Thousands voted! The final selection of "Five-point Flower Marriage"! The first place is expected!

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In the new show in January this year, is a fifth-part flower marriage . The editor believes that everyone should be familiar with it. The five heroines in this daily harem manga have touched the hearts of many people. What stocks did everyone vote for? And recently, the official fifth-level Hana Married Manga held a poll on Weekly Shonen, to see which of these five girls finally made everyone like it! After the final result came out, I don’t know how many Sanjiu party members are happy?

Thousands voted! The final selection of 'Five-point Flower Marriage'! The first place is expected! - Lujuba

is Sanjiu who is far ahead with 2393 votes. In terms of animation, Sanjiu is the first girl to show her heart to Fuutarou , Because I liked Warring States military generals since I was a child, so I had a common voice with the male protagonist, and because the male protagonist agreed to study Warring States generals with her, I began to have a good impression of him. Sanjiu is a girl with very few facial expressions, and a girl with relatively flat emotions, but her smile every time is really beautiful!

Thousands voted! The final selection of 'Five-point Flower Marriage'! The first place is expected! - Lujuba

The second place is Yotsuba, who won 1403 votes. Yotsuba is not easy to be noticed by everyone in the early stage, because she has a great impression of Fuutarou from the beginning, so many people think this girl is very good. Good strategy, but maybe everyone will really like her later. Because her personality is relatively natural, and she is very enthusiastic, she is a very kind and lovely girl! It makes sense that so many people voted for her!

Thousands voted! The final selection of 'Five-point Flower Marriage'! The first place is expected! - Lujuba

is in third place in May with 1235 votes. I don't know why, but the biggest feeling of this anime to the editor is that May is the most important heroine in it. Maybe it's because she was the one who first met and left a conflict with Feng Taro , and she also debuted in the C position among the five sisters. And May itself is also a big arrogant, and may have a good impression at first, but can't say it. And the anime has not been broadcast to the May chapter yet, so the ranking can be accepted by everyone, I believe it will be possible in the future May!

Thousands voted! The final selection of 'Five-point Flower Marriage'! The first place is expected! - Lujuba

came fourth with 1170 votes. Although sister Yihua looks very natural, the editor thinks that she is a natural black, and the latest anime also broadcasts Yihua. I don’t know how many friends will read Yihua and run into Yihua. Woolen cloth! I believe that Sister Yihua can do it.

Thousands voted! The final selection of 'Five-point Flower Marriage'! The first place is expected! - Lujuba

is Ernai in the end, and got 1003 votes. In fact, Ernai didn't give a good impression at first, because he has a slightly bad personality, and he is also playing pranks on the male protagonist, but I believe the editor will see it at the end, you I'll think that Nino is also a very cute girl! To say it, she is a arrogant herself!

Thousands voted! The final selection of 'Five-point Flower Marriage'! The first place is expected! - Lujuba

and above is the ranking situation, I don't know which one you like! The editor will say that the first three are the first!

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