"In the Name of Family": People who are not related by blood are called relatives

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'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

, in the name of his family,

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

After a few TV shows in the summer, the tail of Mango Channel can be regarded as a success.

On all big data platforms, the popularity of the TV series "In the Name of Family" has taken the first place in recent hits.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

The audience's reputation has soared, and the score on Douban has risen from less than 5 points to 7.1 points. The praise continues. What is the magic that makes everyone so intoxicated?

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

"In the Name of Family" has a concept that is rarely mentioned in domestic dramas: family is not defined by blood.

In traditional Chinese concepts, "family" and "blood relationship" are inseparable, but this drama is "the opposite."

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

It tells people: the bond between family members is not necessarily blood, but emotion is the deeper bond—"Blood-related people may not be able to become family members; but people who cherish each other and love each other must be able to." For the audience 1z

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

z In other words, this is a long-awaited theme-because of changes in their respective families, the three children in the play successively lost their mother's company. The two fathers in the

play, the noodle shop owner Li Haichao and the film policeman Ling Heping decided to raise their three children together, and the three unrelated children became each other's new family. The beginning of the

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

series began in 1999. Li Haichao, the owner of the small noodle restaurant, is a widower and lost his wife a year ago.

He takes care of his daughter Li Jianjian by himself, and keeps the family organized by his own ability. The blind date He Mei, like him, raised the child He Ziqiu alone, but she was overwhelmed and lacking in energy.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

The new upstairs policeman, Ling Heping, is also a family living in the shadows. Ling Heping's little daughter died at a young age, and his wife Chen Ting was immersed in the endless pain of bereavement, arguing with him day and night, and the family was completely torn apart.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

Their children Ling Xiao, helplessly become the "victims" of the quarrel. He often can only stay in the corridor. The once cheerful and lively temper gradually closed over time, unable to express his feelings and became reticent.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

Li Jianjian’s personality is just the opposite. She is very free and "loves and hates clearly". At first, she was hostile to He Ziqiu, but she liked Ling Xiao, the neighbor upstairs. Although the three children of

are missing from their original families, they have found warmth in the friction and contact with each other, and gradually rely on each other. The bad childhood memories of the three people

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

were temporarily sealed, and ten years later, they entered the high school era. The warmth between each other seems to hide the suffering of life.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

In high school, Ling Xiao and He Ziqiu faced a huge change from their biological parents and had to go abroad, leaving Jianjian and two fathers behind. After nine years, their two older brothers returned to this home.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

However, the nine-year time difference is not so easy to cross. Every time the expectation fails, it will make people gradually no longer expect it, and even complain.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

Even if the two brothers have their own difficulties living abroad, she can't forgive them quickly.

is still the previous sentence-if you don't care, you won't have this kind of negative emotions. The relationship depends on time.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

Unsurprisingly, quarrels are short-lived, and it is of course not so easy for family members to give up.

two brothers have problems one after another, Ziqiu's accidental car accident, Ling Xiao's anxiety, unfortunately, fortunately, it eased the relationship between the three people and brought them together again.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

The tone of the whole drama is warm and healing, known as the Chinese version of "please answer 1988", it is simply a stream of domestic TV dramas!

This drama is so popular. In addition to the fascinating plot and not exaggerated, the main credit is that the performances of several actors in the play are also quite in place. Ling Heping's carelessness, Li Haichao's gentle and delicate, and the two big men's incompetence A little bit shy, all conveyed well.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

But what is more amazing is the performance of a few small actors. Naturally, Li Jianjian, who appeared in the grab-and-go show, must have the deepest impression of everyone who has watched the show, this "love and hatred" little girl.

's innocence and childishness, which belong to the child alone, are vividly performed in almost every scene in which she appears.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

Relatively speaking, the performance of the two little boys is actually more restrained and more difficult.

He Ziqiu, who was abandoned by his biological father and mother successively, performed well the kind of sensible and precociousness brought about by the hardships of life. He almost endured Li Jianjian's willfulness with the mentality of an adult.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

slowly understand the positive energy of this show, and the children who need to be cured try to heal their loved ones and find ways to heal themselves.

Many injuries in this world need to be redeemed. In fact, most people who have psychological injuries do not know it. They need to be cured, and those who know it will work hard to heal themselves.

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

People who are related by blood may not be family members, they may be the black hole that overdrafts all of you, and those who are not related by blood may also be your family members, because they will take care of you, care about you, and heal your battered heart. Help you rebuild a new world on those ruined walls. The episode of

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

is now coming to an end. How will the next plot develop? Let's discuss it together!

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba

'In the Name of Family': People who are not related by blood are called relatives - Lujuba


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