#见人世界百度# The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey. Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how we die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal. With the development of

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#See all kinds of things in the world#

#见人世界百度# The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey. Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how we die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal. With the development of  - Lujuba

The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey.

Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how to die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal.

With the development of medicine, people soon discovered that for a small number of people, death is also an option.

For example, choose euthanasia.

But for most countries, euthanasia is explicitly prohibited because life is paramount.

But what do the people think?

Zhao Gongmin, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, once personally conducted a survey: 73% of the elderly are in favor of euthanasia, 85% in Beijing believe that euthanasia is humanitarian, and 80% even think that it can be implemented domestically. He said this in his paper: Use excess resources on people in need to make society better.

Today, I am going to tell a true story about death.

I, a doctor in a tertiary hospital, am not only Dayou’s attending doctor but also Dayou’s friend.

We met while playing basketball when we were in college. When Dayou got married, I was his best man. Dayou was not only a cake chef, but also ran a cake shop. He would always send some unique cakes to I.

The friendship that has existed for so many years can no longer be described in words.

I was in great pain for a long time after Dayou passed away. I passed by the basketball court after get off work, and my memories were like a flood. I remember very clearly that I played basketball with Dayou here; This weekend, I rode a bicycle to the cake shop that Dayou once opened. Now his wife is in charge of it. The cake shop is still very busy. Every time Dayou sees me, he always entertains me warmly. Come on. Try our new products.

As I recall, tears will flow out involuntarily.

When he passed away, Dayou was only 30 years old. What a good age. At that time, his career was booming and his family was happy. But when his life ended, all the good things were short-lived.

#见人世界百度# The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey. Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how we die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal. With the development of  - Lujuba

When I was 29 years old, Dayou called me late at night and said, I just vomited a lot of blood.

is not far from Dayou's home, and the ambulance just arrived when I arrived.

Dayou was lying on a stretcher, his face was pale, and there was still blood on the corner of his mouth. The first thing he said when he saw me was, brother, if I had listened to you, I would have gone for a gastroscopy earlier...

It took about more than half a year. Dayou always feels pain in his upper abdomen. He works very hard and is very good to his family. His only shortcoming is that he doesn't cherish himself.

When I was in college, I knew that Dayou had the habit of skipping breakfast. I tried to persuade him many times, but he refused to listen. This bad habit continued until he graduated from college, worked and got married.

I have spent a long time educating Dayou about the damage to the stomach caused by skipping breakfast and eating junk food, but every time Dayou doesn't take it seriously and asks me, I am so young, should I be fine?

Dayou was admitted to the hospital because of upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

And I, without a doubt, became his attending physician.

I say to you, you have already hurt your stomach thoroughly over the years. But at that time, I also thought that the cause of massive bleeding should be duodenal bulb ulcer. After all, this kind of ulcer is more likely to occur in young people, and the chance of malignant transformation is very low. In other words, before the gastroscopy, I had been It is believed that Dayou suffers from a benign disease. After all, he is only 29 years old.

But during the gastroscopy, I discovered that the situation was very bad.

There were residual blood stains everywhere in the stomach cavity. A huge ulcer was found in the corner of the stomach. There was a broken blood vessel stump in the center of the ulcer.

The nurse said that it was such a big ulcer, and the surrounding area looked irregular, as if it had become malignant.

doesn't look like it has become malignant, it has already become malignant.

I felt a huge sense of disappointment, as if I had lost weight. For a few seconds, I felt unsteady.

A week later, the biopsy results came out and Dayou was diagnosed with gastric horn signet ring cell carcinoma. I told him truthfully that this type of gastric cancer is highly malignant and has a very poor prognosis.

Once a person is unlucky, he will fall into a vicious cycle.

CT examination showed that there were metastases in the liver and lungs.

At the age of 29, he was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer.

#见人世界百度# The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey. Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how we die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal. With the development of  - Lujuba

I clearly remember the way Dayou stood in the corridor of the ward and cried bitterly. He howled like a wild beast until his voice became hoarse.

For Dayou, the acceptance process only lasted one whole night. When I saw him again, I found that his hair was much whiter, his mental state was very poor, and his eyes were red and swollen. When he saw me, he was still strong. Smile, brother, I still have a wife and children to support, so I can’t just die like this. Take a step back, even if you are going to die, you have to fight the god of death. Tell me, what should I do next?

In order to travel, I applied for an MDT from the hospital. The full name of MDT is Multi-disciplinary team (Multi-disciplinary team). Doctors from the Department of Oncology, General Surgery, Imaging Department, Interventional Department, and Pathology were invited to discuss the next step. Treatment programs.

Everyone agrees that Dayou has advanced gastric cancer and has lost the chance of radical surgery. The best option at present is systemic chemotherapy. The patient has signet ring cell carcinoma and is very young. This indicates that the prognosis is poor. It is necessary to discuss this with the patient and his family. Full communication, in other words, the patient's survival period will not be too long.

What will you do when the life countdown starts?

Some people say, give up! Any resistance is futile.

But for Dayou, how can he have the courage to give up? He is only 29 years old, he loves his family deeply, his career is already booming, and he still has so many friends. How can he give up and wait for death at such a beautiful age?

Big lobbying, I don’t accept my fate, I want to give it a try, just in case a miracle happens to me, I will never admit defeat!

On the eighth day after being diagnosed with gastric cancer, Dayou received the first cycle of systemic chemotherapy.

Before chemotherapy, he shaved his head and laughed at himself in the mirror. I turned into a braised egg.

He bought a notebook and began to write a diary every day. He would also insist on taking videos, but instead of posting them on the Internet, he... The lobbyist choked up again when he got here. My son is still young, so I always have to leave something behind. Give it to him, let him know what his father is like and what he has been through.

Dayou cried, and so did I.

But for Dayou, the end of pain is death.

Although chemotherapy cycles accumulate, Dayou's pain becomes more and more obvious. Chemotherapy is a double-edged sword. While fighting cancer cells, it also ruthlessly destroys normal cells.

Chemotherapy, kill one thousand enemies and damage yourself eight hundred.

On the one hand, it is the pain caused by chemotherapy, and on the other hand, it is the pain caused by late-stage gastric cancer. The two kinds of pain are superimposed.

In a whole year, I saw Dayou drop from the standard weight of 130 kilograms to less than 70 kilograms. He was as skinny as a stick. Until the end of his life, he even told me that he really wanted to eat a piece of cake. , but there is no way, I can’t eat it at all.

Dayou persisted in chemotherapy for six full cycles, which lasted for about half a year. He called chemotherapy a test in fire. At the end of the sixth cycle, Dayou could no longer persist.

He cried and said, I don’t want to die, but the pain of chemotherapy makes me miserable!

#见人世界百度# The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey. Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how we die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal. With the development of  - Lujuba

Dayou spent his 30th birthday in the hospital bed. On his birthday, he told everyone his wishes. His son said to him, Dad, wishes cannot be expressed, and it is not allowed to say them out. .

is said to be a wish, but in fact it is a last word.

Dayou knew that his end was coming. He said that he didn’t want to bother anymore and decided to surrender to the god of death. I want to maintain the little dignity I have in the last moments of my life. After I die, everything should be simple and don’t open up. At the memorial service, don’t erect a monument, just scatter my ashes into the sea. As you know, I have always loved the sea deeply...

In the last stage of his life, Dayou endured pain that ordinary people could not imagine.

Even if he uses large doses of painkillers every day, it still cannot completely relieve Dayou's pain.

There is a kind of pain that is worse than death, and that is cancer pain.

How painful is cancer pain? Dayou recorded this in his diary. At first, the pain was bearable, but gradually I needed to take painkillers to relieve it. In the end, no medicine was of any use. I felt like thousands of ants were biting me. My body felt like someone was hitting my bones with a hammer. The pain was heartbreaking and heartbreaking.

Dayou’s pain is seen by his family and hurts in his heart.

They found me and told me the same idea. Our whole family has discussed it. We want him to be euthanized. He is in too much pain. Give him an injection and let him go. We are responsible for all the responsibilities. !

But I shook my head, unable to perform euthanasia.

why! Dayou's family members are very emotional. You must know that you are still Dayou's good friend. Can you bear to see him in such pain?

I am indeed a good brother of Dayou, but I am also a doctor, and my profession requires me to abide by national laws. According to China's current laws, euthanasia is a medical practice that is not allowed by law. Even if we look around the world, there are no countries that can do euthanasia. There are not many. In other words, if I euthanize Dayou privately, then I would be a murderer.

Do you think I can do that?

My rhetorical question silenced everyone.

Many things are like this. Everyone thinks it is right, but they cannot stick to it.

Everyone will die. This is a tragedy that all of us must face. As a doctor, every time I face death, it is a huge impact on my soul. I watched my best friend die in pain, and as a doctor, I was helpless. This is beyond words.

For Dayou, death is a kind of relief. For me, his death often makes me blame myself. For his family, seeing him from birth to death is a shock to their hearts. , it also takes a long time to repair, even a lifetime.

Death is not the misfortune of the deceased, but the misfortune of the living.

#见人世界百度# The world is an inn, and death is the end of the journey. Most of the time, we cannot choose our own death, including when and how we die. Most people dream of dying peacefully and dying peacefully in their sleep. After all, such pain is minimal. With the development of  - Lujuba
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