe, "She is currently filming." However, because she was worried about being alone, the agent also went to the location to explore. He Ruyun cried as soon as she saw the agent, and she cried until the makeup was spent. It was revealed that He Ruyun’s emotions may have been suppressed for a long time, but in order not to affect the shooting, the agent quickly left after comforting.

Only after issuing the statement of no suicide! He Ruyun cried until all makeup was spent...the agent revealed the latest situation - Lujuba

and singer Guo Guibin left a message on He Ruyun’s Facebook page, "You’re leaving the road", and agent Tina said that she and He Ruyun didn’t know him at all. He Ruyun is currently busy filming "The Sound of Cannons". She has been out for filming all day long, with people around her, and some people remind her to be careful when living outside alone.

Only after issuing the statement of no suicide! He Ruyun cried until all makeup was spent...the agent revealed the latest situation - Lujuba

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