Korean drama Alice Episode 4 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 1542℃

Korean drama Alice episode 4 diversity plot introduction

Park Jinqian meets the suspect who killed his mother, Shi Wuyuan, Park Jinqian's car accident travels through time and space

   On the day of Pu Zhenqian's graduation, he was looking at his mother's picture while the teacher, and the adoptive father saw him look sad and asked him to eat barbecue together. The adoptive father told Park Jinqian that his child had died of a heart deformity, but saw that Park Jinqian did not feel sorry for this, so he got up and left. Although Park Zhenqian doesn't understand emotions, I still thank the police for coming to him. A former criminal tried to retaliate against him when the police came out, but he was stopped by Park Jinqian but he was still hit.

   Adopting father was admitted to the hospital, Park Zhenqian blamed himself for his own feelings, not knowing if he felt sorry. When Park Zhenqian and Yin Taiyi were chatting, Yin Taiyi bluntly stated that Park Jinqian's mother was definitely not as simple as a housewife, and said that his mother's time card would never be made with current science and technology, and took the opportunity to ask how his mother died. Park Jinqian only said that she was killed, and agreed to show his mother's belongings to Yin Taiyi. Watching Yin Taiyi, who played with her mother's belongings casually, broke her mother's favorite pearl necklace. Park Jinqian was very angry and drove Yin Taiyi away and said that he would entrust others to analyze the time card.

   Yin Taiyi came to his parents' Chinese restaurant to eat noodles. When his parents saw the angry Yin Taiyi, they knew that they had quarreled with others again. Faced with their parents' inquiry, Yin Taiyi did not say much. Yin Taiyi came to see the nun's mother, and the two chatted happily.

Korean drama Alice Episode 4 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total) - Lujuba

   Hearing that Eunsu’s mother took Eunsu away, Park Jinqian hurried to find them, but only saw Eunsu who was sick in the room because Eunsu’s mother was taken away by Alice’s people. Park Jinqian took Eunsu's mother's mobile phone and called the person who helped her stay illegally. He was about to be caught. At this time, Eunsu came out of the room, and Park Jinqian did not care about chasing him. Hearing that the middleman appeared, Liu Min Hyuk hurried to catch him, but he was interrupted by Park Jinqian and the middleman fled.

  Alice’s people asked Eunsu’s mother about the middleman and threatened her with imprisonment. Hearing this, Eunsu’s mother thought of the middleman threatening her with Eunsu’s safety, and refused to disclose the middleman’s information to Alice’s people. Alice’s people told Eunsu’s mother that Eunsu had no mother because of her irregular rules. Eunsu's company made Eunsu's mother lost in thought.

   Eunsu’s father went to claim the body of Eunsu’s mother and cried out in sorrow, but Eunsu didn’t know what happened. After discussion, Alice's people decided to send Eunsu's mother back. The killer Lee Se-hoon is about to be released from prison. Alice’s people want to find the last page of the prophecy and plan to find him questioning the prophecy. But when Yoo Min-hyuk investigates, he will think of Yin Tae-yi, so the manager prepares to investigate himself.

   Yin Taiyi has always been concerned about time cards, staying up late to study. Yin Taiyi complained to his sister about what Park Jin-qian had done, bluntly saying that he was too much. When Park Zhenqian and his party came to the scene of the car accident, they accidentally discovered that the deceased was the suspect he found during his salvation show.

  Park Jinqian came to the laboratory and saw Yin Taiyi unexpectedly. Yin Taiyi bluntly said that he was very curious about what happened to the time card, and asked him to give the time card to him for analysis, but Park Zhenqian did not agree. Yin Taiyi knew that Park Jinqian was angry because of her mother's belongings. She expressed her apologies to Park Jinqian and asked him whether he had caught the suspect.

   Research Institute Director Shi Wuyuan arrived. Park Zhenqian found out that he was a suspect in the housewife shooting and homicide, and hurriedly stepped forward to pinch him and took him back to the police station. Yin Taiyi was very angry with Park Jinqian's rude behavior, so the director must sue Park Jinqian.

  Because of the long time, it is not possible to convict a crime with just a portrait. Shi Wuyuan of the research institute was not detained. Park Zhenqian was very confused about the relationship between Shi Wuyuan and Yin Taiyi. He went to school again to find him and heard Shi Wuyuan talk about the future and the past, and talked about time machine and parallel universe. Park Zhenqian asked Shi Wuyuan if he knew Zheng Jixun, but Wu Yuan didn't know this person, and Shi Wuyuan didn't have this person in the database.

   Park Zhenqian saw that Shi Wuyuan wanted to drive him away, and asked Shi Wuyuan how he thinks about time travel. He bluntly said that he didn't believe it because he had never seen it with his own eyes. Hearing this, Shi Wuyuan only said he knew itFor it is possible, but as a person you cannot do these things, because life and time are all in the realm of God.

   Park Zhenqian came to Yin Taiyi and told her not to see Shi Wuyuan again, and bluntly said that he did not want her to get involved. In order to get the time card, Yin Taiyi followed Park Jinqian to the police station. It happened that Duyan was also there. The two women quarreled with Park Jinqian and rushed to eat with Park Jinqian. Park Zhenqian went to the office quietly, leaving the two women outside.

   Yin Taiyi told Shi Wuyuan about the time card, and Shi Wuyuan seemed to have made up his mind. Yin Taiyi called Park Jinqian again. In the call room, Yin Taiyi saw the drone and hurriedly told Park Jinqian. Upon hearing this, Park Zhenqian hurried away. Unexpectedly, there was a car accident midway, but he was not injured.

   Park Jinqian woke up in a new environment and saw Yin Taiyi. The prophecy says that if a child born through the journey sees another woman, the child can control time. The prophecy records that the moment the child becomes a time traveler, the prophecy has begun.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo