I didn’t expect that this "Book of Heaven" was actually made into a drama

news 1615℃

Italy is one of the "G7" countries. Not long ago,

officially announced its participation in the "Belt and Road" plan.

swept a wave of national favorability.

Today, Uncle Yu will take advantage of the heat to introduce to you a newly launched excellent unpopular Italian drama-

"The Name of the Rose"

The Name of the Rose

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

This drama is adapted from the Italian writer 10zzzzzzz9. Semiotics classic mystery novel.

The book has been translated into 35 languages, sold more than 16 million , and won the two highest literary awards in Italy.

is also a reprint in China. Since the 1980s, there have been four or five translations, showing its popularity.

In fact, the original work was remade into a movie as early as 1986 by the famous Italian director Jean-Jacques Arno (representative of "The Lover" and "Wolf Totem"), and the evaluation is quite high.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

is limited to the length of the movie, and many of the original details have not been fully restored, which makes many book fans regret.

And now this 8-episode TV series not only maintains the standard, but is also more loyal to the novel. It is sure to make a lot of "original party" hooked .

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

Before introducing the plot, let’s get to know the background of the story with Uncle Yu:

In the 14th century AD, at that time the Holy Roman Emperor, Louis IV, and the then Pope of Avignon, John XXII, were in the 14th century. There are many contradictions on the issue of " religious power and imperial power, which is higher than ."

When Louis IV came to the throne, he received the crown from the Roman nobles, not from the pope according to tradition.

This means that he declares that he is the "emperor of the nobility", not the "emperor of the pope". Pope

therefore imposed excommunication on Louis IV, that is, expelled from the church;

as a counterattack, Louis IV appointed a "pseudo pope" himself.

The two sides are at war.

Uncle Yu's history class is over. In this context, in 1327, the two sides decided to start a debate in a monastery to try to solve this problem.

, as the male lead monk William , came to participate in the debate.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

He and his two apprentices arrived at the foot of the monastery seven days in advance and met a group of monks who came out of the monastery and looked hurried.

Before the other party could speak, William was the first to say something astonishing:

"You are obviously looking for the dean's favorite horse."

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

The stunned expressions of the monks showed that William's words were true. Does he have an unknown prophet? Is it supernatural?

However, William smiled slyly, his real weapon is "logic" :

through the horseshoe prints, imagined a horse that had never been seen before, and seeing the monks so nervous, concluded that this was the dean's horse. The theory of

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

is straightforward, as if he is a " Medieval Sherlock Holmes ".

And William's character set is also very similar to Holmes, they are all slender body, sharp eyes, hooked nose, and "firm jaw."

However, this is not a "tribute" by the screenwriter.

In fact, the prototype of William's role is the famous logician in history, "William of Occam".

Yes, it was William who proposed the famous "Occam's Razor" principle.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

In history, William was eloquent and was known as the "unrefuting doctor."

Therefore, in the play, he showed meticulous reasoning ability, and skillfulGood words are not groundless. After

pointed the horses where to go, the master and apprentice finally arrived at the monastery.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

But in the monastery there is a stormy trend .

A monk was found to have fallen to death under the tower, and everyone was holding a funeral for him.

From this point, William keenly perceives that this is not an accident, but a murder case that has another secret.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

(Christianity prohibits suicide. Suicidal believers cannot hold Christian funerals, nor can they be buried in church cemeteries.)

The abbot admitted this and frankly confessed to the conspiracy that has permeated the monastery recently.

He worried that someone was deliberately sabotaging the debate meeting and asked William to help find out the real culprit.

Yes, under the solemn and deep religious theme, "The Name of the Rose" is actually a suspense detective drama . The deceased in the

murder was a monastery book scribe.

is responsible for translating and copying rare books collected from all over the world together with colleagues.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

During the questioning of the monks, William found that the assistant to the librarian Berenga seemed to have some affection with the deceased beyond the boundaries of his colleagues.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

and in the search of Berenga's room, William found a white cloth stained with blood, and all the evidence pointed to him.

However, the series of accidents that followed immediately showed that the incident was not that simple.

another murder happened. The corpse of a translator in the library of

was found in an extremely funny posture-with his legs upside down, drowning in the pig's blood tank in the pigpen.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

Subsequently, Berenga, the most suspected person, was also found drowning in the bathtub...

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

And what is even more bizarre is that , a series of dead people, actually died in the same way as predicted in the Apocalypse, before the end. The sequence of the seven horns of

is exactly the same. : The first horn of

sounds, hail and fire fall from the sky with blood, corresponding to the fallen monk; the second horn of

sounds, and one third of the sea becomes blood, corresponding to the pig’s blood tank. The deceased in

; the third horn of

sounded, and one-third of the creatures in the ocean died, corresponding to Belenga soaked in the water...

is this confirming that the end is coming, or a certain fanatic, using the prophecy as His own guidelines for killing?

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

Accompanied by the intensified serial murder case , everyone in the monastery is panicked. Under the glamorous appearance of

, the dark and foul inside story was gradually exposed.

The seemingly righteous monastery of , in fact, because he once believed in "pagan religion," he was in panic all day long, so he could only use fine wine and the gold and silver treasures he found to talk about masturbation.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

The library curator , who seems to be gentle, dedicated his life to knowledge and wisdom, but actually covets the position of dean all the time.

is a hypocrite who is savvy and good at falsehood.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

The most highly qualified and respected blind monk in the monastery, , has been using his power to block all dissident books and suppress the curiosity of young monks.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

Not to mention the corruption, sodomy, lies, mutual exclusion, and revenge against dissidents

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

. It is up to William, a stranger, to expose the truth of all these golden jade and other external defeats. In fact, the show is looking for murder. Under the main line of the truth of the case, there is another dark line hidden by .

This medieval detective mystery drama involvesIt is not only about criminology and logic, but also politics, theology, and history .

reflects the prophecies about crime in the Bible, and different philosophies such as Bacon, Aristotle, and Aquinas.

The emerging Catholic Church "Francis" where William belongs is in contradiction with the orthodox church.

Franciscans advocated poverty and tried to strictly imitate the way of life of Christ back then;

, under the long-term influence of unrestrained power, the top church leaders have long regarded wealth as life, corrupted and degraded into an unhuman form.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

than following the teachings of Christ, they are more keen to slaughter all dissidents who threaten them. In the history of

, William once questioned the extravagant life of the church, and was regarded as a heresy by the pope and sent to prison.

This is lucky.

More "infidels", such as the "Dochirino" sect that takes in refugees displaced by war in the play, and believers will be sent to the torture by the notorious inquisition.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

and William in the play was actually a religious judge of the Inquisition.

, however, loves emerging science and advocating rationality, and finally couldn't stand the frenetic atmosphere and brutality that permeated it. He chose to flee, and even decided to support the emperor and oppose the pope .

himself summed up his observations of the Holy See in this way:

"Be wary of prophets and those who are ready to dedicate their lives to the truth, because they usually pull many people to die with them, often with them first, and sometimes replacing them. They go to die."

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

And the blind monks in the monastery are undoubtedly the best allegory of the Holy See: blindness and fanaticism.

In the end, he was buried with the monastery in a sea of ​​flames, which is to some extent an apocalyptic prophecy for the future of the church.

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

At the end of the 14th century, the rise of the Renaissance movement sounded the first death knell for the decline of the traditional Catholic Church.

And William's thinking on doctrines, such as "Man is saved by his own faith", has directly become the fire source of Martin Luther's Protestant reform.

The long and oppressive dark curtain of the Middle Ages was finally burned under the torch of rationality and humanity .

can lead mankind to the truth, not fanatical fanaticism, but prudent reason.

at this point, ancient and modern are the same as .

I didn’t expect that this 'Book of Heaven' was actually made into a drama - Lujuba

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