From ancient times to the present, fish has been a delicacy on our dining tables. It can be cooked in various ways. It can be used to make soup, steamed, braised, etc., which can increase our appetite. There are many fish, what are the benefits of eating fish? Can't you just eat

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From ancient times to the present, fish has been a delicacy on our dining table. It can be made in various ways. It can be used to make soup, steamed, braised, etc., which can increase our appetite. There are many fish, what are the benefits of eating fish? Can't you just eat those fish? I believe many people are not clear about it. Let us find out together today.

What are the benefits of eating fish?

Eating fish regularly can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases to a certain extent, because there is a substance called fatty acid in fish. This substance is helpful to the human heart and makes the heart beat faster. Yu Ping. Therefore, people who regularly eat fish are less likely to suffer from heart disease and coronary heart disease.

Fish meat is rich in protein and a substance called "DHA". Protein is beneficial to the physical development of children in the growing period. Children who eat more fish can obtain the nutrients needed by the body from fish and grow taller. , the body is stronger. As for "DHA", it is suitable for women to eat during pregnancy. First of all, the nutrients contained in fish are suitable for the healthy development of the baby and mother. Then, this substance is helpful to the development of the human brain and intelligence, making the human nervous system healthier. growing up.

From ancient times to the present, fish has been a delicacy on our dining tables. It can be cooked in various ways. It can be used to make soup, steamed, braised, etc., which can increase our appetite. There are many fish, what are the benefits of eating fish? Can't you just eat  - Lujuba

General fish contain unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed and transformed by the human body. Unsaturated fatty acids can help reduce the blood cholesterol content in the human body. In addition, fish has a low fat content, so eating fish regularly can help reduce blood cholesterol levels. cholesterol.

Although fish meat is good, eating these four kinds of fish will damage your liver, so try not to eat them.

Pickled products are made from a large amount of salt and food. They have the characteristics of long storage time and are not easy to deteriorate. In our country, pickled products are relatively common. The taste of pickled products is salty and contains high salt content. The daily salt intake of the human body cannot be too high, as it will not be beneficial to the body. Among them, salted fish is recognized by international agencies as a Class 1 carcinogen. Long-term consumption may cause nasopharyngeal cancer, greatly increasing the chance of getting sick. For health reasons, eat as little as possible.

From ancient times to the present, fish has been a delicacy on our dining tables. It can be cooked in various ways. It can be used to make soup, steamed, braised, etc., which can increase our appetite. There are many fish, what are the benefits of eating fish? Can't you just eat  - Lujuba

No matter what kind of fish it is, you should pay attention before eating it. For example, puffer fish meat is poisonous if not handled properly. Some wild fish may have complex and changeable growth environments, and the water body may be contaminated. The quality of fish meat also changes to a certain extent. Toxic substances are likely to exist in fish meat and enter the body after being eaten, threatening our health.

The heavy metal substances contained in large fish are likely to exceed the standard. These substances are not needed by the human body. After entering the body, they accumulate and cannot be excreted from the body. In the long run, they will cause serious effects on the body.

From ancient times to the present, fish has been a delicacy on our dining tables. It can be cooked in various ways. It can be used to make soup, steamed, braised, etc., which can increase our appetite. There are many fish, what are the benefits of eating fish? Can't you just eat  - Lujuba

In addition to large fish, the heavy metal content may exceed the standard. Small fish such as tuna and large tuna also contain mercury content. Pregnant women should pay attention to avoid the intake of such fish to avoid harmful effects on their children. Influence.

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