"We Hit It Off" concluded successfully today, witnessing the growth and transformation of the actors and partners together

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Actors and partners study for the advanced reality show "We Hit It Off" every Thursday at 12 noon on Youku! The trainee actors spent an unforgettable summer together in the training cabin. After experiencing performance experiences in various forms such as partner selection for different themes, audition short film shooting, film and television screenings, etc., they gained a lot along the way.

In the final closing ceremony of this season's program, the cast and partners will usher in the ultimate screening of short films and compete for titles such as the best work of the season and the best partner. Who will win these honors? Facing the test of the audience and on-site expert judges, what kind of answer sheet will they hand over? Today at 12 noon on the Youku platform "We Hit It Together" let us witness it together!

'We Hit It Off' concluded successfully today, witnessing the growth and transformation of the actors and partners together - Lujuba

The ultimate screening of film and television short films Which group of films will win the best work

In the previous program, the actors returned to the small town theater where they first met, and reviewed together every detail of their study life for more than two months. At the same time, the actor partners also completed the final team selection in the last episode. They competed in pairs and completed the rehearsal and assessment of the short film within the specified time. The trainee producer Wu Zhenyu even came to the scene to give everyone guidance and help.

In this final screening of film and television short films, the actors and actresses will be divided into four groups by drawing lots to screen the nine film and television short films produced in the last stage. The audience and expert judges will judge based on these nine film and television short films. short films to select the best works in this season's program. Which pairing's work will win the best work of this season? Wang Ruichang and Zhang Yifan challenge a new theme and collaborate to perform "The Weather Manual" with explosive power. Can they win the final victory?

'We Hit It Off' concluded successfully today, witnessing the growth and transformation of the actors and partners together - Lujuba

The finale ceremony is shocking. Who will be the best on-screen partner?

The finale ceremony of the last episode of this season's program is not only a summary of more than two months of study life for the actors and partners, but also a face-to-face experience. The ultimate test judged by the audience and on-site experts. From reality show interaction to film and television presentation, the tacit understanding between actors and partners continues to improve, whether it is the firm selection of Yan Yu and Zhang Li from the beginning of the show to the end, or the growth of Liu Yu and Wu Junting after experiencing different partners. Transformation, they all showed the audience how young actors should do their job as "actors" with a youthful, optimistic and positive attitude. Which pairing can win the title of the best partner on screen?

'We Hit It Off' concluded successfully today, witnessing the growth and transformation of the actors and partners together - Lujuba

The training trip has come to a successful conclusion. During this training trip, the actor-partners also continued to improve their tacit understanding with their partners and their acting skills. This summer, what they gained was not only topics about growth and friendship, but most importantly, they learned knowledge about acting. In what state will they be in for the last assessment of this season, and what will they do in the final film and television screening? What kind of answer sheet should I hand in? Lock on the Youku platform at 12 noon today and witness the birth of a tacit on-screen partner!

'We Hit It Off' concluded successfully today, witnessing the growth and transformation of the actors and partners together - Lujuba

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