Is the legendary Xipinzhi Qijie in "Fist Wishing Asura" really fierce?

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Is the legendary Xipinzhi Qijie in 'Fist Wishing Asura' really fierce? - Lujuba

Many big guys didn't participate, but there was a guy who shouldn't be on the list.

Is the legendary Xipinzhi Qijie in 'Fist Wishing Asura' really fierce? - Lujuba

is not wrong, it is the glans microcosm. As soon as the glans microcosm appeared, people from all walks of life started to discuss wildly. Some people said that the small universe must be here to fry fish. In the win rate of Emperor Universe, some people mentioned whether there is a problem with Yabazi's aesthetics, and the ponytail dick guy is more handsome and replaced with a glans. But these are only discussions at a realistic level. If it is discussed in the play, Xiao Universe should not participate in this competition at all. If you want to see what Nogi once said, big players are not participating. We can also know from this story that Guan Lin (top 16) is not participating.

But Xiao Universe (the top 8) came to participate in this competition. To participate in this kind of competition is equivalent to self-depreciation. So what made the boss of Xipinzhi choose to let Xiao Universe participate in the competition? Could it be that Adam has become a top four? ! For this answer, we read the original boxing and hope that Ashura can get the answer

Is the legendary Xipinzhi Qijie in 'Fist Wishing Asura' really fierce? - Lujuba

is right! The answer lies in the legendary Seven Heroes of Xipinzhi. From this passage, we can see that the small universe was the weakest and weakest representative in the past. At that time, the boss of Xipinzhi detained six men who were stronger than the small universe. From this paragraph, it is not difficult for us to imagine why such a ruthless person from the top eight in the small universe would come to fry the fish, which means that the remaining Liuying must be the monsters of the black wood level of the top four guaranteed! For the next knockout round, it is necessary to deduct the combat power, and Xipinzhi Qihao only sent the weakest small universe (top 8) to fry the fish.

's seemingly unintelligible choice actually implies that the remaining six ghosts are all stronger than the small universe (top 8). Down. Believe in the pint! Believe in the glans microcosm! I dare to say that the final knockout match that I don't know when it will be drawn in the future will be the most exciting chapter in the history of Boxing!

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