Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event

news 1009℃

On the evening of September 23, the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou came to a successful conclusion! The traditional culture of Chinese aesthetics and modern science and technology complement each other, creating a wonderful event that attracts world attention.

Among them, the most impressive thing is the first "digital and real fusion" lighting ceremony in the history of the Asian Games. When the digital torchbearers ran into the Grand Lotus Stadium and lit the main torch together with the real torchbearers, the entire scene was filled with excitement.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

This groundbreaking creative idea is inseparable from the behind-the-scenes efforts of chief director and chief producer Sha Xiaolan and his team. There must be a zero-second error between the digital torchbearer and the real torchbearer; it takes seven seconds for the digital torchbearer to go from bending down to igniting, and any slower would be unreal. Accuracy is always just a basic requirement.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

In order to realize the perfect interpretation of this idea, Sha Xiaolan and his team spent countless days and nights polishing it. Cooperation among all types of work is not an easy task. The director team has to control the frequency and speed of the digital torchbearer playback, and the virtual technology executors have to repeatedly adjust the angle, size, movements and ignition posture of the digital torchbearer.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

Many links need to be integrated accurately, which is extremely difficult. At this time, the chief director and chief producer Sha Xiaolan must have the ability and perseverance to coordinate the overall situation. "Perfect connection is very important. When the digital human torch was lit, there was a difference of nearly one second from the main torch tower. For perfection, let's do it one last time. All technical departments are asked to concentrate their efforts and thoughts and strive to be accurate." Rehearsal At the scene, Sha Xiaolan said again and again.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

Therefore, when the digital torchbearer, which combines elements of power, culture, and technology, walked step by step from the Qiantang River to the sky above the "Big Lotus" and lit the main torch with the torchbearers on site, Sha Xiaolan was also excited! The atmosphere around him reached its climax, and he hugged the staff happily, even with tears in his eyes. At this moment, the hard work of all the people behind the scenes is best demonstrated, and the charm of a great country is undoubtedly revealed.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

For Sha Xiaolan, this is an extremely precious moment. He once said in an interview that combining interpretation with technology and using creativity to present the beauty of China has always been what he pursues. In fact, he has been practicing this.

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

Sha Xiaolan and her team have been preparing for the opening ceremony of the Asian Games for three years. They have explored the world cultural heritage, museums, landscapes and countryside, as well as streets and alleys full of life in Hangzhou, revised hundreds of drafts of plans, and worked with countless scientific and technological units. In the end, the ignition form of "digital and real fusion" became the biggest highlight. This is the return of sports ontology and a concrete manifestation of a community with a shared future for mankind!

Hangzhou Asian Games opening ceremony: Chief Director Sha Xiaolan creates a brilliant event - Lujuba

Sha Xiaolan once said that the way the opening ceremony was lit was an expression of cultural confidence. It seems that it is not only the main torch tower that is burning brightly, but also the glory of a country and the endless love of a behind-the-scenes worker.

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