Secret Forest 2 Episode 12 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 984℃

Secret Forest 2 Episode 12 Diversity Plot Introduction

Huang Simu Ruzhen is diverted, Park Kwangsu’s case is full of doubts

   The fact that witnesses lied about information for bonuses reached the ears of Cui Bing and Minister Yu. Of course, Cui Bing was very happy, but Minister Yu was a little worried. This was a great opportunity to defeat the police, but this time it was just a farce. Minister Yu bought two cups of coffee and asked Cui Bing to meet. Minister Yu said that he was very worried now whether he should ask Park Guangxiu's wife, Huang Shimu, what they asked her about. He was really afraid that Huang Shimu would turn over all the things that year. Cui Bing told him not to worry about the shady things that Park Guangxiu did for the Hanqiao Group during his lifetime, enough to keep Park Guangxiu's wife tight-lipped. Instead, Cui Bing began to worry about another thing. She suddenly mentioned Wu Zhushan. Not long ago, Wu Zhushan came to Cui Bing as the defense lawyer of the former intelligence chief, and also mentioned Nanyangzhou. Later, Cui Bing investigated and found that Wu Zhushan took the initiative to find the former intelligence chief to be his defense lawyer. Cui Bing also doubted that Wu Zhushan knew how much, but how much he knew was unknown. She offered to meet Wu Zhushan and explore the other side. The two people agreed that they dare not do anything now, and they cannot allow Huang Shimu and Han Ruzhen to continue investigating Park Guangxiu's affairs. The two also agreed to send Han Ruzhen and Huang Shimu to do other things as soon as possible before the second consultation meeting.

   At this time, Han Ruzhen and Huang Shimu were sitting in a barbecue restaurant, complaining that the murderer did not dare to send photos, so that the clue was completely interrupted. But Huang Shimu always felt that there was something hidden in Tian Jihe's body, whether the photo was really sent by the murderer, and whether the reflection in the photo was accidental or deliberate by the murderer. At the same time, Huang Shimu also felt that Xu Dongzai's file was full of doubts. The three files Xu Dongjae handed over to Minister Yu. The Hosokol police station and the Dongducheon police chief have made clear the direction, but only the third file, that is, the death of Park Guangxiu on the South Yangju National Highway in April last year is still a case. puzzle. What is even more suspicious is that, as the two closest people to Park Guangxiu during his lifetime, his wife and secretary have different words. One said that Park Guangxiu would usually sip a few glasses, but the other said that Park Guangxiu would not drink. Moreover, the autopsy report also showed that the alcohol concentration in Park Guangxiu's blood was so low that it was almost negligible.

   Han Ruzhen wanted to explain something, but suddenly there were some thoughts in his mind. She suddenly remembered that in April last year, Cui Bing was the police chief of South Yangzhou. With that said, Han Ruzhen took out his mobile phone and searched for Park Kwang-soo's information on the Internet. The above shows that Park Guangxiu graduated in the 25th term of the Law Training Institute, but was 56 years old when he passed away. Inspired by Han Ruzhen, Huang Shimu hurriedly called Jiang Yuanche, the chief prosecutor of the eastern part who also graduated from the 25th term, and asked him to meet to confirm the matter. As soon as the phone was hung up, Minister Yu sent a text message saying that the date of the latest second-series consultation meeting had been finalized, and he asked him to prepare. Han Ruzhen was a little surprised and hurriedly called to ask Cui Bing. The other party told her that the search on Xu Dongzai had been terminated and the case had been transferred to the scene.

   When he went to work the next day, Huang Shimu approached Minister Yu to hear about it. The other party pretended nothing happened and tried to change the subject. Later, Minister Yu also arranged a lot of paperwork for Huang Shimu to distract him. On the other side, Han Ruzhen was also assigned to do some statistical work, which was complicated and boring.

The contract performance fund returned by the

   bond group was added to the sales volume in the first quarter, so the group's total increased a lot. All the data and things are very beneficial to Li Yanjae. Executive Park congratulates him. And Li Yan suddenly asked Executive Park whether he should interrupt the cooperation between Wu Zhushan and the number of cases involving Park Kwang-soo by the Director of the South Yangzhou Police Department. If it were calm as it is now, there should be no problem. Executive Park agreed, and said that if the person with the name Cui Hui disappeared from the beginning, it might be different if everything is getting better. As soon as Executive Park walked out of the office, he received a call from Wu Zhushan, saying that Cui Hui was going to meet Li Yan. Li Yan was a little surprised, and hurriedly ordered Executive Park to resolve the matter. Director Park met with Wu Zhushan with a bag of money and threatened him not to make things happen.

The second consultation meeting of

   was held as scheduled, and the focus was on the corruption and bribery incidents between the police and both sides. Huang Shimu and Han Ruzhen still stand in their respective camps, making fiercely dialectical refutations, and this happens to be what Minister Yu and Cui Bing like to hear. The police and the two parties are still discussing intensely.When Fang was in a stalemate, Huang Shimu's head suddenly started to hurt, and then he left the conference room without saying a word. Han Ruzhen noticed something wrong with Huang Shimu and hurried to catch up. Fortunately, Huang Shimu did not faint on the ground when he arrived in time. Han Ruzhen helped Huang Shimu to sit down in the stairwell. After a long time, Huang Shimu slowly regained consciousness. Han Ruzhen finally relaxed and told Huang Shimu not to move and go out by herself.

   Because of the stalemate, the second consultation meeting had to end early. As soon as he got on the bus, Minister Yu received a call from Cui Bing and invited him to meet. Minister Yu felt that he could take this opportunity to meet Wu Zhushan together, but Cui Bing was worried that he would be seen as abnormal. After all, the police and the police seemed to be out of control. The meeting place designated by Wu Zhushan turned out to be a hotel of the Hanqiao Group, and Minister Cui Bing and Yu entered the presidential suite of the hotel after a series of inspections. It can be seen that the person is not Wu Zhushan, but Li Yan, who has been waiting for a long time.

   At the same time, Wu Zhushan is in another room with the financial statements brought by Executive Park in front of him. Wu Zhushan knew in his heart that he was now following the path of Park Kwang-soo, and if he was careless, he would end up like Park Kwang-soo, but the huge benefit fee made him want to stop. After Jiang Yuanche came to this room, Wu Zhushan took out the report without a header to Jiang Yuanche and said that it was a report from the Han Qiao Group.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo