This cool film made everyone's heart surging

movie 1988℃

This week, the long-awaited "Charlie Girl" finally officially released. Although

really loves Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Liu Yuling's "Characters of the Thunder" series, even if you look at it with the age filter, you must admit that the essence of "Charles of the Thunder" is popcorn. Entertainment blockbusters—the kind that is separated from the typical feminist movies by five "Anna".

Therefore, for the new version of "Charlie Angels", what I am most looking forward to is not how the new angels surpass their predecessors, but a popcorn movie that is entertaining and good enough.

This cool film made everyone's heart surging - Lujuba

From this point of view, the filming of "Charlie Girl" really did not disappoint.

Christine Stewart, Naomi Scott, and Ella Barinska took over the angel’s mantle and assumed the task of saving the world. Not long after the movie started,

used a drag racing scene to tell everyone that the new generation of angels had already updated their military equipment, and the actual combat technology was closer to head-to-head hard-core play.

This cool film made everyone's heart surging - Lujuba

The long-legged angel Ella Barinska and the sturdy mysterious killer (Jonathan Tucker) fought face-to-face. Even if she didn't have the upper hand, she did not flinch and played resolutely.

Of course, the change in combat methods does not mean that they have become brave.

Whether it is the 2000 version of the angels or the new angels, it is still a logical thing to use appearance to complete tasks.

This is why at the beginning of the film, Sabina, played by "Little K" Kristen Stewart, turned into a silly white sweet girl, and there was no sense of disobedience-she was quite happy with the audience for her drag show.

This cool film made everyone's heart surging - Lujuba

The conversation between Sabina, who is silly and sweet, and the rich man sitting across from her is even more worthy of intriguing.

Sabina said, “I think women can do anything.” The man told her in an unquestionable tone, “If they can do it, it doesn’t mean they should do it.”

Obviously, in this man’s view, women should Certain things should not be done, not by them, but by men like him.

is more than ten years apart, but the situation faced by the two angels has not changed in essence. They all live in a world where men expect women to follow their orders and there is no doubt about it. Although

's situation has not changed, the new generation of angels has new perspectives and changes in the way they look at and solve problems. When they realize that they can do anything, they certainly cannot accept letting others decide what they should do. What to do. The one thing

has to say about the new version of "Charlie Girl" is the male character setting in the film. The biggest villain in

is the former angel leader Bosley, played by Patrick Stewart. And the reason why he "anti-water" is because he is not reconciled that he cannot continue to control the Charlie Detective Agency. To put it simply, the old Bosley was unwilling to lose the power he once had. Not only is he not reconciled, but he also deliberately wants to master more power through black technology.

In the end, the old Bosley certainly failed.

When all the angels joined forces, they defeated the old Bosley and his followers who were not very bright. At this point in the movie

, the insinuation of "Charlie Angel" to the real world is self-evident.

Many people's criticisms of "Charlie Boy" also originated from this: arranging men as villains, and then letting all women unite to defeat them, isn't this provoking gender antagonism?

But instead of saying that men have become villains, it is better to say that the traditional paternal power represented by the old Bosley has become the hidden villain in this story.

​​If someone regards the angels taking back the rights they deserve as "provoking gender antagonism", it can only be said that they know too little about the past of the angels being exploited and oppressed.

From this perspective, the theme of "Charlie Girl" is further than the 2000 version. However, I think it still cannot be called a feminist film.

, of course, is because it is a routine of action movies.

For genre movies, if there is a protagonist, there must be a villain, but "Girls in the Thunderbolt" chooses to make old Bosley and his associates the villains.

And, the angels defeat the villainsThe process is too smooth, easy, and ideal. Considering that in the real world, even equal pay for men and women for equal work has not yet been achieved, and the road to equal rights is still a long way to go, the cool film essence of "Charlie Boy" has been exposed.

But even so, movies like "Charlie Angela" that can reflect current social issues are still worth watching, understanding and interpreting. Even if

is a cool film, after the cool, it still leaves a trace of reality in the hearts of the audience.

was on the first day of the show. We also organized golden field viewings in Shanghai and Hangzhou to show you the sequel to this classic IP first.

According to our staff, friends in the two places are extremely enthusiastic. All my friends at Hangzhou Station participated in the interaction enthusiastically after the screening, and none of them left. Thank you very much.

Group photo in Shanghai

Group photo in Hangzhou

In addition to taking you to the movies this time, we actually prepared a little bit of thought. The theme of

's viewing group this time is "Don't call me an angel". What we hope to convey is to put aside all the "labels" given to us by the outside world, like in the movie "Charlie Angel", and truly find ourselves as an independent individual.

So at the scene, we prepared a special message board. Everyone who participates in the event and passes by is welcome to write down on it their "most unwilling to be defined by others."

Let's also look at some of your comments.

sincerely thank every friend who spoke up. At that time, I was very touched when I received feedback from each photo. We hope that apart from watching movies, we can also bring you more.

Then, let's take a look at the post-screening feedback of these two scenes.

There were especially many female audiences here. The ratio of men to women in

is as follows:

​​The average rating for this movie is 7.2 points.

For the three "agent angels" in the film, everyone voted for the one who impressed them the most.

Kristen Stewart played Sabina with an absolute advantage and won the first place.

is really handsome.

Finally, take a look at everyone's film reviews.

Tags: movie