"Twilight Girl" takes over Liu Yuling, no one can save this terrible movie!

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Charlie Angels

Director: Elizabeth Banks

Screenplay: Elizabeth Banks/ Evan Spiriotopoulos/ David Obern

Starring: Kristen Stewart/ Naomi Scott/ Ella Barinska/ Elizabeth Banks/ Patrick Stewart/ Sam Claflin/ Jonathan Tucker/ Knight Fazon/ Noah Centineo/ Luis Hera You can take a break, director

'Twilight Girl' takes over Liu Yuling, no one can save this terrible movie! - Lujuba


female action film, not satisfactory.

Christine's rare sexy appearance in the past two years.

Where can I watch the movie theater

premiere date November 15

With this year's "Deadly Woman" hit, Liu Yuling has become popular again.

However, if Liu Yuling left a deep impression on Chinese audiences, it is estimated that it was the "Charlie Girl" in 2000.

is a fresh female action movie, which is different from a series of male-dominated action movies that dominated the mainstream market at that time.

is more delicate and sexy, giving the audience a refreshing feeling.

'Twilight Girl' takes over Liu Yuling, no one can save this terrible movie! - Lujuba

plus one of the three leading actors is the Chinese actress Liu Yuling.

Coincidentally, in 2002, China also introduced her and Antonio Banderas starring "The Countering Agent".

In that era when China was actively moving towards the world, Hollywood also paid more and more attention to Chinese faces.

All these factors have caused the film "Charlie Angela" to have an influence beyond its own value in China.

'Twilight Girl' takes over Liu Yuling, no one can save this terrible movie! - Lujuba

The Chinese filmmakers at that time also had a deep feeling for this series of films.

So, since the "Charlie Girl" in 2000, Chinese movies have started a wave of imitation.

2001's "The Beautiful Thief".

"Sunset Angel" in 2002.

and 2002's "Naked Agents" have obvious traces of following suit.

But unfortunately, these movies have the same fate as Hollywood female action movies, and they have not been able to continue into a series of movies.

and Iris said that this is all because of female action movies, and there is no value in becoming a commercial genre movie.

First, for action movies, it is really difficult for women to complete the technical requirements as difficult as men. First of all, they lack a sense of strength.

The second is to make up for the shortcomings in the sense of power. This type of film generally uses women's heads to make gimmicks as much as possible.

But this kind of situation is very vulgar when filming by a less advanced director.

For example, in the old version, Liu Yuling dressed as a masseuse and went to steal the keys.

This is not like a manifestation of the status of women, but more like flattery to the patriarchal society.

Third, it is risky to speculate on the old IP, because this kind of film style repetition is inevitable. The failure of the 2011 version of "Charlie Girl" is due to the lack of new ideas, which is still continuing the last century's scratching posture.

So this kind of film is also in urgent need of zz correct Hollywood, and it is basically extinct.

, but there is something that is not afraid of death.

No, the new version of Charlie Angela, just released this week, is one.

director Elizabeth Banks is also a magical existence.

is an actor and she has made and released two movies so far.

has one of them, which won the Golden Plum Award for Worst Director in 2014, with a winning rate of 50%. If

talked about the subject matter of this female agent action movie, she would not be welcomed. Coupled with such a magical director, the quality of the movie is basically conceivable. The best result of

is probably a popcorn movie that just passed.

However, in this movie, it is still obvious that the director has huge ambitions.

has learned the lessons of the failed restart version of "Charlie Girl" in 2011, and the film's worldview setting has also been reshaped. The goal of

is probably to rush to the rhythm of the least trilogy.

therefore buried clues everywhere in the 2019 version of Charlie.

has set up mysterious characters and structured a huge organizational form. Charlie's secret agents are spread all over the world. Angels and contact persons "Bosley" are also everywhere, rising to a larger pattern.

But unfortunately, due to the limited ability of the director, the whole movie looks more like a play house.

And Kristen Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Balinska in the 2019 version of "Charlie Angels", their personal settings in the film are the same, they will always be so lovely, pure and lovely , Fanghua peerless.

​​Although they may have small emotions between little girls, they are still sunshine sisters in the end.

And the most eye-catching thing in the whole film may be the "Twilight Girl" Christine who announced a few years ago.

But it is only because her identity fits perfectly with the role of the angel Sabina.

first showed her sexy appearance.

​​When the audience was immersed in her attractive beauty visible to the naked eye, the handsome, neutral and aggressive little K appeared on the stage, subverting everyone's imagination.

But it is extremely regrettable that although Christine has completed the most surprising, stunning and subversive transformation on the screen.

However, the movie "Girls in the Thunderbolt" hasn't completed its gorgeous transformation. It seems to be under the banner of the rise of women, but in fact it has not been done thoroughly. The character of

female agent Elena is a beautiful girl with high IQ who is harmless and cute. When

was pressed by the villain, she didn't use a gun, but the male villain used such a tool with a strong hint of x to choke Elena's throat.

In addition, in order to highlight women, the film does not want to strengthen the female characters, but tries to achieve the so-called "superwoman" image by overly weakening the male characters.

For example, men are villains, and how stupid they are. The plans of female bosses always succeed, and there is no trouble.

But Iris just wanted to ask, what is the meaning of feminism with a man lying down?

Can women not have equal PK with normal men?

Therefore, the "fighting" of a "fighting" is not fierce enough, the "dressing" of the "fighting" has not been able to fully fire, and men and women have not made a thorough film.

Iris has never wanted to understand until now, what is the need to restart this IP?

probably thinks that the audience with more money is not enough.

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