The movie "Seven Voices" premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home.

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On September 12, 2023, the film "Seven Voices", which reflects the ups and downs of ordinary workers' lives in the tide of the times, kicked off its nationwide screening at Shanghai Cinemas. The film is adapted from the novel "Axia", which was shortlisted for the Lu Xun Literature Award by the emerging writer Ge Liang. As Ge Liang's first big-screen work, the film is named after the seven steps (tones) in the ancient Chinese heptatonic scale. "There are seven tones in one uniform", that is, each musical instrument can produce seven tones. , different and small sounds can form the strongest harmony as long as they are in tune. Through the delicate portrayal of grassroots workers wandering in the city, the film shows the social appearance behind ordinary individuals, and uses this metaphor to metaphor the seven voices in the world - as the author of the original novel Ge Liang said: the voice of every ordinary person They are all very weak, but they are the most direct and true reflection of this rich era. "Their voices gather together and form a rolling torrent."

The movie 'Seven Voices' premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home. - Lujuba

The movie 'Seven Voices' premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home. - Lujuba

The movie 'Seven Voices' premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home. - Lujuba

The film is set in Suzhou, a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, and is created with a combination of realism and freehand brushwork. The technique combines the aesthetic quality of film texture, depicts vivid portraits of people from all over the world, and presents the ups and downs of hotel employee Axia and her friends from the unique perspective of college student Mao Guo. The joys and sorrows and scattered sounds of each little person are gathered into a The "Seven Voices in the World" under the changes of the times inject voice into every ordinary person who contributes silently in the city, filling the gaps and gaps in the records of small people in the narrative of the times.

The movie 'Seven Voices' premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home. - Lujuba

Movie Shanghai Premiere-Media Tasting Session, "Seven Voices" 》The creative team, important guests from industry associations, and well-known critics took the stage one after another and had in-depth interactions with the media and audiences. Han Junqian, winner of the Golden Rooster Award and Huabiao Award, as the screenwriter and director of the film, said: ""Seven Voices" It is a movie that shows the living conditions and destiny of ordinary people during a period of social transformation. In recent years, realist works have gradually become more popular among audiences, but most realist movies often write stories of great heroes in the names of ordinary people. As a realist film that focuses on ordinary people and records social changes, the movie "Seven Voices" has an extremely sincere and sincere attitude towards ordinary people. I hope to dedicate this film to the workers wandering in the city and the watchers staying in the countryside. "Senior film critic Sun Mengjin also said: ""Seven Voices" focuses on all living beings from a gentle and caring perspective. It has the realism of a documentary and the freehand brushwork of a feature film, creating a unique charm of Suzhou. ”

The movie 'Seven Voices' premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home. - Lujuba

Ms. Han Junqian Screenwriter/Director of "Seven Voices"

The film "Seven Voices" is produced by Huarui Pictures and is produced by Central News Documentary Film Studio (Group), Huarui Pictures and Beijing Centennial Haohe International Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd. Jointly produced, at today's Shanghai premiere of "Seven Voices", Shanghai Caofei Industrial Co., Ltd., the organizer of this event, presented it with its Orifia brand. It is based on "doing it with heart" With the brand concept of "quality and dedicated service", Olephia has always paid attention to the details of ordinary people's lives and selected high-quality nuts with different characteristics from around the world for consumers, hoping to inject them into ordinary people struggling in different cities. Life energy, this is the same as the warm feeling that the movie "Seven Voices" wants to convey! The most important thing is Olfia's support for the movie "Seven Voices", which reflects its responsibility and feedback to the society as a private enterprise. It is a clear proof of delivering love and warmth to the society, and it is also a positive support of Olifia to artists and their artistic works that convey positive energy. Thank you, Olifia! I hope that more such caring companies will emerge in China. Make your own contribution to the development of society.

The movie 'Seven Voices' premiered in Shanghai, playing the song of the times for workers who are drifting away from home. - Lujuba

Mr. Sun Mengjin, senior film critic (first from left)

Ms. Han Junqian, screenwriter/director of "Seven Voices" (second from left)

Mr. Zhu Feng, President of Shanghai Film Critics Society, National Director of Shanghai Film Studio First-level director (second from right)

Mr. Li Yizhong, founding vice president of China University Film and Television Society and director of China Film Critics Society

Professor/doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (first from right)

At the end of the premiere, the creative team accepted opinions from mainstream media and industry Media interviews in many different fields such as media and entertainment media conveyed the power of the times behind "Seven Voices" to the public from more perspectives.The Shanghai premiere of the movie "Seven Voices" - the media tasting session also slowly came to an end with in-depth and enthusiastic exchanges.

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