Yuan Zun: The demon puppet domain presses Zhou Yuan, and Wanzu Da Zun also harbors malice, only Su Youwei misses and weeps

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Hello everyone, welcome to Yorouhua Anime. Chapter 434 of the "Yuan Zun" comic (below) has been updated. In a bamboo forest somewhere in Wanzuyu, Zhao Mushen stood respectfully here. He is a person who needs to be looked up by countless gods in the entire Hunyuantian. At this time, he is Standing respectfully in the human world, he saw only a man holding a carving knife and a green bamboo in the other.

The man looked extremely young, similar to Zhao Mushen, with fair complexion, Zhao Mushen looked at him with respect and even fear in his eyes. The person in front of

is the founder of Wanzuyu, one of the oldest saints in Hunyuantian, Wanzu Dazun!

Dazun Wanzu temporarily stopped his movements and looked up at Zhao Mushen. He wanted Zhao Mushen to secretly capture that person at the Nine Regions Conference and bring him back.

Yuan Zun: The demon puppet domain presses Zhou Yuan, and Wanzu Da Zun also harbors malice, only Su Youwei misses and weeps - Lujuba

Zhao Mushen took over the bamboo carving , slightly recognized the figure of the bamboo carving, and was a little surprised, Zhou Yuan from Tianyuanyu? He didn't understand. Of course he had heard of this person, but he didn't care. The latter's achievements were nothing in his eyes. No matter how hard Zhou Yuan was tossing, Zhao Mushen never put it into his eyes.

However, right now, Wanzu Dazun personally ordered to target this little person, and he couldn't help but be surprised. The Great Senior Wanzu understood what Zhao Mushen was thinking, and explained with a light smile that Zhou Yuan was from another realm, and he suspected that he had something to do with the Great Senior Cang Yuan. Although Zhou Yuan's identity does not seem to him to be a problem, but at the level of the Great Venerable Saint, he has a little doubt, so he has to do something.

But he couldn't do it himself, that would have a huge impact. Although Cang Yuan had been missing for a long time, there were some great masters who were single-minded with him. Zhao Mushen didn't ask more, but agreed, his tone was flat as if crushing the ants under his feet.

Wanzu Dazun motioned for Zhao Mushen to step down, and he would not explain much. While

was operating in Wanzuyu, Wushenyu, Wuyao fluttered in dresses, and long and narrow phoenix eyes looked at thousands of Wushenyu disciples, all of them were the most elite of this generation of Wushenyu, but they all respected and looked at the fierce and domineering. Wu Yao.

Yuan Zun: The demon puppet domain presses Zhou Yuan, and Wanzu Da Zun also harbors malice, only Su Youwei misses and weeps - Lujuba

Wu Yao ignored the gazes of the disciples in the Martial God Realm, but raised his jade hand, leading many disciples to rise into the sky.

Zixiaoyu, Su Youwei 's beautiful face glows with luster, but when he thinks of people in the distance, the corners of his lips can't help but lift a slight arc, and there are even crystal tears in the depths of his beautiful eyes, Your Highness, I can finally see he is.

At this moment, Hunyuantian Jiuyu is located, the mighty figure quickly swept away, countless forces approached, and the sky was boiling. This grand ceremony belonging to the younger generation of Hunyuantian was finally completely opened.

The abyss of the fall, southwest of Hunyuantian, there is a famous forbidden place, which is extremely dangerous. Among them, there have even been powerful people from the legal domain. Only before the opening of the Nine Domains Conference, will the powerful people from the legal domain join forces to tear open the channel and broadcast it. The Nine Regions Divine Realm entered the competition.

In the center of the Fallen City, there is a vast manor, with nine tall towers standing beside the mountains and rivers. It was built by the Nine Domains and is specially designed for many disciples in each domain. Manor, also known as Jiuyu Village.

Yuan Zun: The demon puppet domain presses Zhou Yuan, and Wanzu Da Zun also harbors malice, only Su Youwei misses and weeps - Lujuba

Zhou Yuan led 2,000 Sige members from Tianyuan Domain to Jiuyu Village, 400 of them were in the late stage of the Divine Palace and 1,600 people were in the middle stage of the Divine Palace, but they encountered difficulties when they came to Jiuyu Village.

There is a butler Liu in the manor, who is in charge of the things. Zhou Yuanwen has a brief conversation with the butler Liu, but the latter is respectful and holds a number nine. Zhou Yuan does not understand it, but Yi Qiushui and Lu Xiao are on the side. See, the brows are wrinkled.

Lu Xiao asked Steward Liu indifferently, in the past nine domain conferences, Tianyuan domain was the sixth building, why did it change its location?

Seeing Zhou Yuan's doubts, Mu Liu quickly stepped forward and explained in a low voice, the ninth floor of Jiuyu Village, the first floor of each Jiuyu, unwritten rulesWhich building was before, and it has remained the same since then. Tianyuanyu has one-handed Building No. 6 in recent years.

and Building 9 has the worst location and the lowest height.

Zhou Yuan finally understood, they were robbed, and they were given the worst position.

Yuan Zun: The demon puppet domain presses Zhou Yuan, and Wanzu Da Zun also harbors malice, only Su Youwei misses and weeps - Lujuba

It's not a big deal to live anywhere, but now they represent the Tianyuan domain. Anything that is unreasonable will affect the prestige of the Tianyuan domain. At this level, face is more important than anything else.

Zhou Yuan raised his brows and asked Steward Liu, is he going to target us? Butler Liu's chubby face was dripping with sweat, how could he have the courage, he was just a small person.

Zhou Yuan also felt that Butler Liu didn't seem to be doing things on purpose, and asked him who occupied Building No. 6? Butler Liu conceded that it was the Demon Puppet Domain, and they insisted on going to Building No. 6.

Zhou Yuan is extremely calm. This kind of action without asking questions is to occupy and dominate, and Tianyuan Domain neither agrees nor accepts it.

Yuan Zun: The demon puppet domain presses Zhou Yuan, and Wanzu Da Zun also harbors malice, only Su Youwei misses and weeps - Lujuba

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