Do you know the real reason for Downey's resignation in "Iron Man 4"?

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Speaking of Marvel, everyone is familiar with it. Marvel Comics and DC Comics are the giant comics of the United States, and they have created many heroes. Such as Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk and so on. Because of the rise of the film and television industry, comics have also begun to change into movies and enter thousands of households, and because of these characters, many actors have become popular. Among them, Downey, the actor of Iron Man, is one of them. Many fans of Marvel movies entered the pit because of "Iron Man." Downey combined his life experience and superb acting skills. With the 2008 MCU pioneering work "Iron Man", he quickly made this 18-line player Comic hero characters are popular all over the world.

Do you know the real reason for Downey's resignation in 'Iron Man 4'? - Lujuba

In addition to being a superhero in the film, Downey is also a billionaire, a famous playboy, philanthropist and black technology expert. At the time when Marvel was crumbling, he used all the funds to shoot "Iron Man" and won the turnaround. The Iron Man played by Downey has reborn Marvel and is well-known worldwide.

Do you know the real reason for Downey's resignation in 'Iron Man 4'? - Lujuba

Iron Man, as a core member of the Avengers, has already made 3 personal movies. Of course, there can be "Iron Man 4", but with the sacrifice of "Avengers 4" Iron Man makes powerful Iron Man fans Very sad. "Avenger 4" even surpassed "Avatar" to become the world's number one film at the global box office with more than $27.9, which also made the producer and the co-producer happy to close their mouths from ear to ear.

Do you know the real reason for Downey's resignation in 'Iron Man 4'? - Lujuba

Unfortunately, Downey’s film contract with Marvel has expired. Why did Marvel give Iron Man to death instead of continuing to shoot "Iron Man 4"? Is it really that Downey’s pay is too high for Marvel to afford? In fact, Iron Man ended not because of the pay but the character who accompanied Downey for 11 years. For the actor, his life could not be restricted by only one role. Another reason is that Downey is now 55 years old. As time goes by, more and more action scenes will be overwhelming for him. It is time to return to the family to live a simple life.

Downey’s Iron Man has accompanied many people’s youth, and we also look forward to the appearance of Downey’s new role. Nowadays, the continuous progress of the development of film and television will replace many traditions and become a new existence. The film investment industry will become a new trend. Moreover, our country also allows individuals to participate in film investment regulations, and be co-producers together after the release.

In fact, movies are different from previous financial products. Everyone of us has access to movies, how they operate and how to make a profit. It is easy to understand that box office data is also open and transparent, so investing in movies is more similar to physical investment. Many people think that the group It is wrong to make investment. Now not only can individuals watch it, but also learn about film and television copyright. But the editor wants to say that the success of a movie is not only determined by the box office, but also depends on the other income and reputation after the theater is released. After all, the people's heart is the most important thing. What do you think about this? ,

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