Unexpectedly, internal entertainment has launched a "new flower activity". Recently, an industry insider revealed to reporters that the battle for position in domestic entertainment has now shifted from an open confrontation to a secret competition - for example, some actors are

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I never expected that internal entertainment would have a "new flower activity".

Recently, an industry insider revealed to reporters that the battle for position in domestic entertainment has now shifted from an open confrontation to a secret competition - for example, some actors are at odds with "RV".

"What's so good about RVs?"

"The actors are watching each other to see who gets out of the RV first! Whoever gets out of the RV first loses, and whoever arrives late gets a bigger seat."

It sounds so ridiculous. , but it has become the default "hidden rule" for many people in the entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, internal entertainment has launched a 'new flower activity'. Recently, an industry insider revealed to reporters that the battle for position in domestic entertainment has now shifted from an open confrontation to a secret competition - for example, some actors are  - Lujuba

Yang Tianzhen talks about "tearing the fan position". "Mao Xue Wang" variety show screenshots

How crazy are the stars who are tearing up their spots?

The battle for ranking in domestic entertainment has been around for a long time.

From the competition between the management team in the early years to the "forced" by the fan group in recent years, many works, especially those behind big productions, are inseparable from the three words "tearing down the title". What is the


To put it simply, fan position is the order of actor names at the beginning and end of film and television dramas; to put it more complicatedly, fan position represents "coffee status" to a certain extent, which is closely related to money, power, and resources.

For example, Zhang San, Li Si, and Wang Mazi want to collaborate in a movie. Zhang San is very popular, Li Si is a good actor, and Wang Mazi is a related person. How to arrange this order?

Everyone wants to be one. So Zhang San's fans started writing small essays on Weibo and reposted 100,000 angrily threatening the crew: "Let's see who dares to bully my brother"; Wang Mazi's team called the producer and sneered: "My Mazi is from the platform"; Li Si didn't have a backstage, so he would probably be at the end of the queue.

So, Li Si ranked third, Zhang San and Wang Mazi were tied. At the beginning of the film, the two names appeared horizontally and vertically at the same time. All three parties were happy, and the whole play ended - it was strange.

This war without gunpowder has just begun from the moment the contract is signed.

Unexpectedly, internal entertainment has launched a 'new flower activity'. Recently, an industry insider revealed to reporters that the battle for position in domestic entertainment has now shifted from an open confrontation to a secret competition - for example, some actors are  - Lujuba

In order to avoid the controversy over the division of titles, the names of the leading actors in "Five Blessings" were sorted in circles. Weibo screenshot

"The management team with a certain say in the script will consider which role is more popular when reading the script. After deciding on the role, they want to change the role and add drama." Producer Zhu Ye (pseudonym) told reporters that the stars are tearing up the scenes. Commonplace.

She revealed that the crew of a costume drama adapted from a certain major IP was "very uncomfortable". Each of the three leading actors brought their own screenwriters to the team, and they played "original" scenes every day, fighting fiercely to grab the spotlight. The director even got into a fight with one of the actors over a scene, and the crew stopped working for several days. In the end, the show received a mediocre response when it aired, but the main creative staff suffered serious "work-related injuries."

However, the most "injured" in the celebrity feud was the publicity department. As long as film and television dramas enter the release stage, whether it is the order of the names of the leading actors, or expressions such as "double male protagonists" and "group dramas", they will all be "must be fought for by military strategists."

Zhu Ye told reporters such an "interesting story": At a press conference before the premiere of a male-led drama, the two male actors A and B stayed in the lounge and refused to go on stage. The conflict originated from an official Weibo post. Party A was dissatisfied with the word "dual male protagonists", while Party B demanded to stick to this statement, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

ā€œIt wasnā€™t until the producer of the show got furious and said forcefully, ā€˜If you donā€™t go on stage today, you wonā€™t go on stage againā€™, then the two ā€˜big namesā€™ made their debut and acted like brothers and sisters in front of the stage. "Zhu Ye sarcastically said: "Some stars are not very good at work in the crew, but they really like to act in front of the media cameras."

Who gets off the RV late and who is the most popular? It's ridiculous!

As the war of "tearing apart" is intensifying and people from all walks of life are criticizing it, the relevant departments have struck hard.

On December 22, 2021, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued relevant documents, mentioning that the signature method, order, and position of actors and actresses in TV series are stipulated in the employment contract. Producers should discuss signature issues when signing employment contracts with actors and actresses. Communicate and agree to avoid the occurrence of signature disputes such as competition for ranking.

Screenshot of the website of the State Administration of Radio and Television

In an instant, the phenomenon of "tearing off articles" seemed to have ceased. However, for some celebrities, "being as pale as a chrysanthemum" is nothing more than a persona, and "not fighting for it, not competing for it" are just floating clouds. They cannot be dismissed on the surface, but there is a lot of competition in secret.

producer Qiang Xiang (pseudonym) told reporters that the "tear-down" battle between the protagonists has now spread to the set. She revealed that when the filming of a certain youth idol drama started, the male and female protagonists were proud of being late: they believed that whoever got out of the RV first would lose, and whoever came late to the scene would get the best seat. It took a long time to shout for the actors to arrive, leaving the production team I have a terrible headache.

In this regard, the reporter contacted the famous screenwriter Wang Hailin. "The question of who gets off the RV first is too childish. This must happen." Wang Hailin believes that this kind of phenomenon is not new today, and it is not surprising. The essence is that some actors use "sequence" to get off the car. Show off your "wrist size".

He bluntly said that in the crew, some "big names" are very particular about seniority, and a small "dressing room" may become a vanity fair. "You have to go to the dressing room first, and you can apply it first, but when 'Wrist' comes, you have to stop. No matter how long you have been applying makeup, you must stop and let him apply it first. This is the characteristic of 'Wrist', he You can't wait for others, you have to wait for him. "

"Wan'er" is difficult to deal with, and the "Wan'er" management team is often no less generous. Lin Jing (pseudonym), who was once responsible for the management of a certain online traffic niche, told reporters that during the broadcast of the drama, teams from all parties will compete for publicity resources, "For example, which part of the series is written incorrectly, which area has few hot searches, which episode's artist There are too few scenes, and they will be listed one by one. "

Unexpectedly, internal entertainment has launched a 'new flower activity'. Recently, an industry insider revealed to reporters that the battle for position in domestic entertainment has now shifted from an open confrontation to a secret competition - for example, some actors are  - Lujuba

Fans are charging for the star's "treatment". Weibo screenshot

Lin Jing recalled that once, after the new drama was completed, the niche actor thought that the actor opposite him would appear more attractive, and was worried that he would be "overpowered" by the other party after the drama aired. The team's response was to prepare the draft in advance, Buy hot searches and join the army. "Both parties are very concerned about each other's developments, and will even pay attention to what the other party posts on Weibo and the response to the other party's new drama. They are both afraid that the other party will surpass them."

In addition to keeping a close eye on opponents, there are also some unfair competition behaviors in the industry. Lin Jing gave an example: Male star A once became popular with a drama with two male protagonists, and then male star B starred in a drama with the same theme, and the two characters had similar personalities. Fans of Party A believe that there is a risk of conflict between the two parties, and they buy black drafts to attack Party B to achieve the purpose of "explosion prevention" in advance.

"Fans think this is overwhelming wealth, and whoever catches it will be the next big hit. On the surface, it is the fans who do it, but there must be some added fuel and jealousy from the management team." Lin Jing said bluntly, the management team's attitude towards Fans always turn a blind eye and wait to reap the benefits. A lot of things may seem like fan behavior, but teams often know better.

Itā€™s strange to say that an artist who has already become famous, why do he still have to fight for it so hard? The answer is actually very simple - "This circle is a vanity fair."

It is better to compete for rankings than for works than to compete for awards

"In this circle, what kind of car you use, how much you get paid, how much business you accept, are all very high-level." Distinctive. So they really care about whether they are popular or not, and they also care about the treatment after becoming popular."

Lin Jing gave an example. Under normal circumstances, only actors with high rankings are eligible to use RVs, while others can only use RVs. They squeeze into a shared resting area together; the male and female protagonists can request to join the filming crew as assistants. If other people make the same request, they may be rejected by the crew on the grounds of "insufficient budget."

One of the things that impressed me the most was when she took an artist to an event. Since there was no dedicated driver, we had to temporarily hire a Didi commercial vehicle. "It was a six-seater business car, very luxurious, but when he saw it was Didi, he was a little unhappy at the time. I didn't realize it until later. He thought, 'I am a public figure, how could you ask Didi to come here? Pick me up? '"

In Lin Jing's view, many actors have not read many books. When they enter the entertainment industry, which is an abnormal working environment, they are easily captured by the pleasure of being in the spotlight, and thus their mentality is unbalanced. Wang Hailin's evaluation is much more direct - "Children are not sensible yet and have not been severely beaten by society and the industry."

"The younger they are and those who have just become famous for a few days, the more they like to compare with these because they have no social experience. ."Wang Hailin pointed out that some real celebrities do not deliberately compare who arrives first and who gets off the car later, let alone how big the pomp is. "They are never late when filming, they are very punctual, and they even arrive early. "

" Good actors and real celebrities will pay attention to other people's feelings and their own social image in many cases. When Ge You was walking on the red carpet, a security guard stopped him, and he immediately said, "Don't stop it for me." In fact, on certain related issues, the more you give in, the more you appear to be a big shot. "

Unexpectedly, internal entertainment has launched a 'new flower activity'. Recently, an industry insider revealed to reporters that the battle for position in domestic entertainment has now shifted from an open confrontation to a secret competition - for example, some actors are  - Lujuba

Actor Huang Bo objected to "tearing off the title" on Weibo. Weibo screenshot

Despite this, in the dictionary of some domestic entertainment stars, the title cannot be "given up", and the responsibility rests with others. The series is on the street, Blame the audience and the market; fans shout, "It's not bad if you're a bad actor"; next time you take on a drama, you'll still have a "one-size-fits-all" style... It seems that all acting works will be sidelined

However, from " "Kurdant" became popular, and "Flowers" exploded, and then "The Long Season" and "My Altay" became popular due to word-of-mouth. Audiences have long since broken away from the "traffic first" aesthetic form. They are more willing to watch movies with depth, warmth, and quality. Paying for thoughtful works is an inevitable trend for the healthy development of the cultural market.

says that it is better to compare works than traffic, and to compete for awards is worse than quality. If some actors are still addicted to the illusory halo and are limited to "position is king", the market will no longer pay for it.

If you are a small name and act like a big star, you will have to be a top actor sooner or later. Actors who don't respect the audience will also. Sooner or later it will "collapse"

Source: China News Network

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