At 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Exam Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of "Singer 2024". The main content of the question is as follows: "

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htmlAt 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Examination Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of "Singer 2024". The main content of the question is as follows: "Winning is just a part of the singer's journey. Welcome is the destination of music." Around winning and welcoming, two words can be chosen. 1. You can choose both and write on your own topic. The program team of "Singer 2024" also responded to this report: "If you dare to fight, you will definitely win!" This seems to be answering this high school entrance examination question.

At 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Exam Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of 'Singer 2024'. The main content of the question is as follows: ' - Lujuba

The copywriting of "Singer 2024" has become a high school entrance examination question

This copywriting comes from the evening premiere of "Singer 2024" on May 10, and related topics have continued to ferment. The seven starting singers - Na Ying, Hai Lai Amu, Secondhand Rose, Rainie Yang, Wang Sulong, chantémoore, and faouzia appeared on the stage. They presented seven works with different styles. In the end, chantémoore, faouzia and Naying ranked in the top three respectively. .

Faced with the overwhelming response from netizens and many singers "asking to compete", the program responded that "Follow-up invitations will be made based on the singers' schedules." The overall copy is as follows, "After many years, "Singer 2024" is fortunate to return to the public eye again, stemming from persistence in authenticity, respect for singers, and love for the stage. Here, music is always the greatest common denominator of communication. I hope everyone will Everyone who follows "Singer 2024" can enjoy music, gain close friends, maintain communication, and embrace the world. Winning is just a journey for singers. "

"Singer" has always been praised for its writing. , was analyzed and circulated in various "Millions of Copywriters" posts. For example, the copy of the promotional video for "Singer 2024": "It's been a long time/The seats have been empty for several winters/I don't know if the crowd has gone far/These days/The changes are obvious/Life is marked with more destinations/But every time you arrive / We are all extra careful / We are obsessed with selecting the best for publication / The pictures are only for reference / In fact, you have long realized that those are too perfect / In fact, they are too boring.”

Another example is the copy of the 2020 concept promotional video of "The Year of the Singer": "Life is a mystery/My answer to the riddle, in which song/sing, was originally for solving/singing, but later it became flesh and blood/time/tampened The power/used to be wishful thinking/now I dare to release the deep desire/and use this adventure/to get the light I want/not to say unnecessary words/only to sing fearless songs.”

At 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Exam Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of 'Singer 2024'. The main content of the question is as follows: ' - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie and Yuan Yawei join hands to "rush to the list"

After fierce competition in the first five periods, countless unforgettable music moments have been born on the stage of "Singer 2024". Tonight's sixth live competition is about to be shocking. In order to increase the enjoyment and tension of the stage, the program will introduce a new blockbuster competition system. Two recognized Chinese singers, Shang Wenjie and Yuan Yawei, will compete for online seats.

At 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Exam Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of 'Singer 2024'. The main content of the question is as follows: ' - Lujuba

The cruel impact will make the seven online singers Chanté Moore, Na Ying, Sun Nan, Wang Sulong, Faouzia, Yellow Huang Xuan and Zhang Yuqi face more severe challenges, and make the audience look forward to their performance even more. At the same time, the new competition system also makes the show more suspenseful. Let us wait and see whether the two chart-topping singers can break through the online seats!

At 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Exam Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of 'Singer 2024'. The main content of the question is as follows: ' - Lujuba

The battle for the top spot is about to begin. In order to cope with this fierce challenge, online singers are working hard to protect their seats. chanté moore will bring us this song "this love" this week. The fresh and touching melody and romantic lyrics are like the spring breeze blowing on her face, warm and gentle, singing the way the emotions in her heart should be. Na Ying once again interprets the classic and uses "Unforgettable" to awaken that unforgettable memory in our hearts. Sun Nan will use his deep and powerful voice to express the philosophy and life insights in "People Are_". Wang Sulong chose Phoenix Legend's "Lady Luxury", looking forward to his innovative arrangement to create an extraordinary golden song experience. faouzia brings "cry me a river". We are looking forward to faouzia's narration of sadness and reluctance.

yellow With his brisk voice, Huang Xuan will perform "Your Sweetness" like summer ice cream, sweet but not greasy, fresh and pleasant. I wonder what surprises this week's "Yellow Style" style will bring ? When "The Savior of the Day" meets Zhang Yuqi, the rock style coupled with the intense arrangement, let's see how she creates a fantasy, gorgeous, trendy and fun listening experience.

At 11 a.m. on June 13, the 2024 Chengdu High School Entrance Exam Chinese Language Test ended. According to reports, this year's Chengdu high school entrance examination essay question is based on the copywriting of 'Singer 2024'. The main content of the question is as follows: ' - Lujuba

Shang Wenjie and Yuan Yawei are strong enough to make the list, and the competition for strong voices is getting more and more intense. Shang Wenjie and Yuan Yawei join hands to join "Singer 2024", which undoubtedly injects new vitality into the show and makes the competition more and more intense. Shang Wenjie has won the love of countless fans with her unique music style and soulful interpretation. Her music works are diverse in style, ranging from passionate rock to gentle lyricism, and she can always touch people's hearts with her music. For tonight's stage, she chose a song called "The Wind on the Way Home". This song is based on a warm and affectionate melody, and the lyrics reveal her longing for home and longing for the future.

Yuan Yawei, another chart-topping singer, has also attracted much attention. Her music label is unique, her voice is high-pitched and passionate, and full of power. People can always feel her firm belief and love for music in her singing. Her published music works have won recognition from multiple music awards, proving her strength and influence in the music field. In "Singer 2024", she will bring her latest work "bored". This song is based on unique electronic music elements and integrates a variety of music styles, showing Yuan Yawei's unique insights and creativity in music. Through this song, she will convey to the audience her reflections on modern urban life and her desire for free expression.

On the stage of "Singer 2024", the collision between different music styles can always spark unexpected sparks. With the joining of Shang Wenjie and Yuan Yawei, the excitement of tonight's live competition will be increased again. Can the online seats be successfully defended?

Yangtze Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Zhang Nan

Proofreading Xu Heng

Tags: entertainment