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rescue,house,emergency,earthquake,occurrence - Lujuba

Poster News Reporter Jiang Xueying Beijing Report

html At 23:59 on December 18, a 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province. So far, the earthquake has killed 105 people in Jishishan County and damaged some water, electricity, transportation, communications and other infrastructure.

On the morning of December 19, a reporter from Poster News had an exclusive interview with Professor Wu Jidong from the School of National Safety and Emergency Management of Beijing Normal University. In his view, the current focus of rescue is how to confirm the location of the collapsed house as soon as possible and rescue people as quickly as possible, among which communication Protection is key. In addition, road traffic, electricity, etc. must be restored to ensure the smooth progress of rescue work.

Wu Jidong of Beijing Normal University told Poster News that the main reasons why the earthquake in Linxia, ​​Gansu caused serious casualties were: first, the overall poor earthquake resistance of local houses, especially the high proportion of old self-built houses such as adobe; second, The earthquake occurred in the early hours of the night, and house collapse was the main cause of casualties.

Linxia Prefecture Meteorological Bureau issued a special weather forecast for the earthquake area in Jishishan County. In the past 24 hours, the weather in Dahejia, Liugou, Liuji, Anji, Yinchuan, Zhaizigou, Chuimatan, Shiyuan and nearby towns in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture Sunny to cloudy, with temperature around -14°C at 06:00 on the 19th, and wind force 1 to 2. There will be no precipitation in Jishi Mountain in the next 10 days. The weather will be mainly sunny to cloudy, with the lowest temperature around -14°C and the highest temperature around 5°C.

"The low temperature and cold wave may affect the heating equipment and water supply facilities of temporary shelters, which will bring inconvenience to the victims' lives and increase their health and safety risks. At the same time, the low temperature and cold wave may also make it difficult for rescue organizations to provide adequate shelter. In particular, heating facilities and warm living materials may be in short supply for a short period of time, and the risk of frostbite is common for rescuers working outdoors for long periods of time." Wu Jidong added that power outages in some areas will also affect heating facilities. and impact on the resettlement of disaster victims.

Poster News reporter learned from the Ministry of Emergency Management that in view of the seriousness of the disaster, the State Council Earthquake Relief Command and the Ministry of Emergency Management upgraded the national earthquake emergency response to Level 2, and the National Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief Commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management upgraded the national disaster relief emergency response. to level two.

After the earthquake, the national comprehensive fire rescue team dispatched a total of 1,440 fire rescue personnel to the disaster area for rescue. 1,603 fire rescue personnel from Gansu and surrounding provinces were on standby, ready for cross-regional reinforcements at any time.

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