"Zhang Wansen, you have struck gold," a Beijing viewer wrote on a social platform. In the article, this viewer shared his experience of missing the pre-sale and trying to buy movie tickets for "Twinkle Twinkle Star" on second-hand platforms. In the picture accompanying the articl

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'Zhang Wansen, you have struck gold,' a Beijing viewer wrote on a social platform. In the article, this viewer shared his experience of missing the pre-sale and trying to buy movie tickets for 'Twinkle Twinkle Star' on second-hand platforms. In the picture accompanying the articl - Lujuba

"Zhang Wansen, you have struck gold," a Beijing viewer wrote on a social platform. In the article, this viewer shared his experience of missing the pre-sale and trying to buy movie tickets for "Twinkle Twinkle Star" on second-hand platforms. In the picture accompanying the article, on a second-hand platform, the price of two movie tickets for "Twinkle Twinkle Star" and "Snow Field" on December 30 at a movie theater in Daxing District, Beijing was as high as 300 yuan. According to the release notice announced on December 5, the settlement price of the digital 2D version of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" in first-tier cities is 35 yuan per person, and 30 yuan in non-first-tier cities.

Movie tickets for "Twinkle Twinkle Star" and "Snow Field" on a second-hand platform cost up to 300 yuan.

'Zhang Wansen, you have struck gold,' a Beijing viewer wrote on a social platform. In the article, this viewer shared his experience of missing the pre-sale and trying to buy movie tickets for 'Twinkle Twinkle Star' on second-hand platforms. In the picture accompanying the articl - Lujuba

The movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star" is created by the original cast of the online drama of the same name. It is currently scheduled to be released on December 30, and pre-sales will begin on December 5. The web drama of the same name "Twinkle Twinkle Star" is directed by Chen Xiaoming and Zhang Pan, starring Qu Chuxiao and Zhang Jianing. It tells the story of Lin Beixing who accidentally deletes the text messages in his old mobile phone and returns to the past, where he meets and falls in love with his former schoolmate Zhang Wansen. The story of trying to prevent Zhang Wansen's accidental death. At the end of the web drama, after Zhang Wansen disappeared, Lin Beixing said alone on the snowy street: "Zhang Wansen, it's snowing. Are you okay? I miss you so much." This line became the creative source of "Snowing Field" . On the day the pre-sales started, the film crew also announced an easter egg activity on the first day of release on Weibo. It is reported that "Twinkle Twinkle Star" will open 1,314 "snow resorts" in 1,314 theaters across the country at 13:14 on that day. Audiences who purchase movie tickets for this event will receive official custom-made artificial snow cans and character cards.

On the ticket sales platforms Taopiao Piao and Maoyan, most of the movie tickets marked as "Snow Field" in different theaters in different cities have been sold out. The supply is far less than the demand, which naturally leads to price increases in the second-hand market. In response to this situation, the official Weibo of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" issued a proposal on December 7, stating: "With the opening of pre-sales... scalpers have taken advantage of the market to deliberately raise ticket prices, resulting in extremely high pre-sale tickets. phenomenon, this behavior has seriously hurt the audience's enthusiasm for watching movies. Shining hereby calls on all dear viewers to carefully identify and jointly resist the behavior of scalpers speculating on ticket prices. In addition, in order to allow theaters to better give back to the audience, Shining has taken the initiative to lower the minimum The release settlement price, therefore, it is also recommended that theaters across the country set prices according to fair market prices and give back to the audience with reasonable prices."

Stills of the TV series "Twinkle Twinkle Shining Star"

'Zhang Wansen, you have struck gold,' a Beijing viewer wrote on a social platform. In the article, this viewer shared his experience of missing the pre-sale and trying to buy movie tickets for 'Twinkle Twinkle Star' on second-hand platforms. In the picture accompanying the articl - Lujuba

And the related marketing about Snow has also made the film popular in the New Year In the middle of the stalls, there is a brilliant ride. On Douyin, the topic "Zhang Wansen is snowing" has been played more than 2.2 billion times. Maoyan Professional Edition has more than 1.82 million people wanting to watch the film, making it the most popular film in the same period. The sense of ritual of

's special schedule and the original popularity of the drama IP have helped "Snow Field" to break out of the circle. The unique time of New Year's Eve gives romance movies a special sense of ritual. Romance movies often become dark horses on New Year's Day. For example, "The Ex 3: Goodbye Ex" beat "Youth" to become the box office champion on New Year's Day in 2018 with 341 million yuan. "Beloved" also surpassed "Manslaughter" in 2020 with 114 million yuan to become the box office champion of that period. The

web drama "Twinkle Twinkle Star" was launched on iQiyi in January 2022. Yunhe data shows that during the popular broadcast period, each episode had an average of more than 19.95 million effective views, making it the most popular split-account drama in 2022. On the iQiyi site, the drama has the highest popularity of 6928, and is also the most popular split-account drama on the platform. In addition, the movie is created by the original cast of the series, which to a certain extent ensures the viewing experience of fans of the series. The time interval between the release of the movie and the broadcast of the series is less than two years, which also prevents the original fans' enthusiasm for watching the movie from waning over time. The popularity of

finally showed up at the box office. The movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star"'s first-day pre-sale box office exceeded 70 million, breaking the first-day pre-sale record of 59.55 million yuan for "Detective Chinatown 3", becoming the Chinese film with the highest first-day pre-sale box office, second only to "Avengers 4" pre-sales exceeded 100 million on the first day. On December 6, the pre-sales box office of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" exceeded 100 million 23 days before its release. As of December 17, the total pre-sale box office of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" has exceeded 258 million yuan. The extremely high popularity of

"Snow Field" has also brought controversy to "Twinkle Twinkle Star", first of all, the refund rate.According to Maoyan and Taopiaopiao, as of December 16, the number of refunds for "Twinkle Shining Star" has exceeded 1 million, and the average refund rate on the two platforms is 18.1%. According to the Daily Economic News, movie refund rates are generally between 2% and 8%. Therefore, many netizens believe that the film's pre-sale box office is "watered" and that the extremely high pre-sale box office is an illusion deliberately created by the film studio in order to increase the film scheduling rate. Some netizens in the official Douban group of "Twinkle Twinkle Star" analyzed that the root cause of the extremely high refund rate was operational errors by theaters and film studios. According to the analysis of this article, the film crew originally expected to officially announce the "Snow Resort" event on December 7. The theater chain that learned the news in advance used it as a gimmick to arrange the premiere at 13:14 on the day of the premiere without official authorization. of sessions. Unsuspecting fans bought movie tickets for the event. The film crew had to announce the news in advance on December 5. The Maoyan APP was then launched to mark the official snow resort function, so fans who bought the tickets by mistake chose to refund or change their tickets. As a result, the movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star" came into being. Astonishing bounce rate.

Vientiane Cinema announced the cancellation of its “Snow Resort”. Image source: Weibo @万搏影院

'Zhang Wansen, you have struck gold,' a Beijing viewer wrote on a social platform. In the article, this viewer shared his experience of missing the pre-sale and trying to buy movie tickets for 'Twinkle Twinkle Star' on second-hand platforms. In the picture accompanying the articl - Lujuba

Fire-fighting concerns are another controversy surrounding the “snow resort”. In addition to the 1,314 officially authorized "snow resorts", many theaters are targeting business opportunities and bringing their own snow tanks or snowmaking machines to create "snow resorts". The raw materials of artificial snow are flammable, so fire safety has become an issue that theaters need to pay special attention to. There are also theaters that are retreating due to difficulties. On December 12, Vientiane Cinema announced on Weibo that it had decided to cancel the special snow event "in order to effectively protect the personal and property safety of the audience." This decision was also criticized by many viewers who had purchased tickets. .

Aside from the popularity and controversy, the quality of the film is still a topic of concern among viewers, including fans of the series. On the one hand, audiences have been suffering from the “deceptive marketing” of love movies for a long time. The 2018 Lunar New Year film "The Last Night on Earth" used gimmicks such as "New Year's Eve with a New Year's Kiss" to create a first-day box office of 263 million yuan. However, the film and marketing were not right, which gave the film a poor reputation and the box office dropped off a cliff the next day. fell to 11.23 million yuan. The pre-screening popularity comes from marketing, and the post-screening reputation is also lost to marketing. This year's "Winter" also experienced a similar dilemma. At the same time, domestic love movies such as "Ten Years of Wen Ruyan", "I Want Us to Be Together" and "Your Wedding" have almost distinguished themselves from "bad movies" with their "bloody" scenes and shoddy plots. The equal sign.

On the other hand, the dilemma of TV series adaptations as movies has been around for a long time. Movies adapted from dramas need to find a balance between fans of the series and other audiences. Once the balance between joint and independent stories is not grasped, it will inevitably lead to negative reviews and a decline in reputation and box office. "Want to See You" and "Love Is Delicious" It’s all a lesson learned from the past. The former was released on December 24, 2022, with a cumulative box office of 403 million yuan; the latter was released on April 15, 2023, with a cumulative box office of only 14.551 million yuan. The movie "I Want to Meet You" suffered a decline in reputation due to logical loopholes that were inconsistent with the drama version. The movie version of "Love Is Delicious" was criticized as a "fan special" because it was too closely related to the drama version. On Douban, the ratings of the drama series "Want to See You" and "Love Is Delicious" are 9.2 and 8.1 respectively, while the movie version's ratings are 6.1 and 7.2.

After having extremely high popularity and pre-sale box office, whether "Twinkle Twinkle Star" can maintain its "sky-shattering wealth" in the competition on New Year's Day ultimately depends on word-of-mouth.

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